Monte’s Memoir - Season 1

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
4 1485

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

All Mystery of Mitos prompts featuring this character.

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Author's Notes

January 17, 23 - “Draw and/or write about your starter using one of their moves for the first time!”

“Fighting for Survival”

Their left hind feet scrape back at the flat earth as a colony of Zubats swarms around them while letting out painful screeches. Monte sneered at them and snorted, more annoyed at the persistent numbers instead of their cries. While appearing arrogant on the surface, Monte was analyzing. These aerial pokemon still believe that their numbers are greater so each took their time to use their move. Monte also consider the possibility that once one was attacked, the rest would also call all their friends. The Zubats saw Monte was being hesitant and used this advantage to throw some glowing green pellets and sound waves at Monte.

A few breezes back, the Jangwick woke up confused and alone in a graveyard. Their half-broken shell rocks gently from the breeze. Although still confused, Monte quickly made up their mind as they don’t have a purpose for staying here. They begin their exploration of this world while scavenging for wild fruits when hunger strikes and taking a few licks of nearby puddles whenever they feel parched. As they were taking their late walk around a graveyard, Monte was unaware that they have stumbled on another territory. Monte doesn’t understand the problem with these pokemon, but since they were persistent and continued to harass Monte, Monte will stay on their ground.

Monte has dodged the soundwaves but they are unable to dodge the pellets. The Zubats continued to throw their attacks each second Monte didn't fight back, which made Monte quickly become impatient. Monte inhaled a deep breath; Monte wanted to return the Zubats' annoying screech with their own roar to at least slow them down. Instead of their mouth filled with cool air, it suddenly burns up. Monte painfully shut their eyes in the hope to restrain a bit of pain, but they couldn't focus. When they couldn't hold back, what shot out was not an intimidating roar, but instead tiny pellets of flame.

Hot! Hot!

Monte couldn’t slow down the heat as it continued to burn up their mouth. Their body swayed while their mouth was forced to endure all the heat and pain. At first, the colony was forced to scatter out to avoid the uncontrollable fire - a closer few individuals weren’t aware at the first second and got slightly seared - but when they couldn’t get close to their intruder, they finally left. Flames continued to shoot out in random directions and lightly bounces at the flat earth. Thankfully didn't reach any vegetation.

Monte finally lowered their head to the ground when the danger finally subdued and exhaled another snort. They shut their eyes by letting their heart rest for a moment.

Author's Notes

"Monte uses Ember!"