Superhero Origin

1 year, 3 months ago
842 1

Mild Violence

How Rynez Kotabe came to be! However, the only difference is, he doesn't have actual superpowers.

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“You’re my hero!”

That three word sentence has influenced Rynez’s career, perhaps changing it for the better. It was the first thing a fan told him when they came to his meet and greet. Idols can be heroes? I thought we were just mere entertainers… How did I get here? It’s all because of all of my family being some sort of celebrities. He remembers his old mindset, now he wants to make sure he sets a good example to become that actual “hero” that one fan sees him as. After all, there could be more people that see him as a hero. Rynez’s motivation is driven from the happiness of his fans, and from that, he strives to become one of the best idols in the land.


“My cute little Rynez is going to be a director just like his mama!” Rynez remembers his mother, Mrs. Kotabe, cooing over him when he was little.

His father, Mr. Kotabe retorts, “No, he’s going to be a model, he clearly got the looks from his dada.”

“Noooooo, a director, honey.”

“Come on, he would be one of the best models ever!”

Rynez chuckles at the playful arguments his parents had when he was little, it also led him to being exposed to all sorts related to the phrase “lights, camera, action”. Because of their busy work, his parents hired private tutors for him to improve his acting, singing, appeal, and everything someone in the entertainment industry needs. The most that he did were commercials and acted as minor characters in some shows and movies. Because of his childhood, Rynez’s skills are slightly above average. It even made him do things out of instinct. He would read a passage dramatically in class when popcorn reading, sing a little too well in music class and the rest of the kids hush to the side, and run way too fast to the point other children can’t catch up.

Unfortunately, jealousy consumes others.

Because of Rynez being busy juggling school and his work, he didn't have time for friends. And because everyone in his schools knew him for being the “best of the best”, there are some jealous monsters in his private school lurking in the distance who think he is being a showoff. They took it out on him while he was just minding his own business. Since Rynez did not train his skills as a “hero” or “main character”, he couldn’t fight back to the ones that pushed him down. He resorted to hiding it all because he needs to keep his reputation up.

The boy became a teenager, therefore Rynez had more work he was made to do outside of school. He began to sing in various shows because of his extraordinary talent. With no one else to confide in, his hatred for the entertainment industry began to boil and then eventually spill out of the pot. He ran away from both his work and school various times, but the outside world is way too cruel on an angsty teenager that believed he could do everything on his own.

His parents believed that it was just a phase, and he would come back in a matter of time. But when they saw his grades drop and get stomped on and his entertainment skills rusting, that was when they needed to step in. They had to do some research on how to manage it, they cannot let their son stay like this.

“Rynez, what is going on with you?”

“The hell you mean what’s going on with me?”

“We’ve seen your report cards and even you not giving it your all during your work. What is happening?”

“…Nunya business.”

“We are here for you, Rynez, we are very worried about you. Is there someone hurting you at school or work? We have the power to do…pretty much anything.”

“…It’s…it’s nunya business…”

“So it is something from school or work. What is happening?”


His parents got the best of him and Rynez confessed the bullying and the overwhelming feelings he felt from being too busy. He gave into sobbing and hugging his parents…he hasn’t done that ever since he peed his pants during his first ever commercial.

After moving from a private school to a public school, Rynez forced himself to get the motivation to get to know his peers. Excitement got the best of his classmates, it is a once in a lifetime chance that a son of a popular couple is one of your classmates. Rynez was stunned at the amount of classmates that love him…but it gave him warm feelings that were not recognizable to him at the time.


“Oi, Rynez! It’s time for our next show, get up!” Rynez hears a familiar voice in the distance and he looks up to see the rest of the members of his idol group ROAR. With a smile, he gets up and walks alongside them.