Skating Rink

1 year, 3 months ago

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Four kukuri head to the arena, their tamers chatting away about the fight ahead. A double battle! Never before has this been allowed! The Coliseum is packed, but they managed to snag a timeslot for the week.

The two humanoids entered two of their kukuri each- Myre, a crimson edios aerial, uma, an amber kukuri with hints of white colouring, Ada, a crimson kukuri with a very fluffy tail, and Yu, a rare jade kukuri.

Upon reaching the Coliseum grounds, the tamers sign their kukuri in and everyone waits until their fight is called.

The kukuri split up, heading for their respective arena entrances.

Adelina and Yu enter the arena. Before them is an icy stage. From one side to the other is covered in snow and ice. Adalinda is nice and warm with her fluffy tail, but Yu shivers.

The main part of the arena is a sheet of thick ice, with large "ponds" of water near the center. Each pond has an icy archway over it. The left side of the arena has large mounds of ice that form stepping stone like blocks up to a snow covered pillar. The steps slowly become taller and taller until they reach the pillar. The right side of the arena also has a snow covered pillar, but no ice blocks leading up to it. Instead, there is a log icy slide that leads off of it and curls around the arenas sides.

Everything in the arena sparkles brightly in the morning light.

Ada taps Yu having spotted their opponents. The two stand tall, waiting for the match to officially begin.

A loud buzzer sounds and the match starts.

** Myre leaps into the air, flying over their opponents. Uma toes the ice hesitantly. It's very slippery. He holds his ground, waiting for his opponent to come to him.

Ada bolts past Yu, eager to start the fight. Once her feet hit the ice she is on her stomach, sliding across the arena.

Yu looks away from her silly battle partner. A head in approach does not seem like a smart idea. Spotting some snow covered mounds of elevated ice, she heads to the left side of the arena. Yu leaps into the snow. The blocks of ice underneath are slippery and she almost falls, but the snow gives her a little grip. She continues onwards.

Seeing Ada headed towards him, Uma takes a running start into the icy arena. He slides across, smashing into the fluffy tailed crimson dove.

Ada squawks at Uma and chomps down on his tail. Snarling, Uma moves to kick at her, but slips, and the two end up in a pile on one another.

Seeing Yu quickly nearing Uma, Myre dives at her. The jade kukuri can do little to dodge the aerials attacks. If she moves around too much, she'll slip off of the platforms and will be stuck sliding around the main  arena just like the other two.

Myre claws at Yus sides, tearing tiny cuts into her with every dive he makes. Anytime Yu gets too close to grabbing him, he beats at her with his large wings, knocking her off balance.

Yus sides bleed heavily but she holds her ground. Finally she spots an opening. As Myre doves towards her, she quickly smacks him with her tail. The aerial falls to the ground and slides across the ice.

Triumphant, Yu continues climbing the icy blocks, and reaches the top of the pillar.


Uma and Adaline have become a pile of fluff and teeth. The two cannot get a grip on the icy terrain so they've taken to tearing into each other from their spot on the ground.

Uma snaps his jaws around Adas leg and she howls in pain. Growling, Ada kicks Uma in the face. He loses his grip, and is sent sliding across the arena, smacking into Myre- who squawks in alarm- on his way.

Myre climbs onto Uma and leaps off if him, taking to the air once more. He circles around the arena until he spots Yu, who is perched atop an icy pillar and is tossing chunks off ice at Uma, and dives at her. He catches the dove off guard and manages to leave a few shallow cuts along her back.

Yu growls and turns her attention to the aerial. Since he is flying she doesn't have many options for fighting back. Gathering more chunks of ice, she begins tossing them at the aerial  hoping to knock him back to the ground.

Uma shimmies around the arena on his stomach, slowly making his way to Ada. The dove has moved to the same icy blocks that Yu has climbed, and is using them to stand tall.

Uma lunges for the crimson kukuri but misses, sliding past her and into the arena wall. Seeing an opportunity to attack, Ada leaps off of the ice block and lands atop Uma. She sinks her teeth into his neck, drawing blood. Uma wastes little time and falls over, flipping both of them back onto the ice.

Ada whines at being pulled back onto the slippery ice, using her tail to balance as she tries to stand up again. She slips, smacking her chin into Uma’s face as she falls. Uma growls and snaps at her, missing her face by a hair’s breadth.

Having great difficulty battling on the ice, the pair continues to fight lying down. Uma claws at Adas sides while she sinks her teeth into his shoulder. Growling, Uma kicks at Ada, trying to knock her away. He is unsuccessful and Ada simply sinks her fangs in deeper.

Meanwhile, Yu continues to throw ice at Myre, finally clipping a wing with a particularly large piece of ice that was difficult to throw. Myre spirals but rights himself quickly, hissing angrily at the pretty dove who got him a total of two times, now. At least this time he didn’t fall to the ground.

As Yu tosses another block of ice, Myre dives into her, knocking the both of them to the ground. Yu coughs, winded, and kicks Myre away. She attempts to stand but the fall has greatly bruised her ribs. Myre flails on the ice, wings aching from the fall.

Slowly, he slides back to Yu on his stomach. He bites down on her tail and she snarls. She whips her tail back and forth until Myre loses his grip and is tossed further into the arena, nearly falling into an open pond.

Myre huffs and flaps his wings. Still sore. He begins the long trek back to Yu, sliding along the ice.

Yu manages to pull herself upright, braced against an ice block. She holds her ground as Myre slowly approaches.

The loud buzzer sounds once more, signaling that the fight has ended.

All kukuri require assistance leaving the arena…