Lore Handbook

1 year, 3 months ago
9 months, 11 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago
4905 4

Making some of my notes public for inquiring minds. Eternal WIP <3

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Still undergoing entries and updates! Mostly just fantasy and a few ghost terms atm.

  • Angel - A race of creatures who work alongside the Universal Committee, though have their own mysterious agenda. They are monstrous-formed shapeshifters with halos, and a rigid social hierarchy dominated by a hivemind.
  • Auroran - A rat therianthrope who is has not transformed fully to their beast form, and is at a midway point.
  • Aurorathrope - A rat therianthrope, AKA ratmen/wererats.


  • Beasten - The patron fae of the Beastfolk kingdom. A humanoid, usually wingless race of fae that are animalistic and hold dominion over beastkind.
  • Beastfolk - Beastfolk represent the bestial side of the Fae Realm, and have a kingdom of their own. Thought to be the origin of Kiin, Peccamals, and other shapeshifting humanoids not created by demonic influence. Maggotine and pooka fall into this class of fairfolk.
  • Bogey - A figment that has been abandoned after forming, allowing it to starve long enough to become warped. Bogeys are not inherently malevolent, though many will respond to isolation and hunger with aggression, same as any other animal. They can be rehabilitated if given a new host to feed from, though both switching sources and going through bogification will both cause aberrations to their physical forms and mental wellbeing.
  • Brownie - A species of small, mostly wingless fae that culturally dons dull colors, prefers to dwell near human settlements. They will often help with the humans' chores and affairs in secret to keep the humans nearby. Brownies require the energy of a homestead for ideal health, as it powers their magical abilities. Brownies consider homes with housespirits to be ideal living conditions, and will assist in taking care of housepirits to aid in their continued wellbeing. Brownies are by no means subservient to human, and instead see them similarly to livestock they must tend to.


  • Cambion - A being that is half-demon and half-human. Uncommon, but far from unheard of. Demons are not technically viable with humans, though sexual encounters can lead to hybridized but infertile beings known as cambion, similar in nature to ligers and mules. Because demons will oftentimes fraternize with humans, the statistically likelihood of this improbable occurrence shoots way up.
  • Changeling - A being made by fae to mimic a human, oftentimes with the intent of replacing a human with said changeling. Changelings are often made to resemble babies, and will then grow up in a human household, with their fae heritage becoming more obvious overtime as they mature. They often have allergies to either iron and/or religious iconography.
  • Chimera - A beast that incorporates the parts of multiple animals and/or monsters.
  • Chimeric - A chimeric soul is one that has fused into a separate soul, and become one singular homogenous entity. This usually happens when a fractured piece of someone else's soul becomes attached to a host. It is an extremely rare phenomena that is debatably even real.
  • Chupacabra - A bloodsucking cryptid from Mexico that resembles a hairless dog with reptilian spikes running down the length of their spines. Their eyes are mono-colored, typically red. They are hostile to most humans and social amongst each other, though chupacabra have been known to be tamed before and treat their human companions like packmates. Semi-domestic breeds, like the teacup chupa, are not unheard of.
  • Culicidae - A mosquitoid vampire, with fractal eyes and a proboscis. Immune to most traditional vampiric weaknesses, like sun and garlic, as they are not truly undead and their monstrous nature is the result of a venom-spread curse. Their desire to drink blood is merely an impulse akin to addiction, and not necessarily to their survival. Despite being capable of it physically, culicidae rarely venture out into society except to hunt, as their grizzly, bug-like faces spark panic and disgust.


