A Game of Chase

1 year, 7 months ago

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Chomps waddled happily through the flowers. “Make sure not to set anything on fire.” Derek grumbled as he walked alongside Chomps. The fuecoco nodded, only half paying attention. There was just so much to look at! So many colors, so many things going on. Much to the dismay of his trainer he bounded off chasing some of the wild pokemon. Most of them didn’t take too kindly to being chased, several of them told him off, but a few played along.

He happily chased around a fletchling that seemed the most interested in the game of chase. It would stop on the ground and let Chomps get close before darting off into the sky. It could have easily outrun the much slower fuecoco, but Chomps was happy that it seemed to be moving slower so he could keep pace. Jokingly he snapped at it a few times and it scolded him in mock outrage.

Eventually the two’s game led them to the pond in the park. “Chomps!” his trainer came running up behind him. He tilted his head in question, mindful of the fletchling that had landed there. “You can’t just go running off like that.” He crossed his arms and glared at the fuecoco. Well why not? He hadn’t hurt anyone or set anything on fire. Sure he might have upset a couple wild pokemon but no lasting harm was done.

“Why?” Chomps asked, blinking.

Derek frowned for a moment before answering. “Because you might get into or cause trouble. I’ve gotten yelled at by other trainers for letting some of the others roam around. Mostly cause they cause trouble, and I don’t need you joining that list of pokemon.” He sighed heavily. “I get that you wanna enjoy yourself but you need to at least make sure I can keep up.”

Chomps nodded and felt the fletchling readjust. That made sense, he supposed. He wasn’t causing any trouble but he could understand his trainer’s worry. Other members of his team had told him stories of the mischief that they and others had gotten into. Honestly Chomps loved all the stories and had felt really welcomed by the team in general. He really looked forward to growing stronger with them.

Finally he bobbed his head in agreement. “Mkay! I’ll try not to run off so much.” He agreed. The fletchling chirped to grab Chomps’ attention. He rolled his eyes up to look; it gestured to the pond and Chomps nodded. He looked to his trainer for permission.

A small smile twitched at his trainer’s face. “Just stay nearby. Where I can see you.”

“Thank you!” Chomps smiled and wandered over to the pond. The fletchling jumped off Chomps’ head and landed on a plant overhanging the pond. Now while Chomps may be a fire type he actually quite liked water. He dipped a hand in and enjoyed the feeling of the water. The combination of the calming atmosphere and the feeling of the cool grass and the warm sun was starting to lull him to sleep.

Settling down on the grass he got comfortable. The fletchling hopped over and joined him in his relaxing; curling up on top of his head. Chomps yawned. Well he couldn’t cause issues if he was asleep huh? Yeah... What had they come here for anyway? To look around for... something he thought. That's generally what happened when he took any of them out. Oh well, it didn't matter that much. Chomps was sure that his trainer was more than capable of looking around for whatever it was they were looking for.