Melting icebergs

1 year, 3 months ago

One of a few interactions between Haruko and Zephyr after the frozen forest incident in Frerune.

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The morning beams hit through my window, sneaking by the light blizzard blowing outside - nothing too surprising up here in Snowbells Ridge even if summer had just hit. Jumping out of bed and running outside to give my wings a proper stretch I figured I could give Chronos a morning chime by before I settled down for work - poor fella seemed to have seen a ghost when I ran into him a few months ago, but nowadays seemed to have perked back up to her usual antics.

She had a habit of popping back up at the weirdest times, last time was.. a few years ago at least when we first met - always seemed to be trying to seek shelter. Made sure to not pry on it, not like it's any of my business - most of us arctics tend to be hermits anyway being so damn isolated away from everything else. Taking a deep breath in I flew off - sending quite a storm of snow fluttering all around me before settling in a glide following the winds. I grinned feeling the blizzard's cold passing through my feathers and fur as I traveled to my destination; a small cabin edging the ocean lower down south from where my own residence was.

It took a bit of time but eventually I saw the house in the distance, Sunset herself seemingly trying to catch herself some sushi breakfast in the ocean as I approached - can't imagine that was going too well barehanded but her methods were never quite.. conventional I had noticed over our time knowing eachother.

As I noted she was heading out of the water in my direction I figured she had spotted me as she waved.. well I am quite a huge target for one's sight even up here so that was barely a surprise - ha. I glided down letting the wind catch itself in my wingspan slowing my descent in a cloud of powdery snow. 

"Goooooood morning~!" I chimed as I got into hearing range. "Up early as always I see Sun?"

Chronos gave a smile as she answered me with a chuckle, "Up? Bold of you to assume I've slept!" She shrugged nonchalantly before crossing her arms and looking down at me, laughing. "Nah, just messin' course I get up early - who are you taking me for Zeph? Your twin? Lazy thing you." 

"Hey now, just cuz I wake up way past sunrise don't make me lazy!" I huffed back playfully. "Well now if you really want to play this game how about a little blizzard racing, got the start of a storm in the upper regions - probably gonna hit hard later today and I could use the wing work. Or are you gonna be the lazy snowdrake this time, hm?"

Chronos gave an awkward laugh, "You know I don't have even one third of your flying experience Zeph I really don't think that's a good idea--" 

I started mimicking snowdrake chirps mockingly, cutting her off. "Coooooward~! Come on, you got this. Eight functional wings and can't fly for squawk that's booshit Sun, have more faith in yourself."

She gave a sigh shaking her head with a subtle grin, "Alright, alright I got the memo you hyperactive snowflake. What time we going then?"

"How about at evening's peak? Can't imagine you got too much going on 'round that time." I offered smiling brightly. Jokingly adding, "Does this make it a date then?" 

She covered her face with her ears, coughing under her breath flustered. "Uh- Yeah. Evening works fine with me.. and fine, guess it's a date then." 

I giggled, amused and gave a bow spreading my wings around myself, "I'll see you there then, for now work calls so I must bid you my adieus, hope you have a wonderful morning." before taking off in another flurry of snow.