A Class Outing

1 year, 3 months ago

Mimmi gets to enjoy her class outside where not everything goes as expected

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It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon which meant that Mimmi’s marine Biology course would be taking a day trip out to the shore. Mimmi preferred outdoor classes where she could learn hands on and prove her knowledge to her professors. While she was quiet it would be a lie to say she didn’t want to be the best. Mimmi and her classmates arrived to the beach and she enjoyed the feeling of the sun on her skin and her toes in the sand. She went to put on some sunscreen but way too much had come out, she let out an embarrassed chuckle and passed some to a friend. After she had gotten geared up she headed into the shallow waters to turn over some rocks and see what she could find. On her way into the water she saw some classmates pick up some “dead” jellyfish before they got shocked and the jellyfish were thrown back into the water. She faced her friend and they giggled together. Everyone in that class should know better than to hold a jellyfish. Luckily it was just a moon jelly and nothing bad would come from the sting maybe just a bit of embarrassment.

Mimmi turned and focused on her own work, the recent storm had brought many barnacles, starfish, and crabs to the shore line. Seeing how they interacted with each other always fascinated each other. After every rock she lifted she would be sure to place it back perfectly. Her professor complimented her work as he walked by. Mimmi took in the wonderful feeling of the ocean as she knew once classes were over she would have to return to her families smoothie shack for work.

The students splashed around and all discussed their finding amongst one another with facts littered in by Professor Atlas. Finally after about an hour Atlas called “10 more minutes”. With one last look around Mimmi saw a ghost crab and smiled and showed it to her friend, it was her favorite. Walking back to her Vespa to go home her friend poked her,

“Why was the crustacean upset with his sister.. because she was being crabby”

Mimmi rolled her eyes at the dumb joke

“What do crabs use as money?...a sand dollar”

This gave mimmi a good chuckle, her friend had just kept going with these god awful puns

At one more attempt to get a loud laugh out of the usually shy moo Mimmis friend asked “Why was the hermit crab embarrassed?...Because he sea WEED!!”

Perhaps out of the consistently bad jokes or because the last one finally hit a nerve Mimmi let out a large laugh. Some classmates looked at her surprised to hear any noise from her, usually she was very quiet. After a moment of laughter she calmed down and started her Vespa shaking her head towards her friend before leaving class.