A New Storm: Epilogue

1 year, 3 months ago

Bark'Fur my child :0, i love him so much

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A soft breeze blew over the young toms fur. With a startle he awoke, his rough fur spiked in fear as he gazed around himself at the unfamiliar surroundings. He stood on startlingly white grass, so soft that he could scarcely feel the prickle of it against his paw pads. The grass gently swayed, causing the area around it to have a shimmering effect. This made the ground look like it was breathing, huge deep breaths that caused Bark’Fur to shiver with an unease he couldn’t quite place.  

Before him stood a huge clearing, that ran as far as the mist could allow him to see. What appeared to be a huge hole, maybe a lake, stood in the middle of the clearing, and around this there were an un-numerable number of cats. The cats were crowded around the edge of the hole, the only sign of life being the wind that shook their fur or the occasional flicker of an ear. 

Bark’Fur took a small step forward, squinting his eyes slightly at the bright light that reflected off the grass and cats, this place was unimaginably bright, everything seemed to glow and shimmer, and the mist only contributed to the light, causing everything to reflect into his eyes. Looking about Bark’Fur started to slowly make out individual characteristics of the cats. Their fur was a shimmering white, with stars scattered in their eyes and tail. Each step they took caused stars to spring from the grass, causing even more light. And yet, even with the blinding light, some of the cats looked…familiar.  

Bark’Fur shook his head, gently trotting forward toward the group and the hole. They paid no attention to him as he wandered past, each of the white cats seemingly entranced by whatever they could see in the hole. Looking down Bark’Fur could see nothing but a void, tilting his head in confusion he looked about again.  

The white cats were strange, he couldn’t quite call it but he had definitely seen them before, somewhere. It felt like they called to him, something familiar and close by, and yet he couldn’t remember. He shook his head in frustration, what use are these cats if they are just going to stare in a pit all day.  

He poked one lightly in the side, his claw pressing into its shimmering fur. The cat made no movement, it simply…stood. Bark’Fur frowned, disappointed at its lack of reaction. That must be one pretty exciting hole. He turned around, looking about for anything else that may interest him. Looking into the crowd he stopped suddenly, a huge shiver causing him to suck in a deep breath.  

There, in front of him, stood one of the white cats. But it wasn’t looking at the hole, instead it was staring directly at Bark’Fur.  

Bark’Fur shivered, suddenly feeling unsure of this situation. The cat just stared, not moving. It’s eyes were glowing white, so blinding that Bark’Fur couldn’t look at them without cringing away. He stood for a moment, staring back at the cat. Finally he hesitantly stepped forward, making his way toward the white cat, avoiding its eyes as it stared at him. He stopped just in front of the cat, before sitting down and looking at his paws, the white cats stare causing him to feel a deep fear that he hadn’t felt before. 

“You made it” 

Bark’Fur shivered, wrapping his tail around his back legs. He stared at the white cats feet, unsure of what it meant but too terrified to ask, he simply nodded, hoping it was the right answer. 

The white cat stood, towering over the shivering tom. It circled Bark’Fur, looking deeply at the tom as it did so. “You’ve certainly grown well” it mused, flicking an ear in amusement, “how old are you now?” 

Bark’Fur glanced over with confusion, flicking his ears with uncertainty, “13 moons” 

“A warrior then?” 

“Yes” Bark’Fur answered, sitting up straighter.  

The white cat had stopped circling now, instead it stood in front of the tom, looking down. It nodded as the tom answered,  looking away briefly. Bark’Fur followed its gaze. The cat was looking toward the hole, it’s ears flicking and twitching as if it was listening to something. It stared for a moment, before it looked back at Bark’Fur, smirking. “Great things have been planned for you young one” it looked down proudly, gently putting a paw on the young toms head. “You will save everyone 

With a flash of light Bark’Fur awoke painfully in the warrior den, his fur soaked in sweat. He layed trembling, panting softly. Around him he could hear the gentle breathing of his clan’mates, and further out the soft call of an owl. The bushes that covered the small den swayed softly, causing a rough scratchy sound which sent a familiar feeling of comfort though Bark’Fur. He was back home, back to Shadow’Clan. With a soft sigh he sat up, running a paw through his fur. What was that? Where was that? He shook his head, confused and unsettled. It felt so real, so close, and yet, seemingly, it had just been a dream.  

But had it?  

He thought about the stories of the prophetic dreams that the great ones sent to those they deemed worthy. Was this one of them? He looked at the hanging vines that covered the way into the den, watching as they swayed gently in the breeze. What if it was? 

He flicked an ear with uncertainty, he didn’t feel prepared to lead the clans into some great prophecy. Maybe, hopefully, it was just some weird dream. He put his head on his paws, looking out the through the small spaces in the branches, maybe he would ask Blue’Stone tomorrow what she thought. She seemed to have a lot more knowledge in this sort of thing then he did.