Overwhelming Despair

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
15 27101 3 2

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago
1243 2

Just when Malachi thought he had escaped the Despair Curse for good, it has come back once more to target the people around him. Only this time… it’s much harder to deal with. Both with the Curse in full swing… and the aftermath.

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Sneak attack

Grigori chuckled softly at the joke his partner told, clinging to his arm playfully as they continued to walk through the town. Neither of them were able to sleep on this chilly night, so they figured a short walk around town would help tire them out. It was an earth holiday; Halloween. And as such, they’d had a long night of giving candy to children, scary movies, and eating candy themselves. Frankly, the sugar was probably what was keeping them awake.

But they also didn’t mind much. They were using it as an excuse to take a walk together and just talk about those cheesy movies they watched. There was also more silly talk about their friends- like Endellion actually dating someone, who was now known as Elidi. Or another topic about Malachi making the scythe for Jensine- which would forever receive a little teasing from Grigori frankly. This time together was just fun, innocent time together, and it was definitely the highlight of the day.

Grigori would forever cherish the fact he was blessed enough to get a second chance with love like this. Forever treasure the fact he had such an amazing partner…~

However, the sudden change in his partners attention was not unnoticed by him. The cute flirty mood was gone, and replaced with hyper attention. The green Eye was looking everywhere and anywhere, trying to find something it seemed. Such a radical change prompted Grigori to ask… “What’s going on V….?”

“… I’ve got the feeling… we’re being followed…” Virus spoke lowly, still eyeing his surroundings closely as he pulled the red one close to his side. “Stay close…”

Immediately the feeling of dread filled Grigori, to the point he could feel his heart pounding. Quickly beginning to scan his surroundings as well, wondering who could possibly be following them this time of night. His brain trying to find a logical solution to all of this… such as, maybe it was Spectra and her ghost goons, trying to scare them under the cover of the night. It WAS Halloween after all, so surely it was their favorite holiday. The perfect time to scare some unsuspecting idiots.

Wait… did he just call himself an idiot…?

The sudden stop in Virus’ walking jolted him back to reality, and he quickly looked up to see his expression with confusion all over his own. The serious one his husband had, however, quickly filled him with dread. Virus still didn’t seem to know who was following them… but he’d no doubt come to the conclusion that, in fact, someone was following them. As he then called out. “Alright. You can come out now. What do you want?”

The sound of footsteps soon began to approach them… from all around them. There was more than one person… but what startled them most, was the fact that despite how close the footsteps sounded… they still couldn’t see anyone. Even Virus was nervous now, as his hand was far too tightly gripping his arm.

And that was when… the sound of a dice filled the air, and their attention was forced in front of them. It was a plain 6-sided dice, but the thing that startled them most was the fact that it was blank. It seemed to be smokey, almost as if it was moving-!

“Get back-!!”

Just as Virus barked that out, the dice BURST and whatever smoke was within it quickly surrounded them! Grigori didn’t even have time to react, as Virus quickly covered his mouth for him. Despite not needing to, Grigori’s hands flung over his partners in the panic; knowing Virus was fine with his own gas-mask protecting him.

“Ugh… damn you!” A voice got out in a shrill squeak, rapid footsteps approaching them through the smoke screen. Still, no one could see them…

… but they could FEEL them. That was made abundantly clear… by the sudden howl of pain that came out of his partner.

As Virus dropped down onto one knee, Grigori quickly tried to get down and take a look at what had happened! Panicking when he found a knife lodged into the others thigh, just a few short inches below his middle Sigil! Heck- the blade was large enough that if it had been lodged in any higher and actually HIT the Sigils, it could’ve taken out all three at once! If the assailants aim had been even a little better, Virus could’ve-

Grigori… found his mind go blank, and his vision grow dark. But the calm he felt, proves it wasn’t a panic attack. No, he… was blacking out. He’d completely forgotten about the gas in his panic… with a dull thud, he was finally unconscious.

Virus, however… was still protected from the gas around him, and soon found himself moving on instinct over anything else. He moved so he was now on his hands and knees… shielding Grigori with his body. He couldn’t see through this horrible smog… but he was desperately trying to find the assailant. Whoever was behind this…

“Huh… well darn. Guess I missed.” That horrible voice spoke again, and finally… a figure arose. They were short, with a small braid and a mask protecting them from the gas. Though, it was clear to see they were smirking beneath their facial covering… “Too bad. Guess we gotta do this the old fashioned, barBARIC way.”

Before Virus could even process what they were talking about… he suddenly felt something SLAM against his head! Such a brute force, that it knocked him unconscious the second it made contact.

Game over…


“H-hey! Wake up!”

Virus couldn’t help the groan that left him when he heard that voice, struggling to do as it asked. Slowly, he managed to open his heavy eyes, struggling to see straight under the dim moonlight. Everything ached, and he was certain that meant whoever his assailant had been, must’ve beaten him while in his unconscious. It took a moment, but he could finally make out just who had woken him. Dusk, and Whisper who was at their side.

The pair looked relieved he woke up, and soon Whisper gently helped him sit up. “Thank the heavens… Virus, what happened…?”

What happened… there was the gas, then the shooting pain in his thigh, then… ‘Right… someone jumped us…’ Looking around, he felt his heart drop when he realized Grigori wasn’t left here like he’d been. There was only a note… shakily, he pulled from Whispers hold, and crawled over to it. Upon reading it, he found it was simply instructions. Telling him exactly where they took Grigori, and to go find them.

This didn’t feel real… who would do this? Any why would they bother playing a game like this? Why did they leave him alive, or at least… why didn’t they bust a few of his Sigils when they had the chance? Nothing was adding up, and his head hurt too much to think of through anymore closely… all that mattered now, was getting Grigori back.

Still… in this condition, if they chose to fight again, he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance… so, he’d need back up.

And… unfortunately, he knew just the people to call. Here’s to hoping one of them, didn’t beat him to a pulp for getting in this situation in the first place…