1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
1 548

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Explicit Violence

Leon is a guardian angel who is one of the tops of his department. With a newfound promotion, he takes two younger angels in training under his wing, and begins taking regular visits down to earth, where he teaches his angels the beauties of human nature and why they’re worth protecting. However, when he finds himself falling in love with a human girl, his career (and liveliness) is stripped from him. Through tragedy and trauma, Leon finds a growing need for revenge against the angels that turned him into a monster.

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          Where am I?

          I slowly opened my eyes, revealing a blinding white void. I hesitantly reached out. There was nothing there. I cannot...feel. I float against nothing.

          “…What?-” My voice began to echo before being abruptly cut off by a transparent screen unfolding into thin air in front of me. The screen’s sudden appearance made me jump in my skin and seemingly drift backward a foot or two as it glowed to life.

          A video started to play, and an older looking woman stepped into frame.

          “Hello, and welcome to your first day of guardianship! Before we continue, please customize your appearance and name on the following screen. I’ll be back whenever you’re ready.” The lady faded away as text came into view. 

Please select your body base.  


          Several different body types fade into the center of the screen, ascending from overtly skinny to large and round. A slider on the right suggested I adjust my height. I settled on a somewhat tubby, taller body, and as I tapped on it, my body began to shiver.

Option 3 selected.

          I could feel my skin stretching to mold the shape I selected. It was a warm tingling that enveloped my body. Not uncomfortable in the slightest. The selection faded away as more text appeared beside a color wheel.

Please select your skin tone.


          I played with the colors, watching as my skin changed atop the fingers moving across the wheel. I giggled to myself before settling on a toned down, orangey color.

Hex code #d69371 selected.

          For the next few minutes I played with hair, eyes, additional or fewer limbs, accessories, until finally I tapped a FINISH button in the bottom right of the screen. Everything on the screen swirled together into a circle as something began to load. A check mark popped onto the screen with text reading : 

Thank you for participating! This is you : 

Is this correct?

60940117_g6Gp2SPMXPefN6p.pngyes       no

          I beamed as my entire body appeared in frame, a perfect mirror of how I was at that exact moment, hunched over the screen. As I lifted my hand to press yes, tiny-screen-me mimicked my movement. I watched with curiosity as I took a good look at myself, moving my arms, legs, and playing with my hair. I finally tapped the yes button and it made a satisfying click! before fading away.

Personality uploaded!

          The lady stepped back into frame as everything behind her dissipated. She smiled fondly.

          “Welcome to guardianship, Jay. With your personality uploaded, you’ve been assigned your role here at Bermuda Inc.. You’ll be assigned to the “purpose” department, but for now, I’m sure you’ll need a little bit of help catching up.” I heard a click, and a rectangular chunk in the void started to hiss open. I could feel myself being gently pushed toward it. “We’d love to formally introduce you to your mentor, he will guide you through everything you need to know about working here,” Light began shining through the door, and I squinted to adjust to it. As my feet gently guided me against solid ground for the first time, the lady finished, “Jay, it is my pleasure to introduce you to one of our top angels: Leon.” 

Author's Notes

Images used are not permanent!! Just lazy drawings for now :)