Red's Ruined Purse

Mild Violence

(I don't have Indigo Chan yet, but they are in the story)

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Another screech pierced through the peace in the rainbow sister's house. This time, the scream came from Red's room. The rest of the girls filed into her room to see what was the problem. They see Red with a furious expression on her face and her hair unusually messy, as if she wants to kill someone.

"Sooooo...what the heck happened?" Green asks with a raised eyebrow.

Red gives Green an icy glare which sends shivers to the poor girl's spine. "Who decided to scribble on my favorite red purse?!" She grabs her purse and shows it to her sisters, the beautifully decorated  and expensive purse now ruined with many black scribbles that makes it look like it's been done by a kid. The rest of the girls look at the purse in either utter shock or disgust and exchange glances to see who would own up to it. Ticked off, Red grabs the hands of the most childish family members in the family. "Oi....Yello, Indigo, and three are my main suspects. One of you better own up because I have a date in less than an hour!!"

"I was binge watching anime in my room!! I can even bring out Yellow to prove it!" Yello defends herself, even her other personality came out and agreed with her.

"Ughh this is annoooying...I was painting my nails dangit!! And I was so proud of it too!" Purple shows her drying nails to Red. In Red's eyes, they look terribly done, but she said nothing about it.

The rest of the girls look at Indigo for her alibi. Clicking her tongue, Indigo begins explaining, "I was eating in the dining room dangit. I had this reaaaaally reaaaally hot and spicy as hell Michau soup that I gulped down in like what, three minutes??"

Orange raises her hand to defend her younger sister. "U-Um..I saw Indigo in the dining room when I was grabbing something from the room next door she really wasn't lying...!!"

The rest of the girls also told Red what they were doing before the purse was ruined. Orange was grabbing supplies to create her newest creation, Green was out buying groceries, and Blue was studying in her room. Red tries to listen to the alibis as she tries to calm down, albeit it didn't work much. "Ughhhhh, you all are terrible at lying!! You know that, don't you?!"

Yello's eyes sparkle in excitement all of a sudden. "Ooohhh oohhh, I want to do some professional detective stuf-"

"No," Red interrupts her younger sister, "We can't do that in five minutes!! Eishi already told me he's coming and so one of you guys has to confess!! I'm the oldest so all of you can't do shit unless one of you confesses!!"

"Ooooh noooo...I'm soooo scared!" Indigo looks away, pretending to be in fear and ends up getting a few giggles. She looks back up at Red and scoffs, "Just use a different purse dangit. It's not like Eishi cares about what purse you bring on your sappy saaaappy date."

"I- Y-You wouldn't know that!!" Red screams, kicking Indigo in the shin, "Now we'll be standing here unless one of you says something or Eishi comes, whichever comes first!"

"Oook oooook, something!!" Purple jokes, making Red angrier, "Alriiight, can we leave now??"

Red kicks Purple in the shin as well, making her whine. "Who's next huh?? Who the hell is next?!" Red cracks her knuckles, making a few of them intimidated. By few it's only Orange and Blue.

"Huh? Why is everyone in Red's room?" A familiar voice calls out, making the younger sisters sigh in relief.

"Halleluuuuujah- Hiiii future brother in law!!" Purple hollers over to the new figure in the room, pushing a couple of others out of the way to see him. The familiar voice belongs to a tall guy with slightly messy pale blue hair and gray ish purple ish eyes that are covered with his glasses.

"..? Red? What's going on?"

"Eiiiiishiiii!! Red hurt me and Indigo in the shiiiins!! Your girlfriend is super duuuper mean you know!" Purple whines, trying to hug him without ruining his clothes with her wet nail polish.

Red flushes in embarrassment and grabs a spare purse, putting all of the contents of the ruined purse in it. "E-Eishi...l-let's just go dammit..." She stutters, peeling Purple off of the Eishi guy and then walking out of the room with her hand holding Eishi's. Her boyfriend doesn't question and walks alongside her with a smile on his face.

"Maaaaan...why does he like her anyways.." Purple groans. When the couple is out of sight, Purple begins to confess, "Ok sooo I kinda did it- Red made me lose in a game and yelled at me to do the dishes so thiiis is revenge! Don't tell her though!!"

The rest of the sisters sigh, not surprised by the culprit. They then continue to do their own things for the rest of the day.