Daemon Cuisine

1 year, 4 months ago

Worldbuilding on what a Daemon alien typically eats in a day.

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Thinking about what and how a Daemon would eat a meal.

They actually make great chefs and artfully create meals that look really amazing. No worries, they know how to prepare food that is safe for human (and other species’) consumption. This is just what an individual would typically eat in a day. Of course they can eat a LOT of food, so this isn’t counting second or third helpings.

Daemons have really tough stomachs and are immune to many things that are poisonous to others. They have a specific ecological niche they fill, which are pretty much janitors of the planet. They’ll eat just about anything and make it look pretty as they do so.

They eat a lot of rich foods, as it is vital that they build up a layer of blubber to stay warm during the cool, rainy weather.

Common things to find in Daemon meals are

- Offal: Offal is organ meat. Think stuff like liver, haggis, kidneys, ect. Daemons will waste nothing, and will eat every little scrap of meat off a carcass. They tend to like to grind up offal into pâtés or bake them into savory pastries. Larger items like hearts and kidneys they’ll grill or saute, or even pickle for snacks. They are particularly fond of eyeballs.

- Tea: Daemons discovered tea fairly early as a form of medicine. It’s still commonly used as medicine, but they also make brews just for taste/enjoyment. Tea is usually made from dried herbs, fruits, and bone meal. They sometimes will add milk, and a LOT of sugar to them.

- Alcohol: All Daemons have a ridiculously high alcohol tolerance, since they eat a lot of fermented fruit. They don’t even notice it half the time. They like things like wines, meads, and whiskeys. Most Daemon alcohol is not safe for many species to drink. Alcohol has been a staple since the dawn of their civilization. Children are given mild drinks as they can get drunk much faster being so small.

- Aged/Fermented food: Daemons evolved from scavengers, so they like them some rotten meat. They will eat meat in any stage of decomp, but they prefer it to be firm so they can cook it easier. They also love stuff like Surströmming. Rotting fruit and vegetables are also on the menu and they tend to crisp up the outsides so you can crunch in and get a nice, gooey warm center.

This also includes stuff like fat, bones, and bone marrow. They waste nothing.

- Jams/Cheeses/Preserves: Daemons are big on condiments for their food, and they love making things like jams and cheeses to spread on them. Some of their jams and preserves can be rather alcoholic. They like soft cheese, and may use a method like the kind used to make Casu marzu.

- Eggs: Not only did Daemons start out as scavengers, they also started off as egg robbers too. Eggs were a rare treat as the beings that lay them tend to be big and dangerous. Nowadays they domesticated animals where they can safely get their egg fix. They rarely cook their eggs, finding the texture strange unless its in something like a quiche.

- Sweets: Daemons need a lot of energy to stay warm and active in their chilly environment. They tend to glaze things in LOTS of sugar and often become confectionery masters. Every town has at least a 2:1 ratio of confectioneries to normal restaurants. Making and trading sweets is a time honored village tradition and presenting sweets is usually the go to for a thank you present. One main trade good they trade for is honey. They LOVE honey.