BiFrosts | Freyja Rumors

10 months, 21 days ago
7 months, 14 days ago
4 10093

Entry 1
Published 10 months, 21 days ago

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Old Rumors: ??? - ???

Freyja is quick to gallop out of the kitten's tent, watching her mother's easy to spot pelt amongst all the panic. She isn't sure whether or not to run after her- it seems like she's doing important stuff, after all- so she lingers near the tents instead. She looks to Yrya, the kitten seemingly stressed. "Let us paint," she says, willingly ignorant to her surroundings. "Want me to teach you to paint? Let's paint, yes?"

Freyja is tucked away towards the back of the tent, paws fiddling with tufts of her own fur. Strands being woven into a lackluster braid, it eventually unravels when she reaches the end of her short fur. She doesn't appear upset though. Maybe it's just for distraction's sake. She's aware when her mother enters, wide eyes following Rav's form, yet she makes no effort to move even her head. She watches the white feline sharpen her weapon. The kitten silently connects the dots. "You can't go out there," she states flatly. "If you get hurt... if you die, we'll have no mom. We need our mom." Freyja stands and gently pads forward to Rav, resting her forehead against her mother's leg, her eyes gazing to the floor. While she makes no noises save for those brief words, a disguised tear falls down her cheek and hits a spot beside her paw. She wipes the wet fur rapidly, hoping the emotional vulnerability wasn't too obvious. "Please don't go."

Freyja waits patiently for her mother's comforting words, although they always linger with a sense of impending dread that the kitten can't quite place. That's just how her mother speaks, and at this point, Freyja knows her family member's patterns all too well. Stern, non-coddling, yet true and to the point. She doesn't doubt her mother, no. There's no reason to- she's always right, after all. So when Rav's nose touches her head, Freyja lifts her eyes to meet her face-to-face, no indication of the previous break in her shield moments before. "Okay," Freyja says plainly. She's quick to ask another question. "Do you think the Gods sent the monsters after us because of the cursed ones? If the monsters go away, do you think they will send more bad things after us?" She stares blankly in the distance, to the entrance of the tent, in contemplation. "And... what makes the cursed kittens so ugly? Did they do bad things that I don't know about?"

Freyja nods her head rhythmically, silently letting her mother know she's listening. She doesn't have much to say in retort, all of the words she could possibly respond with rampantly spiraling in her mind. Originally, the danger outside on the beach left a queasy feeling in her stomach that gradually rose to her throat, but overtime it has ceased. All that's left is the seeking of knowledge over the last few days' events that seem to be correlated. Deep down, she wishes everything would go back to normal. It wasn't this hectic when she was but a couple cycles old. Now, she'll be a novice soon... Where has the time gone? "That... isn't a life worth living," Freyja manages. "Maybe it would've been better to have killed them with their mom. That seems like the happiest outcome." Maybe it doesn't matter if they're happy or not. "Thank you... for talking with me. You have more important stuff to do. Is it okay for me to go outside? I need to give you a good luck charm before you fight the monsters."

Freyja stands beside her sister Hiraeth as they're told who will be their teachers. Once she hears the names being called, she mulls over Hiraeth's face with contemplative eyes, almost asking for her permission to speak. Biting the inside of her cheek, she bows her head in thanks to the Voice as she turns her head to find her parents. Not to go to them, but to just... watch. She isn't too concerned on meeting her new teachers, at least not right now.

Freyja is desperate to learn almost as soon as she ranked up. She happens to pass by the minnow pond where her cousins Soren and Maelstrom lie, so she pads forward and gives them a wordless nod of greeting. She mimics the way Soren has tied the string to his tail and let’s it drift near the water, but she manages to not catch anything either. Bummer…

Freyja's ears perk up with curiosity at Maelstrom's offer, a glimmer in her eyes that made them pronounceable. She nods her head at his offer, but then decides that using words would be the best bet. "Thank you... I would like that, very much, yes." Her vision returns to her tail in the water as Soren speaks. Maybe this isn't the best way to catch fish... "Perhaps using tools would better suffice. Do you have any, cousin Soren? Or you, Maelstrom?" When she speaks the latter's name, she turns to glance at him... with his head in the water. "Why are you drowning yourself?"

