The whole beggining

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Quick info about Camiya's childhood, parents, and how she became a pirate.

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Chapter 1

(Everything happens in the time when Davy Jones already has his curse. In my universe he has it longer than in the original movie.)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Camiya. She was living in a small jewelery shop ran by her mother Roselle. It was her home and the only place she was able to spend time in. Camiya's father, Paul, was a nice Pirate. He never hurted, killed someone because of his job (only robbed few times). Most of the time he spends with the sea. "Sailing is a feeling Cami." he once said to her.

They all had to hide Paul because of the English (who kills or imprison all the pirates), so they were living a normal peacefull life inside. 

Camiya had a favorite book which her mother was reading when she was going to bed. It was about the legendary Davy Jones and his locker. His mystery and one of the biggest ghost ships anyone has ever seen called Flying Dutchman. Cam was always impressed by his actions and whole history. One day she told her parents "Someday I will find Davy Jones and help him find the good path!", her dad joked nicely- "Haha, maybe he will even welcome you to his crew.", "Really??! That would be sooo cool!!" she answered.

One day her dad returned from a dangerous adventure and handled Cam a weird key. "What is it dad?" she asked, "The key from your favorite legend." he answered smiling. The little girl looked at him with her big eyes and started staring at him. "You mean, the key which Davy Jones-", "Yes, that's the original, autentic key to unlock Davy Jones' locker. It's all yours Cam." he smiled once again and stroked her head. She jumped and smiled few times. "Thank you dad!! But, how did you get it tho? This key is a really rare thing and I don't think the legendary Davy Jones would give you that. I think you found it somewhere.". Her dad stood up and proudly looked at her "Your mom had her part in this mission." he winked, "She made a similar key out of bronze and gave it to me. Yesterday we've been on a dangerous adventure when the storm was really hard and annoying, in half of our way to home we've met the legendary Davy Jones and his crew on the Flying Dutchman. The storm calmed and our ships got closer. His crew killed few of our people without doubt but I don't think you want to hear the horrible facts right Cam?" he smiled, "So, after a small talk about 'Not sailing this way because it's dangerous' he revealed his key, I mean, not really but it showed up once when he turned to his ship. One of my matey helped me and distracted him by pushing him slowly to let me stole his key. He got mad and I dropped the fake one on the ship's floor on purpose. 'You dropped something Captain.' I said handling it to him. When we left he looked at me the last time with kind of rage and untrust."

Camiya didn't know what to say, she was sto stunned by her father's story and couldn't believe she has the legendary key in her little hands.

"From the look, he looked more like a man with broken heart than a villain with cold and bad needs."-he said.

"Maybe his heart got offended by Calypso? The beautifull lady from the book?" Cami said looking at the key.

"Maybe my little girl."-he knelt down and kissed her softly on the forehead.

But the luck and happiness doesn't stay forever.

Months later, the English finally found out that in their city a pirate is free, living his best years of life. Her parents started panicking (mostly her mother) but it was too late for any movement to another city or country. The English were coming right ahead. Paul and Roselle decided to hide Camiya inside their house while the soldiers will make an inspection. 

They came faster than they should, her parents hugged her, said the last goodbye. Mother gave her the key as a necklace promising that everything's gonna be alright.

It wasn't. The men with white wigs came to the house and killed both of Cam's parents for being accused of being "pirates".

When they left, Camiya showed herself and ran into her friend's house (Lucian who were 2 years older than her from a rich family). He and his parents hid and took care of her for few weeks. After that she joined a random pirate crew called "The Dead Dudes". Cam thinked this name is weird but the people on small ship were nice to her. Gave food, water only for cleaning the ship's floor. For her, it was pretty paid job and thing to kill time.

That's how she learned how to be a pirate and spent few years with The Dead Dudes as a matey and part of the crew.

One day, when she was finally a grown up woman she decided to left them and stay on Tortuga for sometime, "My whole mind needs a break, and the break says beer for few years and no 'pirating' for months." she said to them. They all make her a small 'goodbye' party and left Cam here all alone.

She spent 2 whole years here, after that time a man called Jack Sparrow showed up with an interesing proposition of finding a way to meet death people again.