cat neighborhood lore

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
1 1050

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

just a groupping of purely their lore/written story

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When angel was a young kitten, a kid

To start it off, Angel is a very carefree and clumsy type of kitten. She often played in the puddles beside the sidewalk. She got wet often.

Some day she came to accountered a shy and anxious seaming, small furball. He didn't speak nor squeek. Angel aproched him curious of all this, she never saw a kitten ? that was such a quiet one. She circled him a few times till she heard a peep.

A potential friend she thought, so she invited him to the puddle. Astyx being shy approached slowly but then Angel feel flat onto the sidewalk. Astyx made the loudest noise that he did in the last 5 minutes, he was laughing. Angel smilled back in a appealing way. Astyx watched her as she played in the water. They did more meetups as the years passed.

Being a parent

what happenned to her kits

over time Angel got a few kits. She loves all her kits very much and wouldn't know what to do without them. The kids are very loved by their dear mother but they seam to lack a father. weirdly Astyx was distant from the familly? Could he not like children mayhaps? Weird it seamed out of character, yes Astyx was always a bit distant but he seams more distant from the kits then her, maybe something is on his mind? its off.

Astyx still remained around, he did all the needs that Angel asked or needed for the kits, but he still wasn't really around much. Maybe angel is just anxious. A day came where, all the kits but violet seamed to be gone. Angel always having the kits in her sight got shocked and anxious. She ran and sprinted around looking for the kits dragging violet around with her, but they were nowhere to be found.

Astyx from around the corner was to be seen! Angel ran towards in gasping for air asked him if he saw their kits, Astyx said yes he knew exactly where they were. He mentioned he let them play in a safe corner. Angel shocked and confused asked if she could go see them to make sure they're safe. Astyx being a first time dad didn't knew that leaving kits alone is a unsafe thing to do.

By the time they arrived kiki seams to be gone. Kiki was this time the only one that's nowhere to be seen. Angel stressing out on the safety of her lost kitten, putted violet down, and asked the twins where did kiki go? The twins explained that kiki seamed frustrated and left on her own will. The family went to go look for kiki everywhere, she was nowhere to be found. Astyx expression went from his distanced resting face to a more wrinkled and stressed one.

along the way violet seamed to get lost aswell while the familly was searching for kitty. My god! Astyx where were u going with this?! but in the distance, we just see violet playing and surrounded by humans. She seamed happy and safe, angel took a deep breath, and did direct eye contact with her daughter and said "i love u dear never forget that" and that's the last we've seen from Violet, since she was remained indoors for her own safety by this family of humans.

In the end, Astyx and angel went to their usual spot, to their home with the twins.

Their relationship

the aftermath of the situation

So, 1 kid is missing, 1 kit has ben lost (adopted). Angel is freaking out and started to cry. Astyx seaming to feel really bad decided to comfort her. Angel sadly pushed him back not listening to a word he said. Angel being completely on edge decided that the best choice for the moment is for her to take space. she took the twins with her and tried to find a new safe spot. Astyx being frustrated on her lack of patience decided to shout ___ (in Astyx story).

a lot of time as past between the 2 saw each other, Angel seamed more tired and drained as the days went on. It's ben a month or two? this is the longest that the lovebirds have ben apart, they've maybe ben apart for the longest a day? since they were mates. Angel started to miss Astyx, but still couldn't understand why he did what he did. it was off...

time passed a bit more, suns rised and moons rested.

Angel decided she got fid up of her own attitude towards the situation, the kits are old enough to stay on their own for a bit. She told them the rules and what to do incase something happens. She went to go to their old home, hopping for some odd feeling that he would still be there. she walked slowly self reflecting hard on herself and reliving the situation on her way there.

She saw a very handsome black cat, laying down. He has a silly grey marking on his eye and tail and a bit on his ear. Surprise! It's Astyx shockingly. Angel stood nearby him, wondering what to do in this situation, in waiting of him to awake. After a while Astyx awoke a bit grumpy looking and then shocked and then smilling. Which is rare? She honestly expected more of a negative reaction from him weirdly enough. Astyx hugged her. He Explained the story and why he did what he did (in Astyx's story). Angel saw that he was trying his best, she didn't know nor payed any effort onto him. They both made up and understood each other. Angel feeling really bad started to cry uncontrollably, nothing unusual, but this time she really was crying. Astyx held her till she was done.

After a couple of hours, maybe 1 or 2. Angel went to go see the kits again. The kits ran up to her hugging and grooming each other. Astyx came in a shy manner around the corner and saluted his kits nervously. The kits without second tought rand up to him and did the same as they did to their mother. Astyx laughed!

Angel came over a little closer to him while all this chaos was going on, and gave him a lovely boop kiss <3!