In the Ruins of What Once Was (Sunrunners)

1 year, 4 months ago

Mild Violence

Ponytail and Kid have a quiet moment.

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It was quiet, now. The dusk had fallen and with it so did the quiet. Something precious, to be cherished. It was safety, it was sleep, it was everything somebody could hope for. Silence, quiet, it was something to be held close. After all, quiet was fleeting. It never lasted. Screams would soon enough split the air, the sounds of cracking bones and dying gasps. It always fell back to the sounds of fights.

These were lessons hard learned by one. That silence lasted only a few moments. The peace an illusion before battle began again. Rest was best done sparingly, and with a partner. One to watch, the other sleeping. Just in case something should come. In case those who lurked best in the darkness showed themselves. In case their family was attacked again, or somebody was brought low. If another was sentenced to fall, and never rise… 

It was their turn, this dusk, to watch. To keep an eye out, over their companions and the shelter they rested in. Not that the woman would complain. She had been the least battered in this battle. Where beasts screamed to the sky, answered by the screaming challenges of the small, patchwork family they held. It had been long, and too many got injured, tossed around and battered.

So she watched, sitting upon a throne of concrete and moss, staring at the water below, watching the skies bleed the waters red. It matched well, far better than the clear blue it usually was, she mused. The bloody red matched the way the world felt now, even if it was flourishing with more green than it had ever been. It was a strange dichotomy that few were ever prepared for, and it made her sigh, looking to her hand. Small spiderwebbing cracks through the skin reminded her to breathe, giving a low sigh, eyes closing.

A patter of feet drew her, from her mind. Pausing, her head turned, watching. The steps were too light, too easy to be a beast. Too easygoing, not caring where they were placed, almost hopping around among the debris. It was something that Ponytail had long since learned, to trust with her life.

A smiling face poked up from within the ruins, before scrambling from a broken, open wall, to climb up further, and meet up with the older woman. Joy radiated from the smaller child, even if the trembling hands, and slightly too rapid breathing denoted how fragile the joy was. Ponytail could only sigh, softly. It was sweet, to see the child trying so hard to laugh and smile, even as the world around them burned. Even if it was going to shatter, to fall apart. Ponytail could only hope, it would break gently. Not violently, or as deeply as her own had.

“You should be asleep, Kid,” the voice was pitched lower, quieter. Too much noise, too shrill, would entice beasts. It was the sound of screams, of prey fighting and losing. Ponytail knew that too. Had watched far too many fall to the trap of the predators. She would never cause it, so the best was to keep her voice down. All Kid could do, was smile back, giving a quiet laugh that seemed to boom over the silence. Filling every crack and crevice with light. Ponytail felt it almost, raising her spirits, but she shook her instead.

“Why are you up?” she pressed, voice quiet and gentle. The child just moved to flop beside her, making the woman wince. Flopping to sit like that would end up just hurting especially as Kid grew. It was something that always happened though, and it made her worry. Would the tailbone would bruise, that pain would slow Kid down. Or that -

“Just thinkin’” Kid’s reply was quick. Too fast. Ponytail didn’t like it, worried about it. The speed of the answer was far too quick. Not wanting questions, not wanting to answer. A lie that was easy to see. Pushing wouldn’t work but..

“Kid, you don’t gotta feel bad, if it was a bad dream,” Ponytail looked to the sky, to the bleeding reds and oranges that faded towards black. To the deepest night, making the shine slowly fade, “we all do, sometimes. It’s just life,” it was hard to admit it. Kid didn’t need to know well of every deep worry she held.

After all, Kid was little, and tiny. Wasn’t ready to come into the darkest parts of the world. To be stuck watching blood flow from injuries and taint all the water red. To see the light in eyes fade. Ponytail would make sure of it. Make sure that nothing bad came to the little one. It was hard to think about it, seeing Kid suffering that way.

