
1 year, 7 months ago

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Derek stared down at Ambush. The… pokemon stared back. He had no idea of what to make of Ambush and was generally thankful that Oasis and Sunny dealt with the problem by taking care of the odd fused pokemon so he didn’t have to interact with him. Yet here he was taking a look around the mountain trail when he went to send out Rough and discovered that somehow he had Ambush’s pokeball instead. He was sure he'd grabbed Rough so how..?

The worst part? He didn’t have any of his other pokemon with him either. This trip was meant to be a solo training venture between him and Rough, so he hadn’t grabbed anyone else. Now he was stuck with the odd zigzagoon lileep fusion that had hatched from the egg Sunny had found. The small pokemon was still staring up at him, he shivered involuntarily. Why did it feel like that stare was looking through him?

“Listen up.” Derek finally addressed the pokemon. “I have no idea how you ended up here with me today, but you better listen to me and stick close got it? There are some strong pokemon up here and I don’t want to deal with whatever fury I’ll get from Sunny and Oasis if you get hurt. Do you understand?”

Slowly Ambush blinked and continued to stare. Derek had no idea if that meant anything. In all honesty it felt like talking to a rock, or maybe a wall. He drug and hand down his face and started to walk. He waited until he heard the small footsteps following him to pull out the honey he’d brought with him. Hopefully either whatever pokemon were attracted to this didn’t want a fight or they were weak enough that Ambush could handle them. … What could Ambush even do? His duo of unovan starters had been the ones who were working with Ambush. Had they even taught him how to battle? Derek groaned. He might just have to be prepared to run if worse came to worse.

Before Derek could even crack open the honey he heard rocks being displaced. Whatever it was, it was larger than Ambush. Glancing down at said pokemon also confirmed that he wasn’t moving and was looking in the direction of the noise.

A lairon emerged from behind a larger rock and glared the duo down. Derek cursed under his breath. There was no way the newly hatched pokemon could take on that. “Ambush we’re running now!” Ambush simply plodded forward and hissed at the lairon. Oh it was official. Derek was going to die and his cause of death would be two angry pokemon parents. “Ambush!” He tried again as the lairon stomped forward.

Enclosing his face in the… things around his neck Ambush unleashed a confuse ray at the lairon. The wild pokemon began stumbling around in the inflicted confusion. It ended up tripping and hurting itself. Derek watched in mild amazement as the small pokemon chipped away at the lairon’s health through alternating use of confuse ray and giga drain to heal himself. Any damage taken was immediately healed. Eventually the lairon went down and Ambush padded over and looked up at him like nothing happened.

Derek blinked. Ambush blinked back. “At least your parents don’t have an excuse to kill me now.” He sighed and finally cracked open the honey. After a bit of nudging from Ambush he gave the pokemon some. He guessed it was deserved. “Also.” He turned to look at Ambush. “Maybe don’t tell your parents about this.”