
1 year, 7 months ago

Evelyn was not expecting this.

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Evelyn retreats to her room, barely managing to close the door behind her before dropping to the floor with a sigh. School was rough today. Luckily, her parents didn't notice her mad dash to her room. She's really frustrated and angry, and itches at her arm in annoyance only to stop and look at her hand in horror.

Claws! She had claws! And dark hair she knew she definitely did not have. She jumps up in terror, pulling out her phone and fumbling with the lockscreen with her claws. She finally managed to open her phone and opens the camera app, switching it to selfie mode to see her face. She nearly drops it at the sight. She had dog-like ears... and her face! She runs one hand over her facial hair, careful not to impale herself with her new claws. As she looks herself over, she notices her feet have claws, too. She manages to scramble out what had remained of her shoes from her transformation, flexing her feet in morbid curiosity. This was weird. She had to be dreaming. There's just no other explanation.

Evelyn pinches herself, to see if she's dreaming.

"Ow!" she scream-whispers as she almost draws blood with her claws. Yeah. Definitely not dreaming.

For a second she's terrified that she looked like this at school, but then realized it's impossible. If she saw someone who looked like she did right now, she would've screamed their eardrums out. So someone would have noticed, therefore she would've too. She's glad that this didn't happen at school at least. She can't imagine what she would've done. Probably be homeschooled for the rest of her life, that's what.

"Think, Evelyn," she mutters to herself in frustration. What was she going to do now? She itches at her clothes. Okay, the first thing she has to do is change out of these clothes! They're way too uncomfortable now. She scrambles to her dresser, puts her phone down onto it, and finds the most baggy clothes she can find, closing the curtain to her room and changing into the new clothes, leaving the old ones in her pile on the floor. That was better.

She tried to think of why she would change into... whatever she was now. Hmm... that's it! She'd been too overemotional.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down," she mutters to herself as she takes some deep breaths with her eyes closed. She opens her eyes a crack and looks at her arm. Nothing. It didn't work.

She tried with more desperation, but still nothing. She grabs her phone from the dresser and goes to sit down on her bed. Looking through YouTube, she puts on her favorite band and jams out to a couple of their songs. But alas, she still can't calm down enough. Her mind keeps shifting back to the school day no matter what she does. Would she be stuck in this form forever? Would she have to show her parents what she'd become? She really hoped not, anxiety spiking at the idea of her parents seeing her like this.

What now, though? She had to figure out a way to calm down. Suddenly, she has an overwhelming urge to go running. But she'd have to sneak around her parents... yeah, that wasn't a good idea. But what choice did she have? Nothing else was working. If running was what she needed then running it would be. She leaves her phone on her bed and gets up, walking to the door. She listens intently, not hearing anybody outside. She opens the door a crack, glancing left and right before slowly sneaking out. She's almost made it to to the front door when she hears someone coming up the hall, and she ducks into the bathroom and locks the door. 

"Evelyn, was that you?" her dad asks.

"Uh-huh, I'm in the bathroom!" she calls out from near the toilet.

"Oh," she hears her dad say outside the door, "How was school, honey?"


"Ok, just checking on you!" her dad calls before continuing down the hall and out of Evelyn's earshot.

After making 100% sure no one else was around, she leaves the bathroom and runs to the front door, opening it quickly but closing it slow so it wouldn't slam. She breaks into a run, transitioning to all fours without even realizing it. Luckily for her, no one is around. She makes it to the local park and collapses, panting, to the grassy lawn.

As she sits there and contemplates, she suddenly gets angry. Why does she have to look like, well, this instead of cool like Ebony? Her fursona was perfect in every way... while she was decidedly not. How cruel fate can be! She'd give anything to look like Ebony. Of course she had to look like whatever this was. Could she even call herself a werewolf at this point?

Granted, she hadn't thought werewolves even existed, but to her knowledge they definitely didn't look like this. She realized she'd left her fake ears and tail at home, so she couldn't even play pretend that she looked like Ebony. She sighed in exasperation. Today was just not her day. The run had tired her out, but she was still in her "werewolf" form. What would it take to change back? She didn't have to take long to think as exhaustion overcame her, and she fell asleep in the warm sun.

She was woken up by voices near her.

"Mommy, why is that girl sleeping in the grass?" a little girl asks.

"I don't know, sweetie," the girl's mom answers as Evelyn sits up groggily. Oh no! She has to make it home before her parents find out she left, and she left her phone at home! At least now she was in her normal form. A nap did the trick.

She makes it home with no more surprises, and she even comes in without her parents noticing. 

She goes into her room and picks up her phone from her bed. She puts on her favorite tunes and jams out again. She'd worry about today later.

Author's Notes

written for art trade