The Truth Within

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
2 5739 5

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

A story about a student named Ryuunosuke who’s lost in life, found and met a quite mysterious friend who had permanently changed his life for good, and worst.

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Author's Notes

Sorry for the sudden jump of the word count 

From 1,3k to 4k words haaha.. sorry not sorry.

Chapter 2

Today’s different.

The bell rang. School dismissed as everyone rushing to pack all their school supplies into their bags, all chitty chatty to their friends and groups, discussing on about how they should spend their weekends, they planned on all sort of things like inviting friends to sleepovers, hanging out, group studies, etc. Fun activities that Ryuu could only dream of. It’s not like he had that many friends or mom and dad would even allow friends to come over.

As Ryuu’s walking down the hallway, avoiding any possible eye contacts 

“Hey Ryuunosuke!” A voice barked out behind him, Ryuu turned back to see his classmates, they noticed him in the hallway as they heading towards to the entrance, like everyone else, Ryuu had quite a friendly relationship with this specific group, tho he’s sure that it’s not friendship they’re seeking but rather his homeworks and popularity. 

“Oh hey, I’m kinda in a rush right now, sorry we’ll talk another day.” lied, but he was indeed had a meeting with someone after school, he just lied so he wouldn’t have to talk with them, however they insisted and walked in front of him, blocking his way.

“C’mon! It’s been a while since we talked! We’re buddies! Well anyway, would ya mind letting us know if you’re free this weekend?” The leader of the group came in close, warped his arm around Ryuu’s shoulder in friendly and playful gesture. Chuckled as he asked.

Ryuu really didn’t want to talk with them, but he didn’t want to push them away either as it would damage his status in school so he just played along as always. But it was clear that he was annoyed, they just wouldn’t see it, maybe he should become an actor, jokingly thought to himself.

“You should really give up on trying to get him to go out with us, he always busy with his studies anyway.” One of them spoke, said in a tone that Ryuu wouldn’t appreciate if he wasn’t nice.

“Ehhh.. you’re right, but worth a try, it’s not like he’d rather spend the weekend alone right Ryuu?”

Ryuu laughed it off, “Well you couldn’t be more right on that part, but of course I would study on the weekend, it’s not like I have a choice.” it hurts that it’s true. But today’s different.

“Aw man.” bummed out, “Well see ya next week then, remember to share us ya homeworks!” They said jokingly on the last statement then walked away as their chuckles faded away. “Eh.. do it yourself.” Ryuu muttered annoyingly, finally breaking his ‘character’.

Clearly he disliked the group, but there was nothing for him to do, he couldn’t push them away, raise his voice or bluntly ignore them, it would gave away the coldness that he always wanted to do, to everyone around him, it would hurt his popular status, and it would make his parents unhappy and disappointed. A failure.

Ryuu walked down the street as he admired the shops in the district that he never been in before. There were plenty of shops like, antique shop, bakery, library, barber, etc. He was always used to his neighborhood street and it didn’t have any shops like these, or maybe it does, and it’s because he’s not allowed to go out in the first place. Yet he’s here, rebelling against his parents, taking advantage of them  working late, leaving him home alone, to finally go outside, it’s not like they’d know anyway, he’s always good at lying.

He marked down the streets and memorize the paths, he then walked a familiar path to the park that he went into few days ago, hoping to see his new friend again that they agreed to meet on this day. Ryuu wasn’t sure if Asahi would really be there, he worried that he’d be too soon, or too late leaving him to wait, worried that he wouldn’t be there and has already left due to waiting for too long. Thoughts are racing in his head, as he walked into the park. And there he was.

There sitting in the same bench, the same shibe, with the same scarf that Ryuu had gave to him and oddly enough, same outfit. Asahi was sitting there, spacing out, looking at the trees and observing people’s activities, it didn’t take him long to spot Ryuu as he’s walking in. He waved at Ryuu, sat up and greeted him.

“There you are!”

“Sorry I must have kept you waiting.” Ryuu hastily apologized but Asahi showed no signs of annoyance, disappointment, bothered or anything negative, he’s optimistic and mindful as always. 

“Nono, it’s alright, it wasn’t that long anyway, I understand that things might comes up unexpectedly.” Asahi said as if he knew that Ryuu were held down by a bunch of schoolers that blocked his way earlier, or maybe he just took too much times admiring the shops and stores.