“I’m big and strong! I don’t fear nothing!” Kid replied, flexing with a grin. Teasing, playful. If Ponytail didn’t know better, they would have found it so cute. Instead it just ached a bit, watching Kid try so hard to stay calm, to try and help Ponytail. Kid was just that…a kid. It shouldn’t be on the younger, to be the stronger.

“Besides,” Kid continued, voice dipping lower, quieter, smiling sheepishly “even if I did fear something, I know you’re here, right? You and the others..I’m safe,” a shift, as the younger looked at her. Desperate and hopeful. Learning and growing, still coming into being the strong woman Ponytail was sure that she could be.

“Of course, Kid,” Ponytail huffed, raising a hand. The faint splits, the lines forming, seemed to fade away quickly. She would never put Kid in danger with herself, with the powers pulsing in her. Letting it fall unceremoniously onto the child’s head, she let herself ruffle the hair. It was small things like this, touches of affection and reassurance, that did best for Kid on these days.

“You promise?” Kid asked, softly. Timidly. Wanting the assurance. It was too late, to keep the bubbly, happy joys up. Keep everyone smiling. She enjoyed being able to, of seeing her friends and family laughing, relaxing. Wanting to make sure that they felt okay. Wanting to enjoy time with them. To be able to watch them enjoy themselves, have every day slowly feel better than the last. It made her day. But here, under the dark of the night, she wasn’t sure she could keep that presence.

“Of course, Kid. You’re so good for us,” soothed Ponytail, softly, “you make everyone better than they ever were, and help bring laughs to the day. You are wonderful and we all would do everything we could, to keep you safe and happy,” a smile, at Kid. Wanting to be sure that Kid would believe.

It seemed to have helped at least. Even now, Ponytail could watch calmly as the tension bled off Kid. Their shaking stopped, every rapid breath seemed to become deeper, fuller. Slowly her eyes fluttered closed, head bowing. Just taking the comfort for what it was and finding herself falling asleep, somewhat. Ponytail was glad to see it. Watching Kid be a child was soothing. Even if it still painful to see innocence and know what was coming.

Kid however felt differently. To be with Ponytail was comfort. She was strong and brave and power and grace. Everything Kid wanted to be ! She wanted to be strong enough to protect her friends from anything. But it. It was hard sometimes okay!? How was she meant to be strong and brave with all these monsters!? When there’s so many wanting to hurt her family and they’re ALL so big?

Watching the battle today had been terrifying in a way very little was. Kid had watched with wide eyes as the newest monster fought her family. Throwing them like ragdolls, and standing against Ponytail without fear, fighting hard. What if Ponytail hadn’t been there!? What if Kid had missed the sudden toss of bricks that distracted the beast and hurt her family?!

The idea of losing them filled her with dread and sometimes crept into every dark corner of her mind, filled every ounce of her nights with shifting and squirming. Ponytail never seemed to have that problem, and all Kid wanted was that strength. Seeing her sitting up here on her own, looking so quiet now was weird.

So she came up. Scared something was worse than she thought, scared the monsters that chased down her dreams were hurting her best friend. Ponytail seemed okay though, and Kid’s own nerves seemed to make Ponytail settle. That was good! Ponytail seemed happy now. Much better than before. So good Kid let herself drift again, to her rest. Awake if she would need to reply, but resting.

Ponytail smiled as Kid shifted, snuggling closer, giving a faint snort, before falling deeper into sleep, the faint snores making sure that both knew it. Ponytail let Kid snuggle close, looking to the skies again. Watching the last few streaks of red falling away. Watching as everything stilled more. Flowers closing for the night, to settle in. Letting quiet begin to fill the air, with only faint chirping of bugs. It was quiet tonight. It was peaceful, tonight.

Peaceful was good. It meant quiet moments with family. It meant watching a young woman start to blossom into her own great words, her own sense of self. Peace meant watching the moon begin to glow across the still waters below. Watching the stars begin to dance across the sky. Fill it. Quiet was peaceful. Was precious, needed to stay protected. To save those that she cared for. Protect them, give them a rest they deserved.