I am always with you

1 year, 3 months ago
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Ever since you were born, I have been watching over you. Since your first step in this world, I have accompanied you everywhere. Sometimes you ignore me on your way, you didn't notice me. And sometimes you looked me straight in the eye, without fear, without dread, but only with courage and determination. For so many years, I have accompanied you on your seemingly endless journey, which we call life. Hurt and crying, happy and cheerful, sad and depressed or confused and thoughtful. I know all these sides of you inside out. All your thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams are not unknown to me. In the times when you were friendless and at the lowest point of yourself, I was always close to you, never left your side. But in your happiest times, when you found love again and met your best friends, I was far away and watched you patiently. Sometimes I could not recognize you, you were so far away from me. But all of a sudden, all this was over. Lying in hospital with no way out in sight, you clung to the promises of the doctors and to your hopes. You were fighting a battle against yourself and could already smell victory, but it was too late. You had lost it, despite your best efforts. Your parents, friends and love were all with you, cheering you on that you could still win. With tears in their eyes they called for you, but for the first time in your life you looked at me.  Only me, despite the people closest to you by your side. They cried, reached for you and would not let you go, but you got up. They held out their hands to you, but you reached for my hand. Your path was gone, your journey complete and your time was up, and you knew it. With tears in your eyes, you look at me and look forward into a world unknown, to you. For the first time, I walked with you and you with me. You saw me and vanished with a smile on your lips. Sometimes, I still miss you on my way, as you were my favorite. But now everything starts again from the very beginning. Ever since he was born, I have watched over him. Since his first step in this world, I have accompanied him everywhere. For this is my eternal task.