A Trip to Church

1 year, 3 months ago

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she was so large.. so grand, befitting her title. the oliveblood thought, in the darker space, the colored glass of the murals looked so omonious, the glow from their eyes minimal, but enough to get looks from the passing higher castes. even if their was a member with them, they were seconds from being slaughtered they thought, based on other churches. the larger purple beside them looked down, offering a small tooth filled grin, his red with rage eyes matched his horns, the murals light reflecting off of them and making them so much more burnt in color.

the murals pictured so many preists, and how they died. beheaded, ripped apart, arrow though the eyes... it was so bewildering, but fit so nicely with what they knew. "her priestess is here tønight." Helios spoke, pulling the olive by their hood out of the mural space "shes what..?" the feralblood spoke, eyes wide. "shes freindly, i prømise." he smiled, rubbing his neck. as the olive squinted at him, both knew they couldent finish this conversation, for saftey, so dropped it.

"Oh. youve finally brought your little friend." the voice spoke as helios opened the door. the women unrested her head from her hand and stood, she towered helious by to many feet. helios gave a curt nod, as the olive did a small dip, a form of common greeting to a higher caste. staring at the priest something dawned on them. there wasnt a speck of blood on her clothing, the whites of her clothes were still pristine, she.. wasnt at all like most church going purple bloods. "You look, shocked." the women looked down her slender nose at the duo, her eyes pinching togather slightly as her eyebrows squished into a judgemental, inquisitive ponder. "ii-ii- my apologiies mam'-" the olive stared as the women let out a chuckle. "No worries dear... this isnt that type of church." she was puntual, a hint of distain when vaugly refering to other churches. "No blood of yours or your peers will be split here." she crossed her arms behide her back "That is not the way of the Messiases." she explained, "If push is to shove, priest blood is spilt. Not that of her protegee." that.. explained so much but so little to the olive. her voice was so soft, yet it cut though the room so loudly.

"Your eyes. You blew them." she spoke plainly. a slow blink as her head tilted slightly, her front draping hair covering her sign a tad. "iit.. iit was an acciident." the olive spoke, gripping at their neck. "I have no judgement, nor can I. I have no psiconics of your caliber. So how may I judge?" she spoke, resting one of her hands on her collar bone. the olives jaw hung agape for a momment. this priestess was the oposit of most highblood they had met. another slow blink of the church overseer made the olive let go of the breath they were holding. "Perhaps one day youll be calm enough to speak freely here. But i donot push. This is a holy place. outside grudge and bias has no place here. I bid thee to remeber that." she waved a hand, as she exited out a side door. Helios looked down at his thinking comrade. "well that went well!" he smiled, a big toothy grin, as he grabbed the feral olives wrist and started on their way out of the church.