Grab n Run

1 year, 3 months ago

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Tasha frowned as she watched the shadow blissey stomp back and forth, guarding the various clutches of eggs she'd stolen. Tasha was understandably miffed. She'd worked hard to convince the luxray! Now she was having to work even harder to sneak the egg back that rightfully belonged to her. Er well technically her trainer, but that wasn't important. What was important was the feeling of protectiveness she had that was making it hard not to just charge at the shadow blissey and fight her. It was a fight she knew she'd lose. The luxray had been right about her not being really strong, and she was regretting that fact now. She had gone to the luxray to see if she could enlist his help, but he had been dismissive saying he didn't care! The nerve of him. Though she guessed it was sort of her own fault. She had told him he didn't have to have anything to do with the clutch after the fact.

She pinned her ears down as she thought. Several trainers and their pokemon had manged to snag their eggs back already; all through a variety of means. Tasha however was on her own. Any of her other friends weren't expecting her back for a while and she didn't want to go get any of them both because she didn't want to leave the egg out of her sight and she didn't want the breeders to question it. Well... since she couldn't outright attack the blissey or talk it down like she'd seen a trainer do she'd just have to play to her strengths! She blinked. What were her strengths? She was pretty inexperienced in just about everything really.

Her ears perked up as a thought came to her. There was one thing she was good at. Tasha took a deep breath as she slunk forward. Her eyes remained glued to the blissey as she looked around for anyone trying to steal the eggs back. Thankfully it was just one pokemon; if there were more this would get harder. Slowly as she got closer she started to craft an illusion around herself. While she wasn't particularly good at it, she had been getting pointers from Suna recently and Suna was great at it. All she needed to do was remain unseen long enough for her to grab the egg and run.

She froze as the blissey's eyes passed over her. Thankfully though the blissey didn't seem to notice through the illusion. One of the first things Suna had told her was how helpful it was to 'expand her horizons' when it came to what illusions she created. Sure it was the easiest to disguise as another pokemon but it wasn't always the most useful thing. Using illusions to help blend into the environment? Now that could be useful a lot of the time.

Tasha was aware she was far from perfect, but as long as it worked that didn't matter now. Finally she made it next to her egg. She breathed a silent sigh of relief as she gently placed a paw to the shell. Now she had to figure out how to get it away without the blissey noticing. She really wasn't confident in her ability to hide both herself and the egg at this point so that wouldn't work. Her eyes darted to the blissey. Maybe she could just make a break for it? Sure she couldn't run as fast as she'd normally be able to while holding the egg but she could be pretty fast when she wanted to. Plus blisseys weren't exactly known for being fast.

Yeah, honestly at this point that felt like the best course of action. At least it seemed like it. Carefully she balanced the egg on her back, wrapping her tail around it to keep it stable. She stayed low while she waited for a good opportunity to bolt. Finally she saw her chance and she took off like a shot. She heard the startled noise of the blissey behind her as she took off over the field. Based on the footsteps she heard she knew the blissey was giving chase, but she was fairly confident in her ability to out run the blissey. Especially since she had a good head start.

She didn't stop until the angry noises and stomping footsteps had long faded. She breathed heavily once she stopped. She hadn't run so hard for so long in well really ever. Gently she placed down the egg and looked it over. Smiling she ran a gentle paw over it. Finally. No more shenanigans, she could finally bring the egg home. She vowed to make sure she took good care of whatever hatched. Glancing back in the direction she ran she realized she would need to to head back. The breeders would be over there and she'd need to check in with them before she could go. With a sigh she placed the egg back up on her back, tail wrapping gently around it again. She should probably take the long route back to avoid the blissey...