Auratail Valentine's

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
4 1826

Entry 3
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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3.Holding Hands

 Az and Addie had seen each other several times since their first fake date. Their visits had become a regular thing and this time, Asmodeus had invited Adora to go to the movies. In the dark theater, they were surrounded by couples.

As the two stared up at the big screen, Az felt Adora’s small hand reaching for his own. The character on the screen gasped and writhed, while Adora’s fingers intertwined with his. Her free hand slid up his arm and she leaned close. He felt the gentle caress of her breath near his ear and then-

“What the fuck, Az,” she whispered incredulously. “What kind of-”

She was cut off as the theater erupted with the sounds of bloodcurdling screams from the movie, and her delicate red manicure dug into Az’s arm causing him to cry out. It was more alarm than pain, but he quickly pulled free of her grasp with a laugh. 

“Come on, it’s so fake. It’s not even scary.” He glanced to his side, but his small companion had her eyes squeezed shut and her hands covering her white headwings where they’d tucked close to her face. He frowned. Asmodeus reached for one of her hands and gently wrapped it in his own. “Do you want to leave?”

Adora slowly opened one eye and peeked at the screen. The current scene was much milder, but she should have known better than to agree to a horror film. But she did feel better with Az’s hand gripping her own. “No, I guess I’m okay. Just don’t let go.”

“Only if you promise not to use your claws again,” he countered.

“Fine. But, the next time we go to the movies I get to decide what to watch.” 

“Okay, okay you’re the boss. You’re not going to choose a romcom are you?”

She smiled a wicked grin to rival the horror film’s villain and Az found himself smiling back.