Freyja returns the nod of Mira's at her entrance, finding the littlest bit of confidence she had around her cousins dwindle. She doesn't speak to many felines besides her family... Perhaps she needs to get over that. The subject of breath control interests Freyja enough to grab her full attention. "Well, I think that is a very smart thing to do," she muses, her features continuing to hold the thin line that is her everlasting neutrality. "Maybe... you could teach me to do that then? As we wait for Mira to create a net, of course, if she would like to help us."

Freyja is practicing her bone carving, something that she's adamant about perfecting. She creates a carving that she can't help but admire for a long time (17), finding it different amongst all the other mishaps she's created throughout her novicehood. She notices Hela appear from the training grounds, studying the feline for the first time since... the executions. The silk that covers her eyes makes her easier to look at... Freyja stares at her for a bit, tail flicking softly, almost as if she wants Hela to see her. Then she goes back to her carving.

Freyja has taken a liking to their current location, despite the circumstances. Although the beach she was born on has always been pleasant, there's something more comforting to her with the way the caverns twist and turn, the river following along with it. Maybe it's because here, she knows she won't be bothered. Things have changed all too quickly for her liking, and she thought out of all cats, she should be the one to have prepared for something like this to happen. But she didn't. Instead, she's more clueless than she'd like to give herself credit for. So she finds herself hanging back from her peers, and maybe on good days she'd search for some eye contact with her mother or father. Lately, she hasn't had good days, so she keeps her eyes to herself. Fyrri being alone changes that though, and she hopes that somewhere within her cousin, he also feels similarly. Why else is he by himself for? She likes to think she reads others well, and maybe this time, she's right. Freyja takes to Fyrri's side. "Hello," she croaks out, voice raspy from lack of use. "Cousin."

Freyja nods her head quaintly, but that's all she offers in terms of pleasantries. She assumes Fyrri taking his time to look at her is the case of him not recognizing her, or perhaps him being in disbelief that she was in front of him and not dead. "Is it nice?" she asks softly, a pointed and abrupt question that she lets linger for probably too long. "I am glad you think so, then." She finds the brief physical attention uncomfortable at best, as she really isn't used to that sort of thing anymore. She knows she has to get over that. Freyja glances down momentarily at Fyrri's net as he mentions eating. "Will you not catch food instead, rather than eat?"

Freyja spots her cousin Igulfiskur and offers her assistance on whatever she's doing. She asks about such: "What are these objects for?"

Freyja doesn't comment on how distant Igulfiskur appears, but she believes she understands why she looks that way. She looks off to where the new children are peeking their heads, but she's unable to keep eye-contact with any of them for too long. "May I ask the purpose of gifts? Kittens will lose these things very easily. You can show how much you care for them with your words."

There are some aspects of Igulfiskur's thinking that Freyja still doesn't understand, but she nods her head anyway. Her head is ever so slightly tilted as she tries to comprehend everything told to her. When the conversation comes to a close, she quietly helps her cousin with weaving things for the kittens, the recent trials still on her mind. She wonders what it would've been like to have the trials above.

Diver… The results didn’t surprise her, but then again, she wouldn’t have been surprised with any rank she was assigned. Anything to make her parents proud, and in this case, Rav seems to be very proud. Freyja presses against her mother’s pure white pelt, wordless despite the congratulations heading her way. She’s closer to her mother now in ways she might have not experienced before- Rav is her teacher now, after all. But a part of her wishes she could have been with Ari, a bit of selfishness peaking through. It didn’t really matter. She tries to find Hafsjor with her eyes, just to see him, but he seems more preoccupied with other things. Then Fyrri, who’s towards the back and with no one. She waves her tail at him.

Freyja patters over to Fyrri's side, giving her cousin a bit more attention when she noticed Vargr picking on him. She knows he's capable of defending himself, but the mention of a fishing competition piques her interest and entices her on getting closer to their conversation. She glances to Fyrri wordlessly.

Freyja watches the siblings interact.