Speaking of shops and stores.

“I’ve noticed some really cool shops in a district nearby, do you wanna hang out there? We got plenty of times.” His parents wouldn’t be home til 7pm anyway so might as well gonna spend those time with Asahi. His new friend. His only friend.

“Oh sure, it’s been awhile since I’ve had people to hang out with.” He said eagerly, his red eyes lit up and stared at Ryuu, tail gently wagged in excitement.

Ryuu took notices of his eagerness, and smiled, he turned, signaled Asahi to walk alongside with him to the district that he has memorized on his way to the park. Ryuu himself wasn’t a big fan of loud, hyperactive people, like those classmates of his, but noticed, those guys were canines too, and here Asahi is a Shiba inu, a canine species, yet he was, calm and collective, quiet even. It’s kinda strange for Ryuu but he won’t complain. He just thought it’s interesting that he’s a feline himself, hanging out with an introverted Shibe.

The duo of Black and Yellow now walking on the street, on their way to this district that Ryuu had talked about, it was kinda quiet with just sounds of their footsteps walking and chitter from people around them, it won’t bother Ryuu it was his classmates, but this is Asahi we’re talking about, so he decided to struck a few conversations, it would be weird if Asahi knew so much about him, and himself knowing nothing about Asahi.

“Do you live near here Asahi?” Started with a basic question, he turned to look at Asahi.

Asahi spaced out for a bit then turn to Ryuu, expression unclear. “No..?” As if he’s half-doubting himself, it’s strange for Ryuu, but it would only made him more interested in learning about the shibe. 

“Where do you live then? What’s your house look like?”

“A house.. My house.. Home..? I, I don’t have it.” Now looked away, he avoided eye contact, brows furrowed, muttered to himself what sounds like gibberish, way too small for Ryuu to heard.

Ryuu was shocked to learn that he didn’t have a home for someone like him, Asahi may be older than Ryuu, but he still looked young. Is he really a homeless guy? If mom and dad found out they would kill me for interacting with a ‘low life’. But Asahi looked nothing like those homeless people that his parents described to him, he looked.. Nice, looked like ordinary people, is this what homeless people looked like? Or did his parents fooled him into thinking that way. Or is he.. No, maybe he’s just— should he be concerned? What should he say? Should that make him any different..?

Overthinking, Ryuu didn’t know how to respond to Asahi’s statement, worried that he might somehow came off as judging him, leaving a bad, unintended impression on Asahi.

Silence about to be filled in, then Asahi spoke. “I slept in a forest near the park tho, it’s really nice, I like to connect with nature. Though I’ve never see you in the park before, that’s why when you came in, I took an interest in you, I’m glad that we met.” Finally looked back at Ryuu, eyes softened and smiled kindly that was filled with warmth, as if to reassure him that he hadn’t done or said anything wrong, Ryuu surprised yet relieved that he didn’t hurt Asahi in.. some ways to say the least. Maybe he should be more mindful, just because someone’s different, shouldn’t mean they should be treated differently but like an ordinary person, he wished people around him would treat him like that, an ordinary person.

Asahi here had unknowingly shown him that both of them came from different circumstances, but yet they both treated each others like how regular people would do, the average-ness, it fueled Ryuu with such emotion he couldn’t describe himself. Noticed he might gone too quiet again, he quickly turned back up to Asahi.

“I like nature too, it’s ashamed that I wouldn’t be able to live like that,” he then chuckled, and looked down “ free in the nature sounds like my biggest dream. It sounds like you really enjoyed that lifestyle aren’t you?”

Asahi nodded “you should try to go to the forest, it’s beautiful in there” he looked with excitement as of he wanted to show Ryuu his nature home. Ryuu really liked the idea of it and cheerfully nodded and smiled back.

“Woah.. It’s pretty.” Asahi stared in awe as the duo walking down the district that were decorated with beautiful Christmas lights and decorations. His eyes were fixated on the beautifully crafted decorations surround them, that he didn’t notice he was about to wander away from Ryuu, but Ryuu called him back to himself. It’s not like he would lose him easily, he’s truly the odd one here dressing like that during the cold winter.

“You seems to really like it huh?” Ryuu smiled trying hold his chuckles as he watches Asahi. He may be older than him but still a kid at heart.

