
1 year, 4 months ago

I wrote this because the image of the Loreley Splendor helm in my mind was... not the same as the actual Loreley Splendor helm in Destiny 2. I kinda like my imagined version of Loreley Splendor more, and it's sorta more thematically relevant in my silly little stories that float around in my brain, so I wrote this. This way, I get Loreley Splendor 2.0 lol.

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“Eyyy, hot stuff!!”

John glanced up from the steaming bowl of ramen in front of him to see his friend and fireteam member Marquis making his way across the bazaar. He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms behind his head, grinning as he took in the warlock’s smug expression. 

“Well, well, well, tae what do I owe th' pleasure?”

“Special delivery to you, from me, courtesy of the Vanguard Archives.”

“Is that so? Well this is bound tae be good.”

With a flourish, Marquis placed a helmet on the table between the two of them before sitting across from the titan.

John hummed as he picked up the helmet, turning it over in his hands. It was a gorgeous helmet with a stark white body, a golden faceplate, and metallic feathers trailing at the ear. The golden plates along the top of the helmet were riveted with brigandine, and the features on the faceplate were etched with deep lines that gave the face an almost skeletal visage. The center of the helm featured a large gray loop, similar to that of a folded ribbon, that gave the impression of a third eye. 

“I thought it might suit you. The style, the colors…” Marquis paused as he watched the helmet roar to life in the titan’s hands, the feathers erupting in orange-white flames, and the etchings burning white-hot. “And it’s infused with Light. Solar light, to be exact.”

“Aye, she’s a beaut…” he murmured with a hint of fondness.

“There is… one small problem though.” Marquis’ lips twitched as he watched John lift the helmet to try it on, only for it to stop on the crown of his head. “It won’t fit over that fat head of yours.”

“Oh, fuck off ye tease!” He launched the helmet at the warlock, who caught it with a grin. “Why’d you bring me th' bloody thing then if you knew I couldn’t wear it?”

“Because,” Marquis starts, reaching the helmet back towards John. “I bet that Awoken friend of yours down in the Last City could recreate this for you, probably with any alterations you wanted.”

Taking the helmet back in his hands, John quirked a brow. “What’s in it for you because I’m sure you didn’t do this out of the goodness of yer own heart.”

“Oh how you wound me so!” Marquis threw his hand over his heart and feigned a hurt expression, but it was quickly replaced with a grin. “I just want to see proof of concept, then maybe I’ll sneak out a few other things here and there from the archives.”

John laughed and tossed the helmet in the air as his ghost transmatted it away. “Ah, o’ course, o’ course!” He grinned, ramen cold and long forgotten as he stood up and clapped Marquis on the shoulder. “I’m holding ye tae that.”