
1 year, 7 months ago

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Oasis did her best to cross her arms and pin Derek with a flat look. Here he was trying to train her again. At least it seemed like he could learn; he hadn’t sent out either of her other team members. No excuse for her being distracted now. Did that mean she was going to listen to him? Absolutely not.

Derek pitched the bridge of his nose as Oasis turned away. “Why do you have to be so difficult?” He grumbled. “I know you want to get stronger, so why do you never want to listen to me?”

Oasis turned to look at him and stuck her tongue out. No reason to respond if he couldn’t understand here anyway. She never really got why Flit would try to talk to him normally. Her attitude earned her a groan, which she counted as a win. If she could say one thing positive about her trainer it’d be that he was determined. Maybe he’d been a bit spoiled as well by Rough’s openness to being trained by him. He’d probably assumed it’d be the same with her.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at her, annoyed. She was willing to bet that he was trying to think of the best way to scold her for misbehaving, wouldn’t be the first time he’d tried that. More often than not though she’d just dig away until he gave up. Placing his hands together he sighed and leveled a much less angry look at her than she was expecting. “What do I need to do for you to let me train you?” He grit out.

The snivy looked up at him, surprised. Well that was a far cry from another scolding. Perhaps Flit was right about him improving. She turned to face him properly and turned her nose up at him. It felt kinda good to be in control of the situation to a degree. Maybe she’d try talking, like Flit did with him. “Firstly, you need to stop being a jerk. Though I doubt that’ll happen any time soon.” She grumbled. Derek frowned as he likely tried to figure out what she said. His frown deepened as he likely picked up that it was sort of an insult. Oasis decided to push on before he could say anything about it though. “Second, be aware of the different needs of your pokemon. Not all of us respond to the same sort of training, Sure Rough does great with your typical training style but Flit does awfully with it. And myself well, you should already know that doesn’t fly with me.”

Derek drug a hand down his face. “Alright you’re talking a lot and I’m barely catching any of it. Slow it down if you want me to have any chance of guessing what you’re saying.” He frowned.

Sighing through her nose Oasis tried again, but slower this time. Derek nodded along like he was getting some of it at least. Perhaps that was a win. “Basically, try and be a bit nicer. A lot of pokemon don’t respond to violence well.” She punctuated the last sentence by crossing her arms again.

“I… think I get what you’re saying. Kinda.” Derek finally said after a brief silence. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Well look at that, he could change. Maybe. There was the possibility that he was just saying that to appease her. “Good.” She said with a sharp nod of her head. She’d remain optimistic for now, but wouldn’t let her guard down completely. If things improved for her and her teammates though she’d be happy. Plus it would be better on any future pokemon who joined them.

“Can we try this again now?” Derek tried. “You have the ability to do this, you just need a bit of guidance.”

Oasis considered this for a moment. This was already a gentler approach, and a compliment too. How unusual. Maybe she could indulge him for a bit. She nodded and he slumped in mild relief. “Great, that’s… great I guess. Let’s try this again then.” He stood up straighter. Try focusing on your tail first.” Oasis shot him an unamused look, but did as asked anyway. It wasn’t hard. “Good?” A nod. “Ok. Now try to focus on gathering energy there. Don’t release it yet though.” Settling herself she did as asked again. Feeling the energy she’d usually release right away for a move gather. She held it though, no matter how odd it felt. “Ok now try to use your tail as a conduit to release the energy, but keep it close. We’re trying for a leaf blade here if you actually remember what we were doing.”

Oasis rolled her eyes at the light jab. Instead of trying to respond, back talking wasn’t nearly as fun when one’s target couldn’t understand them, she swiped her tail in front of her allowing the gathered energy to escape. It wasn’t perfect by any means but it managed to work for the most part. Would she try that move in battle at the moment? Absolutely not. With a bit of practice maybe, but not yet.

Derek hummed. “Getting there I guess. Let’s give it a few more goes and see where you’re at.” Oasis sighed but adjusted herself to try again. This was going to take a while.

Several hours later saw Oasis sprawled out of the training field exhausted. She glared at Derek, the only thing keeping her from using the actual move on him being her exhaustion. “You’re getting there.” Derek said, meeting her glare. “With a bit more practice I’m sure you’ll have it.” He sighed. “Go ahead and join Flit and Rough. Get some rest.” With that he walked off. Probably to head inside the small house he lived in.

Peeling herself off the ground she shook herself off. She was sore, unhappy, and about ready to regret giving Derek a chance. As she padded back to the fenced off area where she and her teammates lived, not that the fence would stop any of them from leaving, she hoped that he’d continue to improve. If for no other reason than Flit deserved it, and any future pokemon should be spared from Derek’s attitude. As Flit and Rough came into view the snivy smiled. Even if her trainer wasn’t the best, at least she had them and she’d stay optimistic about their futures.