Liberty Pestis' Bio

1 year, 7 months ago

Liberty's Bio

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━━☆ Main Information ☆━━

Full Name: Liberty Pestis

Nicknames: Libby

Birthdate: January 14th

Zodiac: Capricorn ⊙ | Saggitarius ☾ | Gemini

Age: 1235 (Immortal)

Gender & Pronouns: Agender It/its

Sexual Orientation: Asexual Aromantic

━━☆ Characteristics ☆━━

Voice Claim: Black Phillip - The Witch

Height: 6'2

Species/Race: Plague Doctor

Mental Illness: 

Personality: Grumpy and a lone wolf. Doesn't have time for relationships anymore since they've lost so many loved ones in their lifetime. It looks over everybody and ensures they're safe but doesn't want to be too involved personally. It chooses a select few people to take into its close circle because it knows it'll outlive them. Very smart and practical. 


----- grave keeping. It likes to clean graves and make them look pretty for people that have lost their loved ones just like it. It takes bouquets that it makes with Maris, places them on the gravestones, and brushes away dirt with a little brush every weekend. 

----- playing with ouija boards and talking to ghosts. It thinks it's easy to contact whoever it wants this way, so it does it often to clear the mind or ask questions. Sometimes even for comfort or company. 

----- feeding crows. Crows and ravens are often found at the cemetery, so it loves to find where they are and feed them. It finds it pleasant when they come up and sometimes take it right out of its hand. 

----- gardening. Maris and Liberty like to garden together in their free time. They like to shop at the gardening store together and find new plants to place in brand-new pots. 

Other Facts:

----- Gives medical care and treatment to others when needed

----- It became best friends with Wren by meeting it through the Ouija board. It thought she was a ghost in limbo but turns out she was just contacted at the right time. They ended up talking a lot through the board and ended up meeting in real life and hitting it off. 

━━☆ Relationships ☆━━


Best Friends: Wren

Friends: Linkoln, Maris


Enemies: Darling
