Ete seeing shit (hopefully not on drugs

1 year, 6 months ago
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Été squinted their eyes almost shut as they felt their past sight slowly kicking in. Every so often, once certain moons (Imperial or Oracle, to be exact) glowed in the sky, they could feel visions crowding their mind.

As a dragonet, they had longed to have future sight. They thought that seeing glimpses of the past was useless compared to being shown the future of their life.

But oh, younger them was so, so wrong.

They felt themselves get lost in the visions that began to swamp over them, any slight thought pushing the things they saw. Almost unconsciously, they began writing notes on the paper in front of them, furrowing their brow in concentration.

They were whisked from a fierce battle from decades ago, between what seemed like fierce Skywings and Goldwings, then thrown into a gentle, relaxed date between a nightwing and leafwing. Before they could guess who they were, they were placed next to a hatching of a small dragonet, her ice blue eyes gleaming as she stared around the hatchery. Été snapped their eyes open and scribbled out a note; usually visions like that meant something important would be brought by that dragon.

Été closed their eyes again, preparing to be thrown about by more visions begging for attention, but instead found the memory of them and Veritas meeting. Été wanted to roll their eyes at themselves, pulling themselves away from the thoughts of a pretty, grumpy dragon, and back to watching history unfold.