Heartfelt Letter

1 year, 4 months ago
156 1

A lil smth made by a friend

I love this so much

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My Dearest, Dear Blythe Jinx

For the years I walk this plane I had not fancied myself to be with the inhabitants of this realm a person such as yourself, or a witch of any standard. I am a man of a title laced in gold and power. Many of those who even dare look me in the eye, know my name- have been long gone. Yet you, for some whatever reason, never cared for the throne I place myself on. I have never been myself with anyone. To be frank, it scares me.

Despite the cold bitterness that resided within me for decades, you have managed to thaw it. So here I lay, with the heart you warmed in your hands- Hoping to convey, if not in actions then in words- how much I love you.

Regardless of what decision you choose to make, I bid you, the fondest of adieu's

-Signed Emperor Be Philip