Asahi nodded with excitement, tail wagged, “it seems Christmas coming soon. I don’t celebrate it but I enjoy sightseeing in these areas, it’s really pretty.” 

“Well speaking of that, it reminds me something.” He signaled Asahi to come with him, as they both walked towards a clothing shop, it looks alright, not too fancy, the store was ran by an old lady as she came to greet the boys. Ryuu bowed and greeted her back, Asahi saw him and did the same. 

“My my, you boys are such gentlemen,” the old lady commented “feel free to look around my dear.”

“Yes ma’am.” Ryuu then turned back to Asahi to see his slightly confused face, as if he’s silently asking why did Ryuu brought him here. 

“Well first we gonna get you some warm clothes, it’s winter, I don’t get how you’re able to withstand this kind of weather.” Ryuu answered his unspoken question, he wouldn’t mind spending moneys on Asahi, he had plenty anyway, those were from his parents, they would give it to him whenever he had a perfect score in school, but never used it because he didn’t have anything he would want to spend on. Well not until now.

Asahi now perplexed by Ryuu’s intent, “Oh you don’t need to do that, it’s fine I don’t mind the cold.” he denied the offer though Ryuu insisted, blue eyes meet red eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed Asahi’s hand, then shocked at how cold he is.

“Jeez! You’re freezing cold!” Ryuu commented, “See? you gonna catch a cold if you dress like that!” He scolded the shibe, but Asahi still insisted that he’s fine and didn’t need it.

“Nonsense, Just take it as like.. an early Christmas gift, okay? You said you lived alone didn’t you? That meant you must haven’t got anyone to get you a Christmas gift before, but today’s different, I will be the one to give you a gift,

We’re friends right?”

Asahi stunted at Ryuu’s response, he didn’t know how to process that, he may be kind towards Ryuu, but it seems that he, himself had never experienced kindness before too, Ryuu kinda surprised at that statement he just made in his head, though it made sense given his circumstances. Asahi then finally glanced back at him, hesitated, but accept the ‘gift’. Ryuu is delighted to know that he accepted it.

The pair then walked around shop, picking all sort of clothes for Asahi, mostly warm clothes obviously. After they’ve picked out a few outfits and chose ones that fit right onto Asahi, they paid the old lady and thanked her. 

“Thank you dear, may god bless you.” The lady thanked both of them. 

“See? Isn’t it better now, you looked really good.” Ryuu looking at Asahi, now properly and appropriately dressed in the cold winter, instead of the casual T-shirt, he now wore a turtleneck sweater, accompanied by a winter coat, and of course, the scarf that Ryuu gave him. Asahi looked comfortably with his new outfit and glanced at Ryuu, nodded. “I really like it” blushed with warmth and kindness. 

Ryuu giggled delightfully “I’m glad you like it.”

The duo then continue walking down the district, as they passed through many interesting shops and stores that were decorated with Christmas lights and such, they stared in awe, well, mostly Asahi, but it can’t help but influenced Ryuu to do the same. As they were walking, they both noticed the noisy coffee shop, “Wow, it’s packed of people” Ryuu commented on how crowded the shop is, he turned to Asahi to see his reaction, but he noticed he was fixated on the shop, notably the bakery’s display on the window next to the entrance. Maybe we should take a rest from walking, he thought to himself, a cup of hot chocolate would be nice.

He placed his hand on Asahi’s shoulder, his hand pressed against the winter coat, “Wanna go in there?” 

Asahi nodded “I wanna try their pastries.”

“Then let’s get in.”

They both walked towards the entrance which were packed by people, and it didn’t took long for Asahi to realize that there’s a long line formed, the end of the line couldn’t be seen, incredible, people would really wait that long just to get some coffee and pastries? Asahi reconsidered, as how long the line is, it would took them hours to just get in. But before he could say anything to Ryuu, they’ve had already been at the entrance.

“Sorry sir! You must wait in the line like everyone else!” The staff spoke to Ryuu, however, without saying anything, Ryuu pulled out something from his pocket, Asahi couldn’t quite see it from behind, but apparently that something, had made the staff startled and hastily stepped aside, “Come in sir! This way.” Wow.. he had no idea what Ryuu just did there but he had somehow made himself the priority of all people, was he someone special? Who knows.

