Weekly Rep Quest

1 year, 3 months ago

Sometimes attending the daycare is very easy for Nova, until it comes to the abundance of eggs.. Usually they're kept in incubators but sometimes there's TOO many! So your eevee decides to help out!

Draw/Write your eevee taking care of an egg!

Rewards: 2k Poke, +1 Nova REP 250 POKE / 3 LVL REDEEMED https://toyhou.se/~comments/23243585

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Nova had called in Quartz to help her to take care of a couple of eggs at the Daycare in the morning. It was currently 3pm and after leaving Rev at a friend's birthday party, the albino eevee had gone straight to the Daycare. As soon as she stepped in the building, she realised how terribly needed she was. Nova was running from one side of the room to the other, making sure the eggs were staying warm and saving a couple from falling and cracking. Quartz approched.

- Hi Nova! I came as soon as I was available. How can I help?

Nova sighted in relief. Seeing a friendly face among all those eggs was a true pleasure.

- Quartz! I'm so glad you're here! Could you maybe take care of that egg on your left? It needs to stay under the red lamp, but everytime I turn around it has rolled somewhere else.

- I'm on it!

The egg was, as Nova had said it, rolling off the cushion it was on and onto the cold ground. Quartz held it carefully and put it back on the reddish cushion, under the warm and red light. She laid down next to it, protecting it from rolling away with her paws and tail.

- This is for the best, little round friend. You have to stay there, alright?

Weirdly enough, the egg seemed to understand what the pastel pink eevee had said and moved a little bit as to nod. Chuckling, Quartz carefully put her head on the egg in a protective manner.