
1 year, 4 months ago
848 1

Phoenix is one of, if not the last remaining original android that was not destroyed when Omega blew up the original Shadow Android line. After multiple attempts at defeating Shadow, she decides to take refuge in a particular space station...

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Chaos Control was always a disorienting experience. Warping through space and time itself was something that never really became “normal”, you just got more accustomed to the sensation. However, warping up to space was a much more physically taxing feat than Phoenix expected. Phoenix collapsed to the cold, metal floor and gasped for air, gripping the chaos emerald tightly. There was something quite pathetic about an android like herself writhing on the floor from pain. It seemed rather counterintuitive for her to be programmed to do “organic” things, like breathing and feeling pain. Phoenix grimaced. Stupid Doctor. Phoenix heaved herself onto her feet, skimming her surroundings. A dimly lit space with pipes and circuitry lining the walls and ceilings, with giant windows in the middle of each division. Phoenix limped towards one of the windows, gazing at the view before her. Earth. The magnificent blue dot was dark, painted with the golden lights of civilization. Beyond it, the void of space was flecked with stars. So, this was the ARK. Phoenix had known of this place but had never been to it. All she knew is that her creator, Gerald Robotnik, had resided there for a time, along with her “original”. Phoenix scowled. Shadow. Every waking moment she was reminded of his existence. After all, her original name was also “Shadow”, along with all of the other androids created in her line. It was like he was taunting her in every waking moment. She hated it.

“If he fails, finish what he started.” Phoenix recited to herself. It was her prime directive, one she had strayed from long ago. Gerald had created her and the other androids as a backup if Shadow had failed to destroy humanity. Hell, for all she knew, she was the only android left. Phoenix shoved her hands into her pockets. Shadow had failed his promise, and Phoenix had failed hers. Perhaps neither of them was deserving of the title Ultimate Lifeform.

“I didn’t expect to find you here.” The stillness was cut through by a familiar voice. Phoenix turned her head, noticing Shadow, who was standing in the middle of the room with a chaos emerald in his hand. Phoenix sneered and turned away to look back through the window.

“Come to taunt me, Shadow?” Phoenix called. Silence. Her ears twitched as she heard Shadow walk towards her. Her shoulders stiffened and she turned her head to look at him again. He was standing next to her, staring through the glass. Phoenix shifted from one foot to the other, confused. She wasn’t used to Shadow taking so long to respond. After a moment of silence, he simply replied,

“I just came for the view.” More silence. Usually, their conversations quickly devolved into throwing punches, but something felt different here. Phoenix slowly shifted her gaze back to the view. She had never really had the time to pause and study something for as long as she was now. This large planet was what she was originally destined to destroy, with all the living things going with it. Yet now, she was simply studying each little detail her eyes could comprehend.

“...It’s nice,” Phoenix uttered. From her peripheral, Phoenix could make out Shadow glancing at her for a moment, then nodding.

“It is.” Silence again. The fact they weren’t bantering made Phoenix want to scream. Ever since she had awakened, she was hunting Shadow down, insulting him, and trying to obliterate him. If it wasn’t for that stupid blue hedgehog they probably would’ve destroyed each other by now. An android clone and her original should not coexist in the same world, that was certain to Phoenix. One of them had to be superior to the other. So why wasn’t she trying to attack Shadow now? Phoenix inched closer to the glass, pressing her forehead against it.  She could feel Shadow’s eyes on the back of her head.

“You know,” Phoenix finally spoke, “This is the perfect time to strike… Back of the neck. Not taking the opportunity to eliminate an opponent would be foolish.” Shadow sighed.

“You remind me of someone I knew, android,” Shadow’s voice was quiet and distant, “Someone who is long gone.”

“...What happened to them?”  Phoenix lifted herself to look at him. Shadow folded his arms and looked up, as if he was thinking, then shook his head.

“Hm. I guess you’ll find out.” Shadow replied brazenly, his normal demeanor returning. He eyed Phoenix with a smirk. Shadow backed away, lifting the chaos emerald in his hand. Phoenix leaned her back against the windowsill before remarking,

“I’m still going to end you, Shadow the Hedgehog.” They both paused before grinning at each other.

“In your dreams,”  Shadow responded. “Farewell.” Just as soon as he appeared, he had warped away in a flash of blue light. Phoenix stood there for a moment, contemplating the interaction she had just had. It was… Bizarre. It didn’t feel horrible though. Phoenix bit her lip in thought.

“Hm,” She murmured. “See you soon, Shadow.”

Author's Notes

writing shadow is so hard omg3333