Camron’s TOS

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
1 291 1

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Here’s my tos for art, designs, and bases, ALWAYS read before commissioning me

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Here’s my tos for all art, designs, and bases :)


/Always/ credit, I don’t really care what you use it for(no nsfw or very mature topics), but credit me

For commissions, absolutely NO refunds. You send the points and/or $$, and I send the art a few days later. If I’m unable to complete, I’ll give the points/$$ back immediately(not likely to happen, but just in case)

Just like, don’t claim as your own, not cool.

Any violations of the rules above will result in a block+black list(I’ll give a warning tho)


First off, absolutely NO stealing. Never okay.

Let’s say it’s an ota, gotchapon, etc, you complete the payments, THEN you get the design.

There will a 1 week cooldown period when you can NOT sale the design after you obtain it.

Like, I’ll be flexible on this one, but no selling the design for more than you got it. Example: you won in a OTA for 3 scenes. Don’t sell it much over that, pretty simple.


Whether it’s p2u or f2u, ALWAYS credit. I don’t care, you have to credit.

Don’t disfigure it too much, especially in a inappropriate way.


I spend a LOT of time on my art, and it really hurts to see it go to a person who spent 10 minutes on a full. Please spend time on your payments and trades with me, as I so, so much time. Also I probably won’t trade with you again.

Art Trades: Pose/Complex Full(1-2 hours): open, but please spend at least 30 minutes 

Design Trades: Complex Custom off base(2-3 hours): semi open, pref to complex designs.