Community Quest (Zagan)

Leo Show More
1 year, 5 months ago

You walk out to the clearing, and meet a familiar Trevenant. You inquire with him about summoning, but he declines to do your request. " There's simply not enough materials at the moment!.. But if you wish to, I'd love if you helped me out to collect them. " Draw your Eevee foraging with Zagan! +4 Zagan REP redeemed

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The forest was greener than usual and flowers were starting to sprout everywhere after this harshed winter. The scent of these new flowers made Leo curious, and there he went into the forest for a quick walk. After a few minutes wandering randomly and exploring the area, the dark eevee encountered Zagan. The pokemon seemed a little distressed, moving leaves and dead trunk to look under then. He was obviously seeking something. Leo approached him.

- Hi Zagan! What are you looking for in this part of the forest? Leo asked, carefully not stepping on the wet leaves the big pokemon just had moved over.

- I'm out of materials for summoning... I was hoping I could find some here, said Zagan with an anxious voice.

- Maybe I can help you out? You can take care of moving those big trunks and I'll move the leaves and seek more materials into the bushes, alright?

Zagan evaluated the small, dark eevee in front of him. He could use some help for sure. He nodded and showed a pile of shining and glistering items to the eevee. Those were the materials the Treverant was looking for. After contemplating them for a second, Leo smiled and walked toward the bushes to investigate them. Those were too densed for him to go through them, his fur was getting stuck to the sharp branches and thorns. After removing most of the leaves from his back, a couple stayed stuck on the back of his head, Leo decided to give a shot a looking underneath the dead leaves mat. The ground was soft. A large oak tree had lost it's whole coat and the pile of orange and red coloured leaves at the bottom was calling for the young eevee to jump in it. Surprisely enough, Leo walked slowly toward the pile. He knew it would be a bad idea to jump into the leave pile since he didn't knew what was underneath it. There could be a sharp rock. An eevee sleeping. He couldn't know. Zagan appeared next to the dark eevee and removed most leaves in a single arm movement. Some shiny materials were indeed hidden under the leaves, Leo picked them up and added them to Zagan's pile. Maybe he'll be able to find more!