Adventure of Phools

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Astrophel ---

Hello? Has anyone see my phoolzo, by chance? He seems to have wandered off...

Sarcomere ---

can't say I have, but I can help you look if you want

No-Nose ---

I believe we haven't. This one by me is Citrine, we'd both be glad to help you find them!

Citrine ---


Paqia ---

Oh dear, a lost Phoolzo? Scarab and I can try to find them. Where have you tried looking so far?

Ivan ---

I've only seen my own since heading out, but we haven't made it too far yet. We'll keep an eye out.

Astrophel ---

Thank you! The help would be much appreciated. He’s very large, so you’d think it would be difficult to lose him, but he has an impressive mischievous streak. One moment we were stopping by Scavver’s to barter for repairs, and the next he was gone!

Sarcomere ---

it’s no trouble and he’s probably lost in the scrapyard somewhere, that place is a maze.

No-Nose ---

Lots of places around here a phoolzo could hide in, too... Such rascals, aren't they? I swear you can never take your eyes off them for one second.

Paqia ---

What I'm hearing is an adventurous rescue mission into the junkyard. We can always pick up one of Scav's infamous shopping lists and kill two dune buzzards with one large stone!

Ivan ---

We'll circle back. Got a description for us?

Astrophel ---

Very large, dark body orange-and-green striped tail, answers to Sweetbun. He likes to chew on things that he absolutely shouldn’t, and probably sees the whole scrapyard as a big playground. I love that beast, but he’s so good at causing problems…

Sarcomere ---

sounds like a mischievious little guy, I'm sure we'll find him happily chewing tires or some such, best start heading there.

No-Nose ---

Doing some shopping for Scavvy doesn't sound like a bad idea, honestly! I already stopped by to try and find some spare parts for repairs, won't hurt to give it a look.

Paqia ---

Sweetbun is such a wonderful name for a trouble maker. Scarab and I will be there soon, anyone that needs a ride along the way I can pick up.

Ivan ---

We'll start looking on our end, as well. Heading in from the south. Let me know what Scavver needs and I'll keep an eye out for that as well.

Astrophel ---

Awesome, I’ll meet you all there. Thanks again for the help! Sweetbun is my pride and joy, but I swear it takes every last thing I have to keep him entertained…

Sweetbun ---


Sarcomere ---

I hear a honk! Sounds somewhere over southwise

No-Nose ---

Sounds like that could be your Sweetbun. Wait, Trin, don't run!

Citrine ---


Paqia ---

Oh no, this might be a search for two missing phools by the end of the day! Thankfully Scarab is a... bit of a stick in the sand about fun so I do not think they will be running off.

Scarab ---

Scarab does not honk but there is disappointed staring at the other Phools.

Ivan ---

Well, I think I see one of them up ahead...

Patchwork ---

Patchwork stays at his master's side, but fidgets. Running around looks like fun...

Astrophel ---

I definitely heard him, but I can't see anything through these piles of junk... how does Scavver even navigate this place?

Sweetbun ---

There is the sound of something falling over, and another delighted "Honk!"

Sarcomere ---

I imagine to him it's an organized chaos but to others...well, [!] sounds like he's gone that way with that sudden racket!

No-Nose ---

Oh don't worry about Trin, he wouldn't go too far without me. I think he thinks Sweetbun went that way? We should follow him.

Ivan ---

Quite the racket. Patches, head over there and make sure no one's under anything.

Patchwork ---

A honk-like boof signals the phoolzo's eager departure. Behold a large boye.

Paqia ---

I think Scav's does it by guessing where he is going! He does not seem that coordinated to me. I will go around the other way to make sure your Sweetiebun did not get away.

Astrophel ---

Sounds like he's making quite the mess. I'm glad all of your phoolzos seem to be so well-trained; I always did like the problem children. Let's see...
Astrophel turns a corner to find Sweetbun lying on a pile of junk, chewing an old tire.

Sweetbun ---

Honk honk!

Sarcomere ---

well I did say before we'd probably find him chewing tires, lo and behold

No-Nose ---

Well, there he is! I just hope Scavver won't make us pay for that tire, hah.

Ivan ---

Seems like everyone's alright, then. The tire doesn't seem to be in bad shape -- just leave it, I'm sure it'll be fine.

Astrophel ---

He's made such a mess! I feel bad leaving this for someone else to clean up. At the very least, I'll fix what he's knocked over.

Sarcomere ---

here I'll help you clean it up, or well as clean looking as a part of a junkyard can get

No-Nose ---

Since we're here we might as well sort these, I'm sure Scavvy won't complaing. Who knows, he might even give us a shiny for it!

Ivan ---

Hmm. Fair point. Patches, fetch that hunk of metal, bring it here.

Paqia ---

On the plus side, I have found a few 'loose screws' and, uhm... 'dim lightbulbs' that were on the list. ... Unless Scavver was being rude and he meant us but I don't think so haha.

Astrophel ---

I'm so glad some good came out of chasing down this troublemaker. Hopefully Scavver doesn't mind the... chewed remains of some of his junk. He's resourceful, he'll find a use for it. Thank you all for your help.

Paqia ---

Considering he once asked me to find him a banana peel - not a full banana no, just the peel - I'm sure 'chewed tire bits' can be useful for something.

Ivan ---

I've heard of some strange requests, but that's a first. He mostly just asks me to move his bone sculpture when I'm around...

Sarcomere ---

It was no trouble Astrophel, I'm sure Scavver won't mind a chewed tire, hopefully

Paqia ---

I'm sorry, his what--

No-Nose ---

Oh you've never seen it? That man seems a bit too into bones if you get what I'm saying. I don't like the way he looks at me with those shifty eyes. Because of the... y'know.
She draws a circle on the air with her finger around her muzzle.

Sarcomere ---

well, we all have our hobbies I guess - morbid or unsettling as they may be

Paqia ---

He looks at everyone with shifty eyes for he is a shifty guy... But! I think the list is mostly done and with a little chaos caused as a treat, we should go find Mr. Shifty in the flesh to get a reward or two.