The start of John

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
1 2233

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Violence
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Jaydenn? That's John

My lungs were sore and hurting. How long had it been? It seemed like days since I started running. I just couldn't run anymore. My head was light headed and my legs were becoming numb.

I automatically slumped when I was in a dark area. My knees were shaking and I heaved.

In the woods. All alone it seemed now. Earlier I wasn't alone. I escaped from a bunch of... Never mind. I was far away and hopefully they didn't follow me. I pray that no one followed me. No one at all.

It's been, uh, thirty minutes? I'm not sure. After I calmed down and breathed for a long while, all my adrenaline is gone and I feel all the pain. My nose, legs, stomach, chest. I wasn't sure if it was just from me running but I was in so much pain. Aching and tingly feeling in my legs. burning in my chest, my stomach cramping with hunger, and my nose...

I dragged my hand up to my mouth and wiped. There was blood on my hand. Ah, that was it. My nose was broken and bleeding and hurting. Sighing, I pulled myself towards a tree stump to rest my back on.

Noticing my surroundings, I just happened to fall in a mud pit. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed before but my body was in too much pain to feel- well, anything else.

Now that I must've been far away...

What should I do?

I can't go back home, not after what seeing them like that. It was hurt to even remember. Now I could go back to Finley's but... I don't trust him. Not anymore.

Originally I was looking for Aspenex. He ran away and I wanted to make sure he was safe. Well I was far from his trail now and he could've been far away already. He's always been a fast runner so he could've ran to another kingdom already.

And now I was stuck. In the woods alone.

"Not completely alone," said a tired voice. My eyes darted around and I slowly tilted my head up. I saw the translucent face of someone I hadn't seen in a while.

"Now isn't the time, Cade," I heaved, grabbing onto the stump and pushing myself up. "Go away-"

My legs gave out and I fell in the mud in a loud slosh, all the air leaving my lungs in a huff. I wheezed for a long moment before glaring at the figure.

"It seems like the perfect time to me," Cade gave a jaded smile. His face was just about the same as I last saw him. Tired. Bored. Sarcastic. Still looking strangely like me.

"Leave- leave me alone. You haven't seen me in years so I don't need to see you now," my gaze searched around trying to look for things to give me balance, though as I did that my head began to spin.

Cade gave a huff of laughter, "What do you mean? Years? It's only been a few days. You're over exaggerating, like always." He gave a coy smile and rested his chin on his hand.

"Only a few days," I scowled, this lunatic. The same brat as always; though now he's just making me mad. "For you maybe. But for me, it's been almost three years." I huffed. My breath began to get shaky and I started trying to stand up again. The mud making me lose balance and slip.

The boy stopped for a moment. He didn't say anything for a bit before I heard him sigh, "Something must've happened that I couldn't control. So don't blame me for it!" He said, with only a hint of anger. The most emotion he'd ever show.

"I don't need you dragging me down like always. Go away and leave me alone. I don't need to be mad at you while I possibly die," I cried out. My voice getting rough and my throat beginning to ache with the rest of my body. I could now feel the blood pouring down my face and dripping onto the mud, though it just mixed in.

"Jaydenn... You really think you'll die now?" He said, sounding more bored than ever.

All I could do was nod with a grunt. I was losing all my energy just talking and trying to move away from the ghost. At least that's the conclusion me and Cade ended up at years ago.

"Do you want to die now? In the mud?" Cade said, "I can look around for something fun..."

"No!" I whispered. But Cade could still hear me, whether I talked under my breath or in a screaming match, he always could. "Please just leave me alone... I'm mad right now."

I heard a small breath of amusement before hearing the sound of leaves crunching in the air.

Cade finally left for the day. Hopefully forever.

All I could do though was curl up in the mud. There was no way I could move in this state I began to realize.

After a small nap, I woke up still in the mud pit. It was still dark so not long had passed but I was much more awake than before and in less pain. Now what was I going to do? If I'd ever leave this place then what could I do?

I thought for a long moment, glaring up at the sky when the wind picked up. Forcing part of my hair to brush my face. I scowled, knowing what I wanted to do.

Grabbing the little flint knife that I'd stolen from the... people. I used that. I sliced away at what I could. The years of pain and misery. Frustration and belittled. All because- all because I was a girl.

Well I couldn't do much about being male or female but what I could do was lie to anyone and everyone.

My hair fell to the mud, leaving what was probably the worst hair cut ever. But it was short now. I could start to pass as a boy. Then less people would pick on me. Walk over me. Cause I'd walk all over them...

After stuffing my knife in my pocket, I grabbed some mud and tried to covered the pile of hair I'd left. Bright orange wavy hair still poked out though. It annoyed me how much trouble it gave me. Maybe I could be a totally different person. Who knows.

