Stone brook Wonderland

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
2 777

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

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Chapter 1

"what do you mean quartz spheres?" the girl huffed, as the owl fluffed her chest with her beak. "rose quartz is what we need, we can make it into spheres though." she cooed "but! i havent seen rose quartz anywhere!" the girl huffed, she was getting increasingly upset with thease dead end quests "rose quartz can only be found on lovers lands." the owl hooed "what." the girl grimced, the owl tilted her head "rose quartz is only found on lovers lands, as the others have said, many mateirals come from other lands." she picked at her wing "noones told me any of this!" she crossed her arms, huffing, walking off. the bird giving a wave as she did.

when away from the consorts the girl called out "CARDNEL!" a momment pasted, then the geometic person formed in "what is it high preistess?" they clasmed their hands togather "how in the hell am i sopost to get shit from other lands??" she kicked up dirt, "ineracting with your fellow players of course." the cardnel tilted their head "whitch i belive is your fellow player lewis." they spoke, clasping their hands togather, the high priest making a disgusted look "not him." she retorted. "yes him my dear. youll need to get things from him and others to complete quests." the guide spoke,her figure gently bobbed in the air. "is there any way around it?? how do they get things to me??" she rattled off "no way around it unforchently, your owls do not fly any more." they tilted their head "the tower of mail tomes is how you and others transport between eachother though." she smiled. a long pause drew between them "anything elase priestess?" the carnel smiled "no. go away." the player spoke, the figure disapering as she asked, before she pulled out her phone, with an angery huff.