Less than perfect

1 year, 4 months ago
233 2

I do not condone the actions, beliefs or opinions belonging to Arlo's mother.

She's a terrible mother and a narcissistic person, period.

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เณƒเผ„ ๐–๐€๐‘๐๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ ย อŸอŸอžอžยท ยท ยท โœฆย 

ใ€Žโ–ธ Child abuse

ใ€Žโ–ธ Homophobia


"Honestly Arlo! After everything I've done for you, after everything you turn out to be a little freak! Do you know how much this'll affect your career?!"

Arlo flinches as he listens to his mother rant, just be quiet, she'll tire herself out eventually.ย 

"Fuck, we won't let this get out, and you're going to move schools, and it's going to be fine. No one needs to know what a little freak you are."

Tuning out his mother's rant Arlo instead chooses to focus on his wounds being bandaged, on the pain, it's not fair really, was liking another boy so wrong?


"God you're not even 15 yet, you're lucky that I don't just throw your disguising queer tail out of my house. Be grateful."

"... Thanks."

"Whatever, go to your room."

Nodding Arlo retreats into his room and locks the door behind him, he's about to cry and he's not allowed to do that because it makes him look ugly. Leaning against the door he muffles his own little sobs with his sleeves, eyes burning as tears come from them.

He's such a little freak, everyone agrees.

Would Forte think so too?ย 


Scooting over to the plushy Forte gifted him Arlo buries his face in it, there's a quiet muttering his apologies, begging forgiveness from something that could never give it to him.

Not like he deserved forgiveness anyway.