  • Damned - A living human who has promised their soul to a demon upon death. Also known as "sinners" though demons will call most people that, unprompted, and so damned has more clarity.
  • Deity - Immensely powerful beings, theorized to be a cousin species to angels, as they are one of very few beings to have naturally occurring halos. Though quite rare, non-deific beings have been seen to ascend to deity status under certain conditions. The abilities and domains of deity vary, but they are one of the beings with the highest level of navitas in the known universes, which marks them.
  • Demon - A species of horned shapeshifters that feed on human souls.
  • Derivative - A derivative is a being that shares its soul with another, due to a soul fracturing. Because souls regenerate when damaged, any piece torn off will attempt to regrow on its own as well, and if it finds a host body it will either graft onto the existing soul (creating a chimera) or make use of any empty space if that being does not have a soul (typically this means unborn young just prior to birth.) Derivates are extremely uncommon, as injuries to the soul are rare, and the chance of that piece finding a host even rarer. The progenitor of one or more derivatives is called in integral.
  • Divination - The use of magical tools like tarot cards or crystal balls to mimic esper abilities like future-telling or spiritwork.
  • Doppelgänger - A magical being capable of shapeshifting into an existing person, typically after touching them. Some can retain a library of those they touched, but most can only hang onto a few at a time, if not losing a form entirely once they leave it. Most doppelgänger can only maintain a stolen form for a few weeks at a time, though endurance varies. Doppelgänger have been known to kill and replace those they copy, as to even briefly seek asylum from their usual circumstances.
  • Dragon
  • Dragonrider - Someone who has formed a partnership bond with a dragon. This is a lifetime commitment, and a dragon will only carry someone on its back that it immensely trusts.
  • Drakein - A race of humanoids with dragon like features, including talons, wings, and horns. They have a lesser degree of the same magic dragons have.
  • Dweller - An inhuman shapeshifter that preys on humans by mimicking them, and integrating themselves into human social circles. They will either replace a family member, pet, or roommate by killing and consuming them in entirety, or by making a patchwork human or animal form from observation, and then finding a way to enter without raising suspicion. They feed off emotions, and will try to incite feelings of intense fear, sadness, anger, or love, which are their preferred sources of sustenance. They will begin to distort over time, usually in ways in line with the emotions they have been feeding on, and will need to rest for a few months to regain a human-passing appearance. The more benevolent patchwork dwellers will distort sooner, as they have less material to work with. As such, dwellers are usually quite lonely, as they can't stay many places for long. Many will take this loneliness in vile directions, and will enjoy tormenting the families they feed off of and envy. Dwellers are possibly some kind of fungus or mold, and in their natural states are pale and slimy, with big dark eyes, small noses, plasticky looking hair, and wide, lipless mouths. They breed by splitting off of an elder dweller who is overfed, and as they age their true forms will begin to carry the features of the different forms they hold, especially those they hold onto the longest.
  • Elf - A humanoid species of fae. Taller on average than humankind, and uncannily beautiful. Their eyes are strangely luminous, they are magically adept, and they have long pointed ears. Elf society is intricate in its firm and unusal beliefs on rules, structure, and hierarchy. Offending an elf is unwise, as they are known to hold grudges for centuries, and exact revenge oftentimes seen as disproportionate to those outside of their culture. Their near immortality, reclusion from other beings, and sturdiness leads to them having skewed ideas of what is appropriate or survivable to others.
  • Esper - A being with psychic abilities. Espers may have one or more notable powers. Common manifestations of these include prophetic visions, communicating with the dead, telepathy, and telekinesis, though most will experience them to a minor degree unless particularly gifted. Espers have the ability to detect illusions, and will have an easier time seeing through them, sometimes before they realize an illusion has been cast.
  • Fae - Any kind of fairfolk, from pixy to changeling to troll.
  • Faery - One of the most well-known kingdoms of fae, known for their extreme magical prowess, wings, and humanoid beauty.
  • Fallen Angel - An angel who has fallen from grace, usually for disobedience or attempting to break from the hivemind, and is no longer allowed into the kingdom of Heaven. Typically their wings and halo will be mutilated to prevent them from trying to re-enter. Very rarely do angels higher on the hierarchy ever fall, as they are also deeper into the hivemind, and lack the free will needed to stray.
  • Figment - A kind of homunculus created by dreaming or daydreaming something enough times that it gathers enough energy to manifest physically. Figments may appear distorted at first, and struggle to interact with their physical surroundings, but will become more "real" over time if you continue to encourage their manifesting. Abandoning a figment can lead to it becoming starved and twisted, so you have to make a choice early on to let it die out, or have a lifetime commitment.
  • Garden Sprite - A species of very small fae that live amongst plants, typically in gardens, and embody the magic within the plants they are bonded to.
  • Ghost - A spirit that is tethered to the realm it died in, oftentimes a singular location, typically due to immense trauma or unfinished business keeping them from moving on. It is considered offensive to refer to any non-tethered spirit as a ghost, and they will often vocalize this if you make such a mistake. Ghosts are not necessarily stuck forever, and can be dislodged from their haunts with the help of others, or self realization.
  • Goblin - A broad species of fae associated with trickery. WIP.
  • Gremlin - A diminutive, furry species related to the goblin. Technically a fae of sorts.