As soon as they entered, they were hit with a strong, powerful scent of coffee, the shop were packed with people ranging from teenagers to elderly people, who were just here to enjoy their drinks and pastries, or just casual hangout, relaxing even. The shop were also and obviously filled with Christmas decorations, the overall feels of the shop felt warm, not because of their warm yellow lights, but the atmosphere itself. It calmed and relaxed Asahi.

“Welcome sir! What would you like to order?” The cashier welcomed him and pulled out her notes and clicked on her ball-point pen, ready to take on his orders.

“I would like a hot chocolate and a crossaint,” he then turned to Asahi, “what would you like?” it caught Asahi off guard, because he hadn’t been able to process anything yet, afraid that he been wasting so much times, he rushed and glanced over the menu.

“Umm.. Can I have the same hot chocolate.. but with a cinnamon roll?” 

“You got that ma’am?” Ryuu turned back to the cashier, as she’s writing down their orders.

“Yes sir, here’s your receipt!” She handed him a piece of paper, probably a receipt as she said. Ryuu motioned his hand for Asahi to come over to sat at a table that were reserved just for them. He sat down, still confused. He glanced over Ryuu to see him waiting for his order, thoughts aside, he wonder how long had he last tasted a hot chocolate. 

“Order for Ryuunosuke!” 


Ryuu took their orders and came towards where Asahi sat.

“Wow, they did it so fast.” Asahi commented.

“Yeah, I’ve heard from my classmates that their customer services are the best, this place has been popular for a while, that explained the long line outside.” 

“How did you managed to get us in then?”

Ryuu let out a sigh. He pulled out a, a charm? Necklace? Badge? Looks like a pocket watch from afar, but something else up close.

“What is that..?” Asahi asked curiously.

“Sort of family treasure I think. But my mother said just show it to anyone and they’ll let you do everything. The object itself is supposed to a symbolic to us nobles, I don’t like using it, but today’s different,” Ryuu looked outside at the line “bet they’re hating me right now.”

“But I’m not.” Asahi responded.

Ryuu chuckled, “Oh you will, you will definitely hate me if we never knew each other’s.” The conversation slowly escalating to an uncomfortable mood, Ryuu noticed it and tries to change the topic.

“Why don’t you try their hot chocolate? I heard it’s really good.” Ryuu motioned his finger at the cup of piping hot chocolate in front of him, sat on the plastic tray. 

“Oh right, don’t mind me if I do.” Asahi took the cup, the scent of chocolate was amazing, strong and rich, he blew to cool it down a bit and took a sip, while he’s doing that Ryuu reached for his crossaint and took a bite.

“It’s pretty good, how’s the drink? Looks like you’re enjoying it.” Ryuu added based on Asahi’s awe expressions.

“It’s delicious.” Asahi complimented as he drink, and then put his cup down and try the cinnamon roll, he used a fork supplied by the shop itself, he cut out a piece of the pastry and gently eat it. His eyes lit up with sparkles, “It’s so sweet I love it.” 

“Guess the rumors were right, they really have the best drinks and pastries, thanks to you that we noticed this shop.” Ryuu observed Asahi and couldn’t help but to beg a question. How did he manage to survive and get food out there in the forest, most importantly what’s he like in the outside world? Considering how quiet and modest he is, someone like him wouldn’t last long, yet here’s here in the wilderness, okay last statement is a bit exaggerated, but still. Each mysteries of Asahi’s urged more curiosities from Ryuu.

It’s getting late and the sun started setting down, Ryuu couldn’t believe time flies that fast, they haven’t done anything much and it’s almost the end of the day, Ryuu sighed as soon he realized that. He probably shouldn’t have spent his sweet time in the coffee shop. Though now he think more of it, they’re already at the end of the district anyway.

“Well, guess it wasn’t really that interesting huh?” Ryuu waved his hand as he spoke, disappointed. “It was pretty and decorative to say the least, the granny was nice too, maybe the foods were good.. But we didn’t do anything fun..” scratched his head nervous, c’mon think of something quick!—

“I think it was fun, we didn’t do any activity but, we did made some memories together right? It’s enough to make me happy.” Asahi interfered his racing thoughts.

