stop throwing muds you two losers

1 year, 5 months ago

i love the dewwing siblings

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"Just try it!"

Tangerine regarded Éte with his one eye, giving them a "really?" look as he watched the yellow dragon enthusiastically dig in the mug, their excited claws searching for any relics that may have been left behind.

"Éte, I thought you said we were doing something... oh how did you word it?" The older dragon cleared his throat, and in a overexaggerated high pitched tone, mimicked Éte, "*We are going to do something so fun that even YOU will jump for joy."

Éte flicked their mud splattered tail at him, sticking their tongue out, "This IS fun- did you forget im a relics gatherer?! We could find something that dates back to when Plantala was covered by the ocean! Or when older scavenger civilizations took over this area!!"

He rolled his eye, before awkwardly clambering town into muddy pit.

"Wow. I am just jumping with joy," he grumbled, shaking his already-muddy talons with a tired look.

"I know right!!" Éte laughed, using their wing to flick mud at him. Tangerine snapped his head around, and with a grim smile, grabbed a talon full of mud and threw it at the younger dragon. Éte shrieked with laughter, and quickly retaliated, quickly forgetting their original purpose as their mud war escalated.