  • Hall of Locked Doors - "The Keeper of the Keys." The Hall of Locked Doors is a pocket dimension where Keys from across the universes can converge and learn to hone their skills. Though started with refugee and connection in mind, a sinister force has taken the Hall.
  • Hawk Moth - A bat-like, shaggy furred mammal the side of a toddler. They have down mixed into their silky fur, and fully feathered wings. They have large red eyes that dominate their faces, ears like a barn owl, and they live off a diet of fruit.
  • Hearthslug - Another name for a housespirit.
  • Homunculus - A being crafted and given life by a magician. Homunculi can be made from any material - clay, papier-mâché, meat, or even pure energy. They tend to have an intelligence level comparable to a human's, though are usually somewhat childlike in their ability to understand the world and interact with their surroundings. They have an innate desire to stay near and serve their maker, as they are bonded, and share a soul.
  • Horseman - An avatar of Pestilence, War, Famine, Death, or Conquest. They are deific in nature, though will sometimes be granted this status upon meeting certain conditions, and may formerly have been any number of species, ordinary or otherwise.
  • House Spirit - WIP
  • Integral - Someone with one or more derivatives spawned from their soul fracturing.


  • Key - A being capable of travelling between dimensions unassisted. This ability is extremely rare, usually occurring once per dimension if at all. Keys can bypass quarantines set up by the Universal Council (UC) and are considered both powerful and dangerous.
  • Kiin - A shapeshifting humanoid species that has animalistic features. Unlike pookah, kiin have a connection to a singular animal they will resemble and be able to take the form of. Though their abilities are often genetic, their animal form is not, and will be suited to the individual rather than being influenced by family ties. Their animal forms are almost always tied to their geographical area, however, and will reflect local wildlife.
  • Korua - A human born into exile, and is forbidden from seeing its own face. This practice is facilitated by use of masks and magical veils, and marks the korua as being fated to spend its life as a second class citizen. Korua are usually referred to as "it" as opposed to she or he.


  • Lich - WIP.
  • Lost Soul - A human denizen of Purgatory, due to their soul neither ascending to Heaven or descending to Hell.
  • Lycan - A wolf therianthrope who is has not transformed fully to their beast form, and is at a midway point.
  • Lycanthrope - A wolf therianthrope, AKA werewolf. Though not accurate to wolves, lycans abide by the alpha/beta/omega system, entirely because they were also convinced by that one study that fooled everyone else. This aspect of their culture is unrelated to biology, and is instead just a weird, kind of rude thing they are partial to. The mid-form between beast and human is known as a lycan.


