
1 year, 4 months ago

Lancelot takes Keeva on a flight

Gift from ResonantCrimson, from Love and War server event

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Sitting on one of the highest branches, Lancelot knows no one will find him unless he wants them to. The only person who would be able to locate him is Keeva which is what the Eidolon prefers at the moment. Some peace and quiet is hard to find nowadays, and the summoner is the only person he wants around him at the moment.

“Lan!” a voice chirps, and, a soft smile quirking his lips, Lancelot looks down to see Keeva waving up at him with an exuberant grin he swore to protect. Flying down, the Eidolon laughs when Keeva throws her arms around him in greeting. “I was wondering where you’d gotten to.”

“Were you worried about me?” Lancelot questions. Keeva shakes her head, craning her neck to look up at her Eidolon. With the massive height difference, the Summer Sidhe really has to strain in order to look up at him. “I’m glad. I just needed a little bit of peace after all we’ve been through recently.”

“Yeah, things have been crazy, huh?” Keeva replies, still wearing the same happy smile. Lancelot finds himself grateful she can smile and be herself around him. “But hey, we got each other, so we’ll be fine!”

“Of course,” Lancelot murmurs in reply, ruffling Keeva’s hair. She pouts and he can’t help but laugh at her childish nature at times. “But since we’re here and away from others for a while, would you like to go flying for a bit?”

“Ooo, really?!” Keeva’s eyes light up and it makes Lancelot shake his head in bemusement. “Are you sure? I mean, didn’t you want peace and quiet for a while?”

“It’s fine. Flying is soothing for me as it is for you,” the Eidolon responds. Keeva bounces on the soles of her feet and Lancelot lets out an inaudible chuckle. “Come along now.”

Lancelot picks Keeva up and beats his powerful wings, taking to the skies with Keeva whooping and hollering the whole time. It makes him exude his own laughter as they fly around without a care in the world. Both of them find themselves grateful for their friendship in these moments, that they know they have someone who will do whatever they can to make the other person happy.

After a good while of flying, they land in the same forest they started in, Keeva laughing so hard she’s gasping for air. Seeing his friend so happy makes Lancelot pleased and once again he tousles her hair, amused when she lets out a groan.

“You gotta stop doing that, Lancelot. It really makes me feel short,” Keeva complains, but her tone holds no malice and instead carries an air of humor.

“My apologies,” Lancelot replies with a teasing edge to his voice. Keeva kicks his leg in good humor and it makes Lancelot let out a dramatic gasp. “She kicks me?! How will I ever recover from this?”

“Stop being dramatic, Lancelot,” Keeva remarks, giggling. “But thanks for today. You really know how to make me feel better.”

Letting out his own chuckle, Lancelot bops Keeva on the head. “Anytime.”