Sighing then wincing in pain, I started crawling away. Desperate to do something about my situation. It was still dark and the moon was high in the sky. No sign of daytime soon. My arms sent waves of mud into the air and most of them landed on my back. I didn't care though. I couldn't care.

I just had to get out of here.

I have to get away.

Let me out.

Let me-

What was that?

I paused, scanning my surroundings and listening intently. Panic rised in my chest. I heard something.


Did I really hear something?

Then there was a sudden flash of light in the distance. Then there was a frail "Hello?" echoing through the trees.

The person was coming from the opposite direction of where I was running from... Sooo that means this person might not be associated with them. Still might be dangerous. Can't trust anyone. Only... Eh, might as well not trust anyone anymore.

"Is anyone there? Does anybody need help?" It was now apparent it was an older woman. She moved slowly and her voice held the weight of years of wisdom.

Why did she suspect someone was here? Does she check these woods every night? No, these woods are too vast and big to bother looking every night. Is she looking for someone specific? Well she isn't calling any names so probably not...

I pressed my body closer to the mud. Slowly I placed my muddy hands over my hair, trying my best to cover the bright orange. Though I didn't press my face into the mud; I wanted to see this lady better...

After a long while, the old lady got closer and I got more tired. My eyes got droopy and I felt so groggy. Suddenly my eyes closed for what felt like a second and I jumped when I felt my hands fall to the mud. I had dozed off. My bright orange hair was exposed. She'd see me.

Oh no.

What if she'd sell me out?

What if she was worse than them?

I can't let her get me. I can't. I can't. They'll kill me cause I'm young and unmarried and- and-

"I knew someone was out here."

She found me! She'll sell me out.

"Oh dear, are you alright? Here let me help," the woman said softly. It was all a trick. A lie.

I tried my best to roll away. I could feel it now. The cold tears running down my face. It didn't matter now. I had to escape. I have to go now or else they'll find me again.

"Honey," the woman said, placing a warm hand on my hair. I froze. Too scared to move. "I think I know what you're going through." She walked in front of my face and crouched. I saw that her face was soft and worried. She glanced behind me. "I'll respect whatever choices you've made and will make. I just want to help you."

Looking into her warm green eyes. Her expression was full of... full of warmth and comfort and sorrow. Why does she want to help me? I'm no one to her. She shouldn't know me. I- I won't let her know me.

She sighed as she thought, probably reconsidering about helping me. "Uhm- sorry if I'm overstepping or assuming but- do you want to be a man." That shocked me. She could tell already? Though from the way she was looking at me, I think she thought it was what I truly wanted. She can think that. Only I will know it's just for my safety. Only for my safety... I solemnly nodded my head. The lady smiled, "I'll help you. Heck, if you're okay with it, you can pretend to be my son. I've always wanted a son so that'd be a dream come true! But first we should get you patched up, huh?" She said sheepishly.

The woman helped me up, letting me lean my bloodied and mud covered form against her sturdy self. I wonder how she found me other than my mistake. It must've not just been a coincidence that she came right here.

I wonder what brought her?

Coincidence? Fate?

A guardian angel?

Who knows...

We finally got to the old woman's house. It was so far away from where I was. It truly made me wonder what brought her so deep into the woods.

I only got a quick glance at the outside of her house. It was the back entrance to somewhere. She did have a small garden that was mostly blooming with flowers. Plenty of fireflies were buzzing around them. Though I did see one firefly wander off to... a door? It wasn't the door we were heading to. The we were going to was at ground level, the other one was a lot lower and seemed to lead to a basement of sorts.

Why was the one firefly there? What's behind that door? Is it something I should be concerned about? Was this lady more sinister than I could have ever expected?

The door at ground level opened and I was heaved into a hallway. There was an archway to a big room filled with boxes and a staircase up. She led me up the latter and I nearly tripped a few times.

Finally, she put me in the bathtub. The upper floor was her house that looked relatively nice and clean. Though now I could see just in how much of bad shape I was. I had made a trail of mud in her house and a few drops of blood here and there.

"How much pain are you in? I don't think your wounds are fatal but I just want to be sure before I try to wash you up."

The lady looked at me expectantly. Did I really want to talk to her? Let her know my voice and me. Have her recognize me wherever I go? As I gazed into her warm green eyes, I knew it wouldn't matter much what I did. Some help was better than no help.

"A lot but," I heaved, my throat very dry and sore, "I don't wanna make more of a mess..."

She smiled at me and got the shower head. I was surprised to see those things again. Last I remember those were mainly for royalty and richer people. Was this lady rich?

As she began to wash the sloppy and crackling mud off me, I just laid there. My body burning and aching with stabbing pain. I closed my eyes. Waiting for the next terrible thing to happen.

After she washed me and I was shivering, she tended to my wounds. The worst one was on my nose. It was broken and it'd been pouring blood. I could barely feel it anymore so I just breathed through my mouth and leaned my head over.