  • Mage - Someone with no innate magical ability, but a desire to master the arcane regardless. This pursuit often leads mages to be nomadic, travelling from place to place to find and utilize the knowledge and resources needed for their craft, eventually tending to settle down in the environment that best facilitates their chosen path of magic. They differ from wizards due to not having an in internal source of magic to release from, or lack the desire to create one through external means. Mages take pride in finding magic outside of themselves. Some mages may belong to a species that has minor, nonspell-based magic, like night vision or healing factors, but do not have magic that can impact the world around them.
  • Maggotine - A humanoid beastfolk fae, who appears like a pale, sheeny human from the hips up, and a maggot down. Maggotine often have red or pink, bulbous eyes, and have a slight residue of moisture on even their human skin.
  • Mandrake - A sentient plant that screams if pulled out of the soil. It is exceedingly ugly, and at least partially mobile, and resembles a deformed infant. It has immense magical properties, but is so unpleasant to harvest and slaughter that most people won't bother unless they absolutely have to. Bleeds sap when cut, and will begin sobbing and very obviously pleading wordlessly for its life.
  • Medium - Someone who can see or speak to spirits to some degree. Mediums usually excel at necromancy, as it is useful to be able to better control and guide the dead.
  • Merfolk - An aquatic species of humanoid fae, related to elves.
  • Millidipiden - A humanoid with three or more pairs of arms, and four or more pairs of legs, on one very large torso, making them resemble millipedes. They live in settlements built into the sides of ravines, and are amicable and civilized.
  • Mind Leech - Sometimes incorrectly referred to as a psychic vampire, mind leeches feed on people's emotions and memories, and though the numbing effect if often temporary, continued exposure to a mind leech for multiple years will rob its prey of its ability to feel or remember. Mind leeches resemble pale, flabby piles of bred dough with a smattering of tiny, glistening black eyes around the funnel-like mouth atop their heads. They start small, springing up like fungus in areas that are neglected but near humans, like attics that aren't often cleaned or barns that aren't being utilized, and will grow until human size as they feed unnoticed on the things around them. Once they begin to bloat past their final size, they can undergo mitosis, and the speed of their sapping will double. If all humans nearby leave or are tapped out, the mind leech will begin to starve and wither. Mind leeches have been known to form symbiotic relationships with humans who have emotions or memories they'd rather have removed, as once fed enough, the mind leech will gain the ability to understand language and reason, and will be able to rationalize that being useful to its prey will prolong its ability to feed and live in peace. Sometimes, this can lead to the mind leech growing emotionally attached and fond of its host, much to its dismay.
  • Monster - A being of the taxonomical Navita domain, that is non-demonic, non-fae, and non-angelic. Monsters are bestial beings made of pure navitas. They can look like anything, though they all have close ties to the Underunder. Due to their extremely variable appearances, beings of unknown origin deemed monstrous in visage will be often misattributed this label.


  • Navita - A taxonomical domain for creatures who are made of Navitas particles, and not cells. This includes monsters, demons, fae, angels - among other extradimensional beings. Dimension of origin greatly impacts classification and appearance, with demons drawing Navitas from Hell, angels from Heaven, fae from the Faery Realm, and monsters from the Underunder.
  • Navitas - Energy/Magic. Originates and eventually returns to the Underunder, causing all life and magic.
  • Necromancy - The art of reanimating the dead, to various degrees. Some seek to utilize corpses to do their bidding, some wish to speak to ghosts, some want to return life in its entirely to an empty vessel. Skill level, method, and focus will vary the results. Necromancy is one of few magics capable of being replicable through science and still considered a form of magic through these means.
  • Nephilim - A being that is half angel and half human. Extremely rare, thought to not even exist, as angels and humans are not viable to breed with one another, and angels lack sexual interest in humans to begin with, overall seeing them more like livestock animals than equals in sapience.
  • Nox - A species of monsters that resemble living shadows. Typically seen as malevolent, nox have the same range and capability for good or evil as any other sapient beings, though they have an innate aggression typical to monsterkind that lends them this reputation.


  • Oracle - A soothsayer employed or otherwise tasked to use their abilities.


  • Pariah - In magical terms, pariah refers to the phenomena of someone undergoing a magical awakening that in the process strips them of their sanity. These are random, usually triggered by puberty, hormone fluctuation, or trauma. Pariahs act on violent impulses, and have the unexplained urge to travel downwards, usually fleeing their homes in search of caves or other hiding holes. They rarely retain memory of their lives prior to this transformation, and as such lose any semblance of their former selves, barring their physical forms.
  • Pixie - The patron fae of the Faery Kingdom in the Fae Realm. A pixie is a species of fae that is typically small and brightly colored, though like most fae they can utilize magic to scale or shrink in size. They have wings, typically resembling a dragonfly's, and antennae. They are highly gifted in magic not intended for combat.
  • Poltergeist - A ghost that cannot be seen by non-mediums, but can interact with the environment, oftentimes making themselves hassles to nearby humans by moving things, tossing items, and slamming doors. Poltergeist were usually mischievous or temperamental in life.
  • Pookah - A race of talented shapeshifting fae of the beastfolk's domain. They typically have dark fur/hide/hair regardless of form, with vibrant, eerie eyes. They are known to be homicidally malicious at worst, and mischievous assholes at best.



