Weekly Rep Quest

Leo Show More
1 year, 6 months ago

Draw/Write your eevee navigating its way through a forest!

Rewards: 3k Poke, +2 Deri REP 250 POKE / 3 LVL REDEEMED https://toyhou.se/~comments/23243585

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Leo couldn't believe he had forgotten to take the map Deri drew. His orientation skills were limited and he knew he would get lost easily. Now that he had wandered far into the woods, it was impossible for him to go back to Deri as he wasn't sure wher ehe came from. This way? Or maybe this one? Did he passed in front of this pointy rock, or under this fallen tree? He couldn't remember. The woods weren't his favorite area. There were too many hideout, bushes where people could lurk, stare at you from behind a tree or from the darkness of the foliage. Leo felt like giving up, staying there until Deri came back home, realised he was missing and sent people to look for him. But he didn't wanted to bother anyone. The foliage of the tree was too dense to look through it, so he thought it would be best to climb on a tall tree and look where he was from up there. After a couple of failed attempt, he managed to climb the nearby tree and ended up above the green leaves. From up there, where he was almost touching the clouds, it seems, he saw the red roof of the city. It was on his left. He spotted a tree with no leaves on the way there, and told himself he would be almost there if he reached it. It was only a matter of minutes before he arrived in front of the said dead tree as he had been runing the whole time, dodging low branches, spiky bushes and fallen trees. He started to recognize the path he had taken with Deri earlier. Proud of himself for not panicking too much, Leo returned to the city.