Headcanons - {Examples}

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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My Hero Academia - OC


     Eri really, really likes Aiza. When Aizawa brought the little girl along into the family household, she was having a really hard time adjusting to the new changes around her– but Aiza was there to help her out. Eri finds a lot of comfort in her big sister, often sticking around or behind her when out in public, just so she can hide and feel protected by her presence.

     In turn, Aiza is really welcoming of the kid, often organizing little hangouts or baking playdates for the both of them. Eri has been trying to learn how to braid hair using Aiza as her model, and Aiza welcomes make-over nights with open arms. 


     People were pretty surprised when Aiza and Shoto started dating– not because it was anything negative in any sense of the word, but because their personalities seemed to be the complete opposite of each other. One calm, cool, and collected, one bright, cheery, and friendly. The rest of their friends often compare their dynamic to the one of the sun and the moon, different yet made to be with one another. Opposites attract, after all. 


     When Shoto and Aiza started dating, their homework dates started to evolve. At first, they were pretty straightforward– getting together, solving any textbook exercises, then going their separate ways. They always had them in pretty comfortable environments, like cafes or bubble tea shops, but the sole reason for their outing was to do homework and hang out, nothing else.

     Once they started getting closer, that homework time started bleeding into quality time. They would meet in the mall to later go to a movie, a cat cafe to pet the cats, or at one of their houses to later marathon a tv series. Homework dates are pretty important for them both. 


     Though Aiza’s control over her work has gotten better through her time at UA, some small little impulses still manifest in the form of tiny inconveniences. One that has been particularly hard to get rid of is that, when deeply asleep, her body might start a very soft, sunshine glow. This is particularly annoying when trying to socialize with the occasional 1A sleepover, as she keeps some of her classmates up through the night. She has started trying to remedy this by wearing thicker pajamas, socks, and sometimes gloves to bed, but it doesn’t always work. Some people complain in the morning. Others thank her, as it serves as a really gentle nightlight. Aiza doesn’t know what to think.


     People always assume Aiza had her place in UA in the bag because of her parentage, but Aizawa beckoned her to get into the school on her own merits. Aiza, of course, agreed– being a recommendation student might sound like an honor, but she never wanted any sort of special privilege to set her asides from her classmates.

     That didn’t mean that the entrance exam wasn’t a walk in the park– it was as nervewracking as she had expected. Still, her score was really well received, and besides straining her quirk through it, she was accepted without a problem.


     Having Eraserhead as a father seems incredibly glamorous for non-superhero children, but Aiza finds it a very simple concept— if not a bit amusing. Especially when as acquainted with the man’s personality as she can be.

     When in middle school, people would freak out at the reveal of her father, expecting her to be picked up from school by a dashing superhero with a powerful, bright smile. Instead, she’d be picked up by a very tired, very scruffy-looking man, normally sporting sweatpants and all his messy hair poorly put up into a bun. The contrast is pretty funny for Aiza, and she will never cease to bring it up to her father.


     Ever since day one, Aiza found herself the centerpiece on Aizawa’s chess board– seating chart chessboard, that is. He denies it, of course, claiming that” in the classroom, their relationship is strictly the one of a teacher and a student”. But his favoritism still seeps through the cracks, and she can notice it the most when he keeps moving her goddamn seat:

     At the beginning of the year, she had been seated with Iida and Momo, the most studious-looking kids in the class, all in Aizawa’s effort for her to make friends with good influences. Once she seemed to be keeping to herself, the sitting chart moved, and she was now positioned closer to the louder kids, like Denki and Mina, as if the environment would influence her personality. After the USJ incident, when everyone was most on edge, the seating chart changed yet again, this time around Midoriya and Uraraka, calmer, friendlier people.

     It’s a bit annoying to keep switching places, and she hopes that favoritism does not show, but it has allowed her to get to know most of the classroom at one point. And she is fully aware of Aizawa’s intentions, so you will never see her truly complaining.


     Due to Aiza’s quirk being so closely related to the sun, her senses in a way to avoid any strain related to it– mainly the one that occurs with sunlight, and the sunlight impairing her vision. Though she isn’t able to hold this forever, she is able to look directly at the sun (or any strong light sources, for that matter) without having any need to sneeze! Makes for a great dare to impose on some of her classmates, but the downside comes in the form of being unable to sneeze when looking at the sun. Dramatically, she considers it her greatest blessing versus her greatest curse. 


     Despite her hero costume leaning pretty heavily in the “summer style,”, it is pretty rare for her to feel cold when wearing it. Even through the colder months, Fall and Winter times, she isn’t commonly seen looking for her winter alternative. Several of her classmates (namely the ones that also have quite light outfits) will often offer to lend sweaters or a pair of sweatpants, but she doesn’t naturally feel very cold. Snow and rain are, of course, an exception, but she is always pretty comfortable with her hero outfit given her sunlight quirk.


     Speaking of feeling warm, Aiza is an official member of the “Cozy Squad”. That’s to say Bakugo, Shoto, and Aiza herself are all seen as heaters when going out on a particularly cold morning. The heat Aiza’s sunlight radiates is pretty comfortable on the skin.

     Kaminari and Kirishima especially will stick close to her when in cold climates. She never particularly seems to mind, though prolonged exposure, as she often tells her classmates, is not recommended without any type of skin protection or sunscreen.


     That is also not the only time where her quirk has become useful for other people: ever since the class moved into the dorms, both Aiza and Kaminari are treated as walking phone chargers. This is a bit less validating or social than helping people warm up when cold, but Aiza will charge their friend's phones if asked. At first, it was only Kaminari being the target of the communal phone charging, but when he accidentally introduced his friends to the concept of solar-powered chargers, Aiza was dragged into it as well. Momo created one per student, and that was that.

     Always a small excuse for Kaminari and Aiza to hang out, sitting together and charging people’s phones, just talking about their days in the common room.

Author's Notes

Kirika belongs to Poeticpip!