  • Ratter - A humanoid with rat-like features, including the ears, tail, and mannerisms of a rodent. Otherwise resemble humans in intelligence.


  • Satyr - A beastfolk fae with goat-like legs and horns. Their culture is based around decadence and celebration, and as such they struggle to acclimate to any other environment, or to interact with creatures incompatible with this lifestyle.
  • Seer - An organization of espers meant to teach their kind how to master their powers. They are seen as somewhat archaic, as they practice ritualistic tattooing and punishment on their ranks, and believe that chastity and restraint are mandatory parts of the esper process, and that the end goal is to shirk ones humanity to become something pure and holy. They believe the body is merely a cage for the mind, and it should be broken instead of rewarded with nurture for imprisoning the powers an esper contains.
  • Shapeshifter - A being that has one or more other forms it can assume by way of changing shapes.
  • Slipskin - A shapeshifter with human origins. Slipskin only gain their powers once they turn eighteen, and are created by the desire to completely reject their humanity. All known slipskin were born with grotesque disfigurations that lead to them being ostracized and mistreated, and though the shapeshifter gene/aptitude is likely present in all kinds of people, most will not go through the level of dehumanization and isolation needed to activate it otherwise.
  • Soothsayer - An esper who can see the future. This can be through various means - visions, reading tea leaves or palms, dreams, etc. Some particularly unlucky or powerful soothsayers will be on the receiving ends of prophecies. Soothsayers excel at divination magic, and will pick it up much faster than those who are not naturally inclined to futuresight.
  • Soul - A soul is an intangible organ all humans have, and is the primary food source of demons, hence why demons farm humans and will regularly infiltrate their societies to secure a steady source of nutrients. Unlike most organs, when the body dies the soul will remain, and does not rot. Typically it will either sink to dimensions below, and eventually get caught in Hell, or rise and eventually get caught in Heaven. Souls incapable of doing either will either awaken as ghosts, or become stuck in Purgatory. It takes time for a soul to "wake up" after being removed from the body, and as such most people will undergo the process of migrating planes after death without remembering it, despite the soul retaining memories when inside the body and again after waking.
  • Specter - A ghost that cannot interact with its earthly environment, or be seen or heard by anyone but mediums beyond of brief flashes at most. Usually driven mad with the loneliness of it, which can sometimes lead to them becoming malevolent poltergeist. The most common kind of ghost.
  • Spell - A magical ritual that involves a catalyst, like incantations, gestures, or ingredients like candles or herbs.
  • Spellcaster - A being that can cast spells.
  • Spirit - The soul when removed from the body is known as a spirit. They retain the nature and often memories of the person they belong to. Spirits usually only result from a human's death, and will either be on their way to Hell, Heaven, or Purgatory unless doomed to become a ghost.
  • Sprite - A variety of fae, who typically embody the magic and will of things like plants, animals, and other aspects of life (rain, lost items, soot, dizziness, the sound of wind outside, etc.)
  • Stock - A homunculus made by fae, often by mistake. Fae making effigies will sometimes imbue their crafts with magic by mistake, and if the shape and materials allow it, these beings will then take on a life of their own. They require a humanoid shape to exist, and are usually woven in nature, with any living beings utilized in their construction (like beetles for eyes, or a live bird used to simulate a beating heart) will become a part of their body and cease to exist on their own.


