Anthro AU Character Information

1 year, 5 months ago

For the Anthroverse, where things are the same but a bit different!

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Character Chart

Character’s full name: Lonetail

Reason or meaning of name: She was the only kitten in her litter, so her mother named her Lonekit. She received her full name Lonetail from her mentor Maplemask for her bobbed tail.

Character’s nickname: Loney

Reason for nickname: Shortened version of Lonetail

Birth date: January 19

Physical appearance

Age: Adult

How old does he/she appear: Adult

Weight: 85 lbs

Height: 4.5 ft

Body build: Well balanced, muscular, average limbs with sturdy paws

Shape of face: Diamond

Eye color: Mid tone green

Glasses or contacts: No

Skin tone: Cream based caramel (Apricot), broken mackerel stripes, white markings

Distinguishing marks: Patterning of white markings

Predominant features: Naturally bobbed tail

Hair color: Apricot

Type of hair: Short fur, plush undercoat

Hairstyle: Grows a bit thicker around head and neck, uniform length

Voice: Mid-range voice

Overall attractiveness: Average

Physical disabilities: None

Usual fashion of dress: Dark green long cloak, light colored linen top, dark colored breeches, and spatterdashes

Favorite outfit: Dark green long cloak

Jewelry or accessories: Medicine cat emblem, passed from mentor to apprentice during their naming ceremony, worn around the neck


Good personality traits: intelligent, kind, righteous

Bad personality traits: reserved, suspicious, quiet

Mood character is most often in: Contented

Sense of humor: Dry, sometimes morbid

Character’s greatest joy in life: Her clan 

Character’s greatest fear: Rabies/“The Madness”/“Infectious Madness”

Why? It can not be cured and spreads extremely easily, infected individuals must be killed and incinerated outside of the clan’s territory without a proper ceremony 

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The death of Frostedpond, the clan’s current deputy and Lonetail’s lover 

Character is most at ease when: Her clan is well fed and healthy

Most ill at ease when: Her clan is at war

Enraged when: Warriors are killed in border skirmishes

Depressed or sad when: Kits are lost

Priorities: Keeping her clanmates healthy and guiding her clan spiritually

Life philosophy: The stars guide all of our paws, there are endless stars in the sky.

If granted one wish, it would be: She would wish for all clans to be one

Why? So there are no more battles and no more cats lost from illness due to one clan’s herb shortage 

Character’s soft spot: She is soft on Frostedpond and kits, especially Berrykit 

Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes, it is not made into an issue 

Greatest strength: Her knowledge of medicine and her relationship with Starclan

Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Berrykit and Frostedpond 

Biggest regret: Leaving Berrykit for another queen to care for

Minor regret: Every cat she failed to save

Biggest accomplishment: Delivering her kit alone successfully

Minor accomplishment: Her apprentice Foxsky’s medicine cat naming

Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Using her own supply of poppy seeds on herself

Why? It is a lapse in self control 

Character’s darkest secret: She had more kits than Berrykit, but they were stillborn

Does anyone else know? Yes, Frostedpond knows


Drives and motivations: She is driven by her love for her clanmates, she would do anything to keep them safe

Immediate goals: Help raise Berrykit as best she can

Long term goals: See Frostedpond through her leader ceremony after Brachenwhisker passes

How the character plans to accomplish these goals: She visits the nursery frequently

How other characters will be affected: Lonetail may be less in touch with Starclan while she is distracted by Berrykit


Hometown: Lightclan

Type of childhood: Good, raised by her clan and trained as medicine cat apprentice

Pets: N/A

First memory: Wandering into the medicine den and getting a lesson on herbs by Maplemask

Most important childhood memory: Her first time visiting the moon stone and being welcomed by Starclan as the medicine cat apprentice

Why: Starclan bestows blessings upon all cats that it connects with

Childhood hero: Maplemask, her mentor

Dream job: Medicine cat

Education: Trained as medicine cat

Religion: Starclan

Finances: The clan does not deal much in money but Lonetail’s healer skills are invaluable


Current location: Lightclan

Currently living with: Foxsky, her apprentice/younger sister

Pets: N/A

Religion: Starclan

Occupation: Medicine cat

Finances: N/A


Mother: Tabbypelt

Relationship with her: Good

Father: Wolfsnow

Relationship with him: He died before she was born

Siblings: Foxsky, half-sister

Relationship with them: Very strong, her younger sister followed her pawsteps into the medicine den

Spouse: Frostedpond

Relationship with him/her: Very warm relationship, though it is not official

Children: Berrykit

Relationship with them: She is his mother, but can not be a mother to him because she is duty bound to Starclan and her clan

Other important family members: Step father Brachenwhisker, positive relationship


Color: Amber, green

Least favorite color: Red

Music: Tribal music

Food: Fish

Literature: Any medical books she can find

Form of entertainment: Watching apprentices spar

Expressions: Don’t count your herbs before they sprout

Mode of transportation: Horseback, they do not have horses in the clans, but as medicine cat she has been on excursions out to other civilizations with Frostedpond and Brachenwhisker 

Most prized possession: Medicine cat emblem given to her by Maplemask


Hobbies: Gardening, sparing with Frostedpond to keep her combat skills active

Plays a musical instrument? She can play drums decently

Plays a sport? She keeps up with her fighting skills

How he/she would spend a rainy day: Sneak into Frostedpond’s den

Spending habits: N/A

Smokes: Yes, it is part some rituals, but she does not smoke recreationally 

Drinks: She drinks mead 

Other drugs: Yes, she had a brief stint of abusing opium, but has cut down after her mentor came to her from Starclan and helped her through her rough time

What does he/she do too much of? Working

What does he/she do too little of? Taking care of herself

Extremely skilled at: Healing

Extremely unskilled at: Hunting

Nervous tics: Touching or grasping her medicine cat emblem 

Usual body posture: Slightly hunched head a bit lowered down 

Mannerisms: She is slow and methodical 

Peculiarities: She is fairly quiet, and usually won’t speak until addressed


Optimist or pessimist? Optimist

Introvert or extrovert? Introvert

Daredevil or cautious? Cautious

Logical or emotional? Logical

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat

Prefers working or relaxing? Working

Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident

Animal lover? Yes


How he/she feels about himself/herself: She is confident in herself, her abilities of healing, and her connection with Starclan

One word the character would use to describe self: Loyal

One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I am the head medicine cat for Lightclan. I trained my younger sister, Foxsky, to be medicine cat after me. I have a very strong relationship with Starclan. My mentor Maplemask frequently visits my dreams to help guide my path. I have a very close relationship with my clan’s deputy Frostedpond. She is amazing.

What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Intelligence

What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her emotional connections with the ones she loves. Medicine cats are supposed to forgo personal relationships.

What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her keen sense of smell

What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her scars

How does the character think others perceive him/her: Respectable moral leader for her clan

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She wishes that she could be colder

Relationships with others

Opinion of other people in general: She loves her clanmates dearly

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? She tries, but she is bad at it.

Person character most hates: A rogue cat. She does not know him. Frostedpond killed him.

Best friend(s): Foxsky, Frostedpond, Peachclaw, all of her clanmates

Love interest(s): Frostedpond

Person character goes to for advice: Starclan, usually Maplemask

Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Berrykit, he is her son

Person character feels shy or awkward around: Berrykit

Person character openly admires: Frostedpond, even though she thinks she is being subtle 

Person character secretly admires: Frostedpond

Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Tabbypelt, her mother

After story starts: Foxpaw/sky, Frostedpond