Athalayrah Works on the Warren

5 years, 3 months ago

Athalayrah works on expanding the warren of Griffinwick Down by digging some more tunnels.

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Athalayrah entered the warren, it was small as she was currently the only rabbit in her warren, but she knew that if she was to expand it to accommodate more rabbits, her warren would surely grow to be more than just her. So she set to work digging at the wall of one of the rooms, her intent being to create a new tunnel that would connect the room to a whole new room and if she still had energy left over from digging the tunnel and room, she’d get to work on another tunnel and room. She dug furiously at the wall of the warren, driven by her passion to see her warren become successful. Once she’d dug down far enough and had amassed a fair amount of dirt, she began to push that dirt out of her way and outside of the warren, then quickly returned to work digging some more. Occasionally, instead of bringing the extra dirt outside, Athalayrah would use the dirt to instead reinforce certain areas of the warren before moving whatever was leftover after that outside.

It was long, tedious work, but it had to be done as there was no one else but her to do the work and she was determined to see it through. Despite this, she still wished that there were at least one or even two more rabbits to help her out to make the work go by faster. Unfortunately, she was alone. Alone because she had been unable to help any of her friends within her birth warren to escape, mostly because many of them had spirits so broken that they had no desire to leave for fear of the retribution the owsla would reign down upon them should they do anything wrong. The painful memories welled up as she began to dig even more furiously, she plowed through and was surprised when she suddenly found herself tumbling into an open space. She blinked in confusion as she picked herself up and looked about.

Apparently, her tunnel had placed her underneath a nearby tree and a small cavern had been formed there already. It didn’t smell like any elil den, nor like an abandoned temporary rabbit warren. Seeing it as a sign that things were going her way, Athalayrah began to dig at one of the walls of the vast room where there were fewer roots to mess with and began working on creating yet another tunnel, this one leading to the outside as she wanted to create an extra escape route. It didn’t take her too long to create the escape hole and push all the dirt outside, so she went back inside and went to work on digging another tunnel and hopefully be able to dig her own room too. As nice as it was to stumble upon a nature-made one, she wanted to work on building another before the day was out. She made the next tunnel a shorter one than the first one she had dug, then began work on the next room. It was admittedly smaller than the one that she had happened to stumble upon, but it was also quite spacious.

After having completed so much, she decided to go through and make sure she cleared out all of the extra dirt and rocks from out of the warren that were only taking up space as she wanted to make sure that whenever she recruited new members to her warren that they would be both impressed as well as feel comfortable within the warren.