Searching For Something

1 year, 3 months ago

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Rough tread carefully through the eerily quiet area. Soft noises from passing pokemon and his and his trainers footsteps being the only noises bouncing off the broken walls. Rough was very aware that his trainer was not happy to be back here. While Oasis hadn't spoken on the last time they were here Rough was sure it hadn't gone well. His trainer had come back with a faraway look in his eyes before leaving Oasis with them for the night. Flit had a quiet conversation with Oasis later that night; though Rough had not the slightest idea as to what it was about. He didn't want to push things though. They would open up when they were ready. It would take some longer than others though.

He glanced at his trainer, who was glancing around nervously. A frown set on his face. Speaking of his trainer, he'd certainly been getting better recently. Several of their newer teammates didn't have any issues with them. Heck even Sunny was starting to warm up to him. It made Rough happy really. He'd always believed in Derek. To see him improve and actually get the majority of the team to rally behind him? It was great. Things were perfect, there was still plenty of complaining, but things were certainly improving. Their little group had been growing at a steady rate, but thankfully each new pokemon had time to acclimate to the group. It still stunned him sometimes just how much their team had grown; both in numbers and in strength and experience.

His trainer led them around a puddle of... something. Some sort of mystery science liquid. Honestly the mightyena didn't want to know what it was. The duo shuffled past some broken glass as they moved deeper into the lab. Eventually the two stopped and his trainer looked down at him. "We're stopping here." His eyes darted around before he sighed and reached into the bag he'd brought with him. "Be on guard. There's all sorts of dangerous wild pokemon here." He grimaced. "And we're about to intentionally attract some to us."

Rough tilted his head in question. "Why?" He asked. Clearly his trainer didn't want to be here. That was clear to anyone with eyes. The odd roaming pokemon that called this place home also seemed to make his trainer uncomfortable. Needless to say Rough was confused about the whole situation and that was putting him on edge as well.

Derek shook his head as he pulled out the sealed honey. "There's something I need to do..." He trailed off. "And that unfortunately involves coming here." His frown deepened. "Probably." His trainer stared down at the jar tensely.

"Probably?" Rough asked, ears perking up at a nearby noise. The noise was gone as soon as it came. Probably just one of the wild pokemon that lived here.

"Based on what I've found at least." Derek grumbled. Rough really had no idea what his trainer was trying to find, but what he did know is that he'd do whatever he could to help. He gave his trainer a confident nod and started standing guard while his trainer opened the honey and placed it in a spot where they could watch it. "Alright. Now we wait." Derek said as he retreated from the open jar. "With how much it feels like we're being watched shouldn't be long til something takes the bait." He turned to look at Rough. "Be ready. There are some strong pokemon here." Rough woofed lowly to let his trainer know he was ready. Now all they had to do was wait.