I want to be Kind

1 year, 5 months ago

I saw a tiktok and the audio made write this

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Fenrir sat upon a rocky cliff face, looking forward, when Anchorage sat beside him. Fenrir seemed to be enjoying the warm and well-maintained fire on his fur. The scent of the cave was damp, almost a musty smell but not one that sent off alarms in one’s mind. Fenrir did not look at the much younger cream Felvarg, although Anchorage couldn’t take his eyes off the massive black Felvarg, suddenly feeling the warmth on his much thinner fur.

“It’s truly an honour that you’d speak want to with me,” the young pup squeaked. The massive black Felvarg held his high above the fawn cream Felvarg. Fenrir took a deep breath before he finally spoke. Anchorage was staring up at him, a smile on face, excited as to what his wisdom might be.

“Anchorage,” Fenrir’s words were soft, most likely to not startle the pup, “soon, you’ll be grown up. Have you thought about what you want to be?” Fenrir’s question puzzled Anchorage. Anchorage closed his mouth, furrowed his brows, and finally took his eyes from Fenrir. He felt his fur stand up on end, Fenrir’s presence suddenly unsettled him.

“I,” Anchorage started, “I don’t know.” He finally mumbled, lowering his head in almost defeat. Is this why Fenrir called upon him? To ask him what he wants to be when he’s grown up? He’s only a pup! Anchorage thought to himself, feeling embarrassed that Fenrir may have wanted to speak to him about working beneath him or his mate.

Fenrir huffed at his answer, feeling the sudden tension in the air. Fenrir moved over to the young pup, wrapping him up in his tail. 

“I know, it’s a big decision for such a young pup,” Fenrir’s voice softened more, dropping his head to cream pup’s ear, “It’s okay that you don’t know what you want to be yet. You’ll have more to -”

Anchorage’s mind ran as Fenrir’s words coated his mind like honey. He felt himself get dizzy, unsure of what to say. Kind. I want to be kind, Anchorage thought to himself.

“I want to be kind,” Anchorage blurted out, getting to his feet. Fenrir stared down at the fawn cream pup, mouth agape, and eyes wide. Something he must’ve said encouraged the pup to make up his mind so soon. 

“Very well,” he regained his composure after the young pup’s sudden outburst. “Kind you shall be.” His words matter-of-factly.

Anchorage looked up at the black Felvarg who looked down at him with a grin. Anchor grinned back, excitement coursed through his body. He liked the way Fenrir looked at him, how he made him feel special.  Anchorage felt his tail begin to wag happily as Fenrir’s massive nose pressed against his own. Anchorage let out a tiny giggle at the cold and wet nose

“May Freyja guide you, young one.” Fenrir whispered quietly, before getting onto his own feet, escorting the young pup away from the rocky ledge and back into the safety of the The Great Maw, where Anchorage would be escorted back to his den near the village of Bardr by many great alphas.


When he awoke, the young pup was nestled in his den. He looked around him, afraid he’d dreamt the Great Maw, Fenrir’s words, his promise to be kind. A gentle ache in his paws gave him some idea that the journey was not a dream, or mayhaps it was and he was just kicking the crap out of his den in a bad dream. Either is a real possibility.

He stretched his sore muscles and his paws trembling with each stretch. He yawned before leaving his den. His head was swimming as he left, he shook his head, trying to clear his head and as he left his den, younger pups ran in front of him and almost tripped him up.

"Hey!" Anchorage snapped. One of the pups spun around to stare blankly at the larger cream pup. Anchorage inhaled before he continued. "Please,  be careful. You might get hurt." He gave a gentle smile, the pups giggled before nodding to him and carefully ran off to play in the warm, morning sun.

As Anchorage grew up, he became more patient, more careful, and more kind to those around him. A friendly Felvarg helped him paint his blue pigments to his body as a payment for a job that he did. He felt as needed and so helpful now, he held his head high when somefel told him he did a good job. He loved the recognition that he was getting. His reputation was proceeding him everyday.