Weekly Rep Quest

Leo Show More
1 year, 6 months ago

It's obvious that this is your part time job now and Felix has a request. He wants you to blow up the ocean. Okay, maybe the lines were mixed up, but there's water everywhere and you're the poor guy who's gotta clean it up.

Draw/Write your eevee cleaning up the aftermath of the ocean exploding (Ex: picking up seaweed/fish, buckets of water, etc!)

Rewards: 3k Poke, +2 Felix REP / 250 POKE + 3 LVL REDEEMED https://toyhou.se/~comments/22759162

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Blowing up the ocean was such a weird request, even from Felix. And the aftermath was even weirder. Leo was carefully watching his steps, trying not to walk on any living crabs or dead seaweeds. He hated seaweeds and the texture of it, the smell, everything about it, he hated. The town port was a mess. Heck, most of the city was wet now! The dark grey eevee wasn't sure till where the water had infiltrated the city. He sighed. Someone had to clean it up right? A small group of eevees were already at work, removing algae and seaweeds from the streets using long broom and branches. Leo grabbed a piece of driftwood long enough to keep those discusting seaweed away from him and started pushing them back into the ocean. Once he was done and after taking a look behind him, he rushed to help other volunteers to evacute the stangnant water from a small alley. The road wasn't flat and some water had formed a pond in the middle of it. After a couple of hours, everything went back to normal. The ocean's water had been removed from the streets of the city, but everything was still dirty and some shops that were at the lowest part of the building had water infiltrate the inside. There was still a lot of work for Leo and the other volunteers.