He was right, in the end they made fun memories together, even tho it’s not much, but they were happy, hanging out together, got new clothes, tried good foods, they might not be the most talkative duo out there but accompanied by each other’s presence they were comfortable even just spending time together in their own little bubbles. 

Though Ryuu was sure, that they both started to warming up as they struck more casual conversations and talked more as they walked down the street, enjoying the nightlights and people’s daily activities. Kids were running in the streets, playing tags chasing each other, there’s even street performers, playing music on the side of the road, catching people’s attention.

“Woah, she sung the song so beautifully! Even I myself couldn’t sing that well, it’s not like I could sing anyway!” Chuckled, Asahi complimented from afar, watching the street singer, he had noticed how more confident and cheerful Asahi get compared to his quiet and shyness from their first met. 

“Mhm! She’s amazing,” Ryuu added, now clapping along with her little audience as she finished her song.

Is it possible for a person to changed this much in such a short period of time? Was it because of Ryuu’s influences? It couldn’t be, he himself wasn’t that confident or much of a big talker. Or is he maybe just like Ryuu as well? Finally comfortable enough to be himself, just like.. Ryuu. 

Ryuu never been this happy in his life, no one has ever truly made him comfortable being himself other than Asahi, not his ‘friends’ at school, his classmates, teachers, or even his parents.


His.. parents.

What time is it?

“Hey excuse me sir.. could you tell me what time is it?” Ryuu asked a random guy from the crowd watching the street performers.

“Oh it’s 6:48pm now son.” 

6:48.. mom and dad are home at 7pm. 

He’s late.

“Ryuu are you okay? You looked pale.” Asahi curiously asked, as thoughts are racing in his head, bloods pumping, he’s getting sweaty, he couldn’t believe he had lost track of time like this, how could he—

“Ryuu?” Asahi asked again, now concerned, looking at his friend now all shaky, spacing out, unable to process anything.


“Ah! Umm.. Asahi, thank you for your time but I think I’m running late! Uhh-I-I, I really need to to I will see you later!” He rushed that he stutter. He turned heel and started bolting back to his house.

He ran and ran. He doesn’t care if he’s making a scene or not or accidentally bumping into people. The adrenaline is rushing through, as he ran through crowds and people. He couldn’t let his parents know that he has been going out all day, he couldn’t let his parents knows about Asahi and how he spent moneys on him. If they knew about it..

If they knew about him. He might never see Asahi again.

His only friend— 

His only friend.

His legs begged for rest but he insisted on running, he couldn’t afford rests, it would only waste time.

God it felt so much farther away than usual.

Finally start seeing familiar roads and signs. Finally he’s here. He bolted towards the direction of his house, he doesn’t have time to run towards at the entrance, instead he decided to climb into their front garden from the side, and fell down onto the bushes, hands still shaking, his body is about to collapse at any given moment, Ryuu immediately sat up and get into his house, the clock, where is it.


He heard his parents car pulled up from the outside.

Shit! They coming in!

He frantically ran towards his bedroom and immediately changed into his usual clothes and hid away the now leaves and dirt covered coat and student’s uniform. And reached for his backpack pulled out whatever books or notes in there and sat there, froze. As they open his bedroom’s door.

“Ryuunosuke! why didn’t you answered us when we were calling you down there?” His mother asked with a hint of anger.

“Sorry mom, I was too focused on my homeworks, I gotta maintain my grades so I gotta work hard.” Lies, lies, lies!

“Oh sorry honey! My bad that we disturbed you, c’mon keep going!” His mother left, closed the door gently on him.

As soon as his mother left, he waited til he heard her footsteps finally gone out of frame. He soon let out the deepest exhale he ever did. It’s alright now, she didn’t know, father didn’t know, nobody knows.He and Asahi can still meet up, as long as he’s careful next time they hung out, maybe it’s finally time to use the hand watches that they’ve bought for him. 

Ryuu got off his desk and collapsed onto his bed like a lifeless corpse, he’s too tired for this, it’s still too early for bed but he didn’t care, he lay there, until he finally fell asleep.

“Urghh.. what time is it…?”

Ryuu glanced over at his alarm clock, it’s 2:31AM, he woke up due to the rumbling in his stomach, right. 

He had skipped dinner. 

But his body were sore from the running. 

He couldn’t get up, every motions he made, sent shocks of pain through out his body.
