Dog’s Best Friend

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
2 225

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Before becoming a god, Myrecur was just a simple assistant known as Dr. Castillo.

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Black Hair

“Your roots are showing.”

Castillo did a double take, staring at Kain as if He were the weird one. 

“What?” Really, they should be thanking him. He knew how much they cared about their appearance. 

“Your roots. Did you forget to bleach them?”

“Bleach..? No, my hair is naturally white–” Castillo commented as he opened his phone’s front camera to check. How ridiculous. Nobody’s hair is “naturally” white. He must have been affected by an SCP then, instead of regularly dyeing it like Kain had assumed. Was it losing its effect then?

“I need to…I need to call someone. Sorry. I’ll- I’ll be right back” Kain hummed as the other rushed out of the lab.