«Hello, sunshine!!»

1 year, 4 months ago

Yes, this is a letter from Vince to myself "beloved". I was sad, I tried to cheer up for my birthday..

Before reading, it is recommended to download the font "Eskal" to the device, since only it fully conveys Vincent's handwriting (I don't know how to add it to the code so that everything works)

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  Hello sunshine!!

  Anastasia imagine, I just thought to write to you, but immediately everything went wrong! If you skip the backstory, it just so happens that my arm is slightly damaged. Well, you don't worry too much if that's what you care about. And I'm sorry that I started the letter so sharply and maybe rudely. Such a person I am! And yes, I apologize in advance for my cave paintings.

  But there's one thing that knocked me out of the rut a lot more than an unforeseen injury. You know what it is? What, no idea at all? Honey, I could not even imagine that you are already so adult! When I remembered how old my little doughnut was about to turn, I didn't even believe it at first! Don't get me wrong, it's not a rebuke to you, it's the opposite. You can't say that you're already such an adult. God, I speak like that distant relative. By the way, do you want me to tell you about my own? No? Okay, I won't.

  I'd rather wish you a happy birthday!! I am incredibly glad that we know each other! You are my pride! I have already told everyone I know about you, what a great and smart you are. In addition to the standard happiness and health, I would also like to wish you more peace of mind and a huge charge of energy and motivation! If there is calmness and motivation, then there is self-confidence, which means that there will be success! You see what a universal wish!

  I hope you yourself are happy about your own holiday. Because I often notice that in our time many people not only ignore their birthday, but also sincerely hate it. As a future psychologist (please note), I even know what this may be related to. Do you know the favorite phrase "as you meet the year, so you will spend it"? So it's the same situation here. A new stage begins, as it were, and the results of the past are summed up. But sometimes you do not want to think about unrealized plans,about failures, that it’s easier not to celebrate, so as not so as not to get raw with yourself. So do not give such sacred meaning to a simple joyful day when everyone loves and cherishes you!

  And you remember that the main thing is to think positively. And it's also important to smile more often! By the way, it's a scientifically proven fact that a smile is really contagious. Not only a smile… But why talk about the sad, when on the nose is such a joyful, as we found out, event. But if you do not manage to "get infected" from anyone, then it's time to take everything into your own hands! You just have to stand in front of the mirror and smile, even if it turns out to be fake. And then on an intuitive level you want to smile back, but for real! Tested by me! It almost always works!

  I myself give advice on how to enjoy life, but in fact not everything is so rosy. It is good, of course, when the day has just begun, and you are already full of strength and ready for new achievements. But this is not always the case. And the smile is so fake that the brain even refuses to believe. Honestly, this option is just the most likely. But understand, my joy, that even in the saddest moments you can find something positive! Yes, it's a stretch, but there are pluses to everything, and it's important to be able to see them. Such a skill helps to live. I myself do not often wake up with love for all living things, and the days are often so-so. But if you do not allow circumstances to break you, to cope with all the difficulties (and you, believe me, sweetheart, will definitely solve any problem), then joyful events will follow! It's kind of an exchange, if I may say so. A real mood cycle in nature!

  The main thing is not to live only one dream of a bright future, because you decide everything yourself, and not just fate. And if unforeseen circumstances happen, then make sure that they are good for you! And remember, buddy, that I am always ready to help you. After all, you deserve only the best! So spend your birthday the way only you want! And enjoy every moment of the holiday so that there is enough until next year!

   With best and sincere wishes,

   Vincent Randall Afton