Eagle'Mask gets bullied into going hunting

1 year, 3 months ago

As requested by my class

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The camp was quiet, which was surprising as from what Eagle’Mask had been able to tell, the clan was a constant bustle of activity and noise. But it seemed that today, the majority of the warriors were doing Star’Clan knows what. And so, Eagle’Mask was left in the clan with only a sparse group of cats. This was nice, a lot nicer then when Birch’Furs kits were here, I wonder where they went- 


Eagle’Mask looked up as a voice interrupted her train of thought. Infront of her stood two apprentices. They were looking at her expectantly, like she should be doing something. Should she be doing something? Magpie’Star hadn’t said anything after she left, but maybe she assumed Eagle’Mask knew what she should be doing- 

“Hey! New cat” 

Eagle’Mask looked up again, returning her focus back to the two apprentices. They were both quite small and fluffy, almost kit sized, but Eagle’Mask assumed they were much older then how they looked. The one who spoke was a tiny she with fluffy fur. Her blue eyes were surrounded by a grey mask, and on her nose and paws she had a spattering of small grey speckles, making it look like she had dust stuck to her fur. The other apprentice was also a small she quite similar to the talking one, but her fur was covered in light brown stripes. She was looking about like she wanted to be anywhere else but talking to Eagle’Mask, which Eagle’Mask found quite rude. Surely she wasn’t that bad to talk to.  

“Hello?? What, can you not talk?” The tiny she asked, squinting her eyes at Eagle’Mask. 

Eagle’Mask flicked an ear, looking at the apprentices. They were certainly bold. 

“Oh um, no I can talk,” Eagle’Mask muttered, shifting her weight. 

“Good,” the apprentice grinned, stepping forward so she stood right in front of Eagle’Mask, “Small’Paw and I want to go out hunting, but we need a warrior to take us” 

Eagle’Mask nodded, looking at the apprentices with confusion. She waited for her to continue, but instead the two apprentices looked up at her for…something. She wasn’t quite sure what was happening if she was being honest 


“Really?!” The one called Small’Paw stood, looking at Eagle’Mask excitedly. 

“Great! We’ll meet you outside the camp!” 

The two apprentices quickly trotted away, excitedly talking about the prospect of going out without their normal mentors. Eagle’Mask was left sitting with a dumbfounded expression. Did they mean she was going to take them out hunting? She watched them go with confusion. Before she jumped up, hurrying behind. 

“Wait!” Eagle’Mask called, quickly catching up, “I don’t think Magpie’Star would be very pleased if I took you out without her permission” 

The two apprentices rolled their eyes, running ahead and through the camp entrance. Eagle’Mask followed, gasping in shock as she exited the camp. Trees towered above her head, casting a green light on the ground around her, and all about her there was so much life and sound that her ears twitched around with the activity. Great big swathes of green and gold threaded through the branches and along the ground, and everywhere she looked she could see gorgeous flowers sprouting in between rocks and on trees. Where River’Clan had the river, Thunder’Clan had the trees and the birds and the insects and more kinds of animals that Eagle’Mask had ever seen at River’Clan. She sniffed, looking an awe at the clan. Walking in she must have missed the beauty that the clan held, completely overcome with her grief, but now that she stood here, she couldn’t believe how little she had noticed. Even in the camp she hadn’t taken the time to truly look at the place she was staying. Shaking her head she looked about for the apprentices. A few meters ahead she could just see the two trotting along, jumping over various stones and logs., 

“Maybe we should wait for Magpie’Star to get back?” Eagle’Mask tried 

 “you’re a warrior aren’t you? The rules state that we can’t go out by ourselves, it doesn’t say anything about what Warrior takes us.” The tiny one said matter of factly, turning briefly to face Eagle’Mask before running to catch up with Small’Paw. 

“Plus, Nip’Paw and I are basically warriors anyway, we don’t actually need your help” Small’Paw called back, “not like you could help much anyway” she added, twisting her head to look at Eagle’Mask as she ran ahead. 

Eagle’Mask frowned, cantering over a small log as she moved toward the apprentices. “What is that supposed to mean?” 

“Well, you know, you just sort of…sit there” Small’Paw answered, slowing down so she could face Eagle’Mask. Eagle’Mask frowned, looking at the apprentice with annoyance. Is that seriously all the apprentices think of her as? 

“I do not just sit there, I help out the clan” 

“By doing what? You don’t hunt, you don’t help mentor, you just sit or you wander around camp groaning and moaning and muttering about how doomed we all are” 

Eagle’Mask opened her mouth to snap back about all the things she did do, then closed it. She truly couldn’t think of anything else she did. She slowed, flicking an ear. Was she seriously what the apprentices described her as, some sad cat who can’t do anything but complain and feel sorry for themselves. She stopped, looking at the apprentices. All around her the forest seemed to still with sound, the trees slowing down as the wind stopped. The apprentices quickly stopped, following Eagle’Masks lead. 

“Is that seriously all I do all day?” 

The two nodded 

Eagle’Mask sighed, shaking her head, before picking up her pace, trotting off. Behind her she could hear the apprentices quickly hurrying to catch up, their paws picking up leaves as they ran. 

 They ran through the forest for what the apprentices felt like a suspiciously long time. Twisting in and around the trees and shrubs, leaping over logs. Around them the plants started to blur together, making it seem like they were staying in the same place. Suddenly, Eagle’Mask stopped, quickly crouching down in the long grass. The two apprentices quickly followed her lead, the grass completely covering their fur. They tried to peer out of the grass, but could only see a large group of boulders ahead. They were at the sunningrocks, a place owned by Thunder’Clan that was known for the large boulders that seemed to soak in the sun, making them the perfect places to sleep. The two apprentices looked at each other with confusion. It was also known to be a spot that River’Clan and Thunder’Clan often fought over, so to be taken here by a previous River’Clan cat made the two Thunder’Clan apprentices quite nervous. The two looked toward Eagle’Mask with confusion, waiting to see what she did. 

Eagle’Mask crouched, slowly stepping forward. Suddenly she leapt, her claws landing on a fat mouse. Quickly she bit down on the mouse, before placing it at the apprentices feet. 

The apprentices stared at the mouse for a beat, confused as to what Eagle’Mask wanted them to do with it. 

Eagle’Mask looked down at the apprentices, smiling. “What, you wanted to go hunting didn’t you?” 

The two grinned with excitement.