
1 year, 6 months ago

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Cloak cringed as he stepped on some glass. Mostly from the noise it made, but also because it hurt his feet a bit. Ok, he had to be honest with himself. This place a was spooky. The abandoned lab had a certain eeriness to it that he hadn't really believed. It was kinda like when he'd gone to the sewers with his trainer, but a lot worse. The gravity of the situation he'd pit himself in was only just now starting to get to him. Maybe he should have headed the warnings of Oasis and Rough. They'd been here and said that it was dangerous. Yet here Cloak was, completely alone. All because he wanted to try and help his trainer out.

Everyone on the team had more or less picked up he was looking for something here. Flit seemed to be increasingly nervous about the whole thing, but would tell anyone why. She had talked to both Oasis and Rough briefly, but they refused to say what she talked to them about. Cloak shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be dwelling on these things. He was here to help his trainer and that was what he was going to do.

Cloak walked around, head whipping to the source of every little noise he heard. At least he knew he needed to be careful. He made sure to take deep breaths as he wandered silently through the broken down building. In this moment he was glad for his small size, it helped him hide better. He'd evolve eventually, but for now he was happy to still be a piplup.

As he heard something large coming he squeezed himself into a small space and held his breath. The footsteps paused in front of his hiding place. Cloak squeezed his eyes shut as he heard sniffing. Maybe if he stayed super still it would just leave him alone? He could hope. There was scratching at some of the boxes he had squeezed himself between. Ok so maybe hiding here where the only way out would be through whatever pokemon was looking for him had been a poor idea. This was fine. He could get out of this. Steeling his nerves he opened his eyes to peer at the looming shadow. Maybe he could use aqua jet for a quick escape? That was probably his best bet.

As he prepped to try just that he heard a roar that echoed throughout the abandoned lad. The soft prodding and sniffing went silent immediately. Then there was a clamor of something falling and smashing on the floor. Things became deathly silent for a moment before there was the sound of several sets of footsteps running away. Well, on one hand his escape route was now clear. On the other... whatever had made those other pokemon run was likely in the same room. He wasn't out of the woods yet.

Uneven footsteps approached at a relaxed pace. Something sharp, maybe, scraped against the floor. A pause and Cloak felt terror flood his system. He froze completely. He knew he shouldn't move. His eyes shut again; he didn't want to see it. A soft growl reached his ears. It must be looking around, right? Cloak didn't dare open his eyes to check if he was right. Finally after what felt like hours, it seemed to start to move on. Cloak didn't let out the breath that he was holding until the slow, deliberate pace of the pokemon faded into the distance.

Slowly he pulled himself out of the tight space, shaking. It was time to head home. If he was lucky no one would notice he had left...