  • Talon - A species of humanoids with unusual skulls that have a long nasal bridge resembling a bird's beak, sharp teeth, and large eyes with double eyelids like a cat. Talons are magically inclined, and oftentimes prone to neuroticism.
  • Tazielnor - A planet that is notable due to it housing a large quantity of deities that rule it collectively. It has unique languages and cultures, and notable countries such as Wesk and Pasgotch.
  • Telekinetic - An esper who can manipulate the world around them using their mind. Usually this means simple parlor tricks like levitating small items, though powerful telekinetics can move large quantities of items with precision, transport large scale items, or even teleport.
  • Telepath - An esper who can read minds, or is empathetic to a magical degree. Powerful telepaths sometimes gain the power of persuasion, or hypnosis.
  • Therian - A therianthrope who is has not transformed fully to their beast form, and is at a midway point. These are a middle ground between the human and animal. Some strains of therianthropy cannot ever achieve full bestial form, while some are not strong enough to consistently access it. Genetic therianthropes can choose the scale at which they transform when not compelled by the moon, and those that prefer a middle ground are known as "therians" or a species specific term (lycan, arouran, etc.)
  • Therianthrope - A shapeshifter given its abilities by way of an ancient curse, AKA. werefolk. Therianthropes have a singular animal form they assume, mostly against their will, typically once a month in correlation with the moon. Therianthropes who have inherited their curse by way of their parents will be greater affected by their curse, and will be able to assume their beast form by will, and also under periods of intense emotion or stress against their will, and are more likely to become stuck as an animal forever and lose their humanity. Therianthropes have three functional forms, that being their original human one, their beast form (also called feral form) and therian form. The therian form being a anthropomorphic middle ground between their feral/beast form and human one. Some strains of therainthropy will not include a beast form, or will struggle to consistently fully transform, leading to the therianthrope mostly or entirely utilizing their therian form.
  • Thrall - A being that serves a magically superior, oftentimes sinister master like a vampire or a lich, in the pursuit of gaining their knowledge in exchange for providing aid.
  • Troll - A lumpy, squat species of wingless fae. Their magical skills are usually limited, but they are by no means weak. They come in a wide variety of sizes, the smallest being that of a human child, though some can be several stories tall. Though they have varied reputations, and are known for being jovial to outright malevolent, they are consistently known for being easy to charm or barter with.


  • Undead - Any being caught in a state between life and death - having tied to a mobile physical form, but not being alive. Vampires, some kinds of zombies or homunculi, liches, and ghouls all fall into this category. Ghosts, lacking a physical form in the mortal world, do not.
  • Underling - A term for the gargantuan monsters born into the Underunder. Some of these beasts are easily planet sized, or greater.
  • Underunder - The realm from which all energy, and all magic, originates from and returns to. It is located at the lowest level of the dimensional layers, and is quarantined entirely, as it is inhabited by ravenous monsters that consume raw energy. These beings have destroyed 137 dimensions surrounding the Underunder, leading to them being sealed away. Energy continues to seep out from this plane, and spawn monsters elsewhere.


  • Vampire - Blood sucking beings created by way of curse.


  • Warlock - A witch with such intense trauma or emotional turmoil that it has begun to corrupt their magic, affecting the way it appears, its intensity, and the effect of spells. While not inherently evil, warlock have poor reputations and will be regarded with scrutiny if not fear, as they are known to be pushed to revenge or straight up eradicating those who they view as opposing them. Most warlock who aren't motivated to harm others are simply in the state they are due to PTSD or trauma, and activists have been working to destigmatize this condition.
  • Witch - A spellcaster who is born with innate magical abilities.
  • Wizard - A spellcaster who masters magic as a learned skill, typically finding a catalyst to unleash or gain their magical abilities at the beginning of this process.




  • Zilch - A small, white blobular species with a random assortment of limbs and ratlike snouts. They begin existing spontaneously, for no specific purpose. They rarely stray far from where they spawn, and are anomalous beings that do not need to eat or sleep, and delightfully contribute very little.
  • Zombie - A loose term usually applied to beings either undead or alive but in a state comparable to undeath - such as those piloted by particular parasites, or whose minds are effected heavily by certain viruses, that often resemble a rabid, zombie like state. This term can also apply to many reanimated, non-aggressive dead.