Land Forgotten

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
1 425

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Hi!! This was a Story someone made for me from my Doodle Post! I hope you Enjoy!

Thank you for making this <33. I think it's rlly well made :D

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Author's Notes

This story was made by Rudy The Kangaroo. I hope you enjoy. 

Land Forgotten

It’s been several days since StarStruck had been soaring through the air, the wind pushing against them as they continued to push through the atmosphere. StarStruck has a map in hand as they soar, she studied it carefully making sure not to drop it into the ocean floor below her. The sun was still out and the sound of seagles could be heard in the distance. The sun harshened as it dawned to the afternoon, as it flared right into her eyes. StarStruck tried to covet the sun out of her vision whilst holding the map. She looked around the ocean a little searching and scouting out the nearby lands, there was nothing but ocean to be found sadly. She was searching for a mythical land which had been told to be a myth. She wasn’t really sure if that's true though, ever since she had talked to a couple of her friends having a theory that this was actually a real thing, they thought that StarStruck was crazy. 

Soon she came across a small island and hopped onto it, it was a rest station for dragons traveling across the map. She sat down for a bit studying the map making sure she was going the right way. She pointed north a bit confuzzled, she started turning the map around trying to figure out where she was. She grew frustrated as time progressed with her handling the map. She then huffed and growled a little crumpling up the paper and tossing it on the ground in defeat. About an hour later she is fully rested and starts to take off again without the map this time. 

A couple more hours had passed and all she could see was once again all ocean, she was starting to think that this journey was hopeless. She had been trying to comfort himself by saying that this truly does exist though, she can’t give up hope now! But then again what if her friends are right…? she started to get a bit overwhelmed as she soared through the air. Though something of what portrayed an island was caught in her eyes. It seemed like a small island, but she had never seen something like it before. She flew towards it to get a better look. The island looked beautiful. There was a beach, forest and even a mountain range which had a magnificent view. The island glimmered in the sunlight and StarStruck couldn’t believe her eyes. She had finally found